Stay Away From Flat Layouts
#1 posted by
Greenwood on 2021/07/26 00:51:28
Stick to varying the elevation & environment like you did with "flatmap" (which is ironically not flat) and "manydoors." The "claustrophobica" got really repetitive and wasn't anywhere as fun or visually interesting as the other two, since it was flat, maze-like, and uniformly textured.
I think now that you are getting proficient at churning out 2-5 minute speedmaps, you should consider making one solid 10-15 minute map with a little more polish. Anyway, keep experimenting and having fun! :)

Another Tip...
#2 posted by
Greenwood on 2021/07/26 02:03:59
I would upload screenshots to Imugr, so people can have quick access to them via a link, instead of going them individually via Quaketastic.

Thanks For The Response!
#3 posted by
Ondrejoda on 2021/07/26 15:09:40
Also, the reason why the third map is called "flatmap" is because there are no overlapping rooms, which basically makes it a "flat" Doom level. Anyways, I'll have a crack at making a bigger map very soon!