#1 posted by
Esrael on 2018/08/24 09:12:43
You know, the first map I made was quite old-school enough that it has all three game modes, and I'm happy about that.
But then, for my WIP episode, I decided to go all experimental: choosing exclusive/branching/partially intertwined paths, which makes coop difficult to implement. I kind of hated making the sacrifice and making the maps SP/DM only, because I think like you: I want my coop! (Even if I have no-one to play with.)
Now that I think about it, I guess, if I went the extra mile, I could implement some sort of forced teleportations to ensure that all players are on the same path, or something. Maybe I'll try to patch the maps for the full episode to make the path gameplay work for coop.

Or To Be More Accurate
#2 posted by
Esrael on 2018/08/24 09:21:51
which makes coop difficult to implement.
Well, maybe not necessary difficult to implement, but I guess more of a hassle. Even if in an ideal world I want all maps to be coop, I guess since I don't have close friends to coop with, I couldn't be bothered to go through the effort of doing it.
But for some reason I did go the extra mile to implement dm (while still having no friends to play with). Hmm, I wonder why I did that. Maybe I just thought in my close-minded head, that I simply just can't implement coop in a branching path map, or something.
Sorry, kind of rambling writing here.

#3 posted by
Spud on 2018/08/24 09:57:38
"i am drunk and upset more people aren't using mark v"

This Thread Will Be Closed At Some Point.
#4 posted by
Shambler on 2018/08/24 11:28:57
But it's getting left up for now because it's a fantastic insight into Baker's mindstate. Feel free to discuss for a while - if you can work out what on Earth to discuss......
#5 posted by R00K on 2018/08/24 12:08:39
1.> mix your beer with tomato juice and you wont have a headache in the morning.
2.> All maps are fun to play in any mode, with the right weapon balance.
3.> Coop kinda sucks, if you are playing stock quake AI.
4.> I have no idea what im talking about it's 5am...