A Nearly 2h Demo Skill3
#309 posted by
spy on 2018/05/12 15:32:33
#310 posted by yhe1 on 2019/03/09 21:24:46
Does killing the 8 green spawns in Sepulcher do anything?
#313 posted by
arkngt on 2019/04/24 23:41:41
Such an amazing map. It feels like the pinnacle of QSP-mapping somehow. An embarrassment of riches. Currently on my third play through. The first time I had only killed about half of the enemies at the end. The second time I really tried to find all nooks and crannies, but still missed a lot of secrets and secret areas. Now I'm playing it guided by quadro dcc's excellent (almost) All Secrets Playthrough, which is recommended for those hunting down secrets they might have missed. Anyway, loads of thanks for this unbelievable masterpiece!

Scampie Tales?
#314 posted by
arkngt on 2019/05/03 19:55:19
So I got all 50 secrets now, but I'm still missing one of the books. The guide in the readme says:
13. Water Cave, inside demon alcove. "Scampie Tales"
No idea where that is supposed to be? Of course, the readme is for this "stand alone" map release and I'm playing the version that comes with AD, so some stuff has been changed since then. Anyone who knows where "Scampie Tales" is. The annoying thing is that I think I've found it during earlier playthroghs.
#315 posted by
arkngt on 2019/05/04 02:13:04
Found it! It was behind a breakable wall. So all secrets and books now. I must have spent more time playing this single map than I have on quite a few games.

Secrets > More
#316 posted by
arkngt on 2019/05/07 00:47:34
So I've put together a simple page with all secrets and all books etc. It's still ”beta” I'd guess as I'd like to change name on a couple of areas, some secrets are confusing visavi the readme, so I'd like to finalise the numbering - plus the screens are so small that they are pretty much useless.
#319 posted by
arkngt on 2019/05/13 21:57:05
For what it's worth, I've finished the Secrets > More guide. I decided to keep the area names just as in the readme to avoid confusion. The same with the numbering. where I've noted the discrepancies. I've also added hyperlinks to full sized images.

but nice work... time to break out this map again.
#321 posted by
arkngt on 2019/05/16 15:31:59
Thanks! Yes, but I thought spoilers was a given in a secrets guide so no need to warn about it?
My obsession with FS has also made me revisit other maps by Sock and I really like the relative non-linearity and clever combat in them (Gendel's Blade and Nyarlathoteps Castle, for example). Brilliant maps.

I was just being silly there. Go play "Horde of Zendar" for a treat!
#325 posted by
arkngt on 2019/05/23 14:14:43
Haha, alright, I thought it was some kind of Func_Msgboard unwritten spoilers rule I had broken.

Beta Version
#327 posted by
yhe1 on 2019/07/10 04:30:50
The beta version is here, since it is not on quaddicted. Fully playable

#327 Huh?
What is this? Never heard of a fan patch for AD.

Becareful: W/Beta Version Download
That was before Sepulcher "official" was released and ad_chapters had an unused entrance to it.
So this is the "Beta" Sepulcher(named ad_e1m3) WITH a modified ad_chapters that makes the entrance usable.
However, this will of course mess up your current version of Arcane Dimensions if you overwrite the ad_chapters.bsp.
Jus' so you know ;)

Sorry About That
#330 posted by
yhe1 on 2019/07/11 09:52:14
This new link only has ad_e1m3:
It should be on quaddicted, since the map is complete and it is very different from the final version.

Awesome Piece Of Work
#333 posted by
Tyrann on 2019/08/21 01:07:28
Super impressive map, loved the level of detail and generous use of breakables for secrets and surprises. The whole AD mod is just fantastic work and makes the old game feel a lot more modern while still being Quake. Well done Sock and team!