#51 posted by
Spud on 2018/09/10 03:50:50
```In truth though, the Quake engine isn't actually as much of a limitation as many people think it is for creating a Doom-style level or gameplay.```
There's no limitation of sorts there; instead, it's the opposite: a Doom-style level in the Quake engine is wasting the engine's potential. There's a reason one of id's rules when making Quake's maps was basically "if you can make the same map in Doom, scratch it and start over."

Double Posting Knobgobbler
#52 posted by
Spud on 2018/09/10 03:51:53
Pretend that post had quotes instead of that retarded triple-quote that Discord has trained me to do.
#53 posted by
8657 on 2018/09/10 04:43:30
Actually, I meant that one could use almost all (maybe all?) of Doom's mechanics in the Quake engine.

#54 posted by anonymous user on 2018/09/10 16:03:08

Well There Is Always GZDoom
AKA, I wanna be like Quake soooooo bad so I completely ripped off quakes console and added features like 3d model support and 3d floors, and oh yeah real-time dynamic point lights and spotlights and software AO (but not baked AO/dirtmaps obviously because we don't want no potato scrubs having actual good lighting), and build engine portals, and mirrors, and wall/floor reflectiveness, and OH YEAH, 4k truecolor texture support with PBR materials like specular and bumpmaps because obviously that's what you want in a game over 25 years old clearly. And the physics are different so good fucking luck playing your old demos back with it ;) ;)

What's All This Then...
#56 posted by
Redfield on 2018/09/13 10:14:14
Wait so Doom actually has bump mapping now?
That's just ridiculous.
I think I've seen a few maps using the portals and they actually look really cool, from a level design perspective I guess.

John Romero, Doom1, 2016 + 2019 Maps
#58 posted by
Jaromir83 on 2019/09/17 10:15:14
how'd you rank the new John Romero's Doom1 levels from the best downwards? me: E5M6 E5M8 E1M8b E5M3 E5M2 E5M1 E5M7 E5M4 E5M5 E5M9 E1M4b