Sonic Mayhem On The Quake Grave
I can report that I didn't have any missing textures myself and the unit played just fine in KMQuake 2.
So with this unit you can tell it's put together with a ton of love and care and there are some really cool parts in it that are worth seeing! There's an interesting ending here too if you can get to it. It definitely goes places!
It's biggest detriment is that at times (you'll see in the video) I get lost with no idea where to go. The first time I got lost, I managed to find the switch under the elevator after a while, but the 2nd time after I find the yellow keycard, I couldn't find where to go and got pretty frustrated after looking for over a half hour.
From my experience in the main game, it was some times confusing enough going from map to map within one unit, so hiding switches and keycard objects like this just seems like an odd choice. Maybe it was the engine at fault? I can't be sure.
There were also a few annoying parts where you would be cornered by enemies (some times after activating a switch or grabbing a hidden item) without being able to move and deal with the situation properly. You're more than likely going to just deal with being punished and pummeled for finding an item, which I also thought was weird.
Honestly the getting lost part kind of ruined the experience for me as it just lengthened the level to way longer than it really needed to be and after the yellow key part I really just kind of wanted it to be done. It's unfortunate because there is a lot to like here and there is some really great content here! But getting lost overshadowed all of it for me.
I look forward to see ing what you do next Quakulf/ColonThree because certain parts of this were really cool!