#1 posted by
metlslime on 2022/01/14 21:46:39
this contains just a bsp file. I haven't tried it yet, but seems like we aren't going to get the new music or "new graphical interface" from just a bsp file.

Complete Version
#2 posted by
bpulido21 on 2022/01/14 22:28:28
In the complete version , will have music and much more.

I Assume
Yamagi should also be ok as a port? It's quite vanilla-like after all.

Reposting From A News Submision:
#5 posted by
metlslime on 2022/01/15 23:56:57
Quake 4 In Quake 2 Dispersal Facilities Mission 15
Posted by bpulido21 on 2022/01/15 21:57:43
Dispersal facilities mission 15, quake 4 in quake 2 demo map.
Download map here:
Here is another of the best maps I have made from Quake 4 in Quake 2,
so that you can enjoy a little of the work I have done and give me your opinion.
Install instructions:
Extract the
.bsp file to you baseq2/maps directory and load the map by console
Write 'map dispersal' and enjoy!
KMQUAKE2 OR QUAKE 2 3.24 is Recommended
Remember you can request the first unit on my web:

#6 posted by
metlslime on 2022/01/16 00:03:55
If you release more parts of this mod, you can just post the new info in the existing thread.

From A Rejected News Post
#7 posted by
metlslime on 2022/01/17 18:12:15
Quake 4 In Quake 2 Mission 27 Processing Security Tower Test Gameplay
Posted by bpulido21 on 2022/01/17 14:30:55
A test gameplay of the mission 27 Processing security tower, Quake 4 in Quake 2 gamepack, give me your opinion.

Doesn't Look Like A Bad Mod.
However, for something with "Quake 4" in its title, I'm afraid I don't see much resemblance to Q4, visually or gameplay-wise, besides the use of Strogg. The similarity to Q4 seems too subtle. And I take it there are no Harvesters, Hovertanks, driveable Combat Walkers, failed Strogg rejects, coffins with teleporting Iron Maidens in them, etc?
For the Tactical Strogg, I suppose you could use Quake 2's "cyborg" player models, since the Tacticals were supposed to be Stroggified marines.
But I would think that this mod should at least have SOME of the elements of Q4 which weren't in Q2, so that it will seem more like "Quake 4 in Quake 2." Just my two cents.

From The Quake Software License Agreement
4. Use of Other Material is Prohibited. Use, in any manner, of the trademarks, such as Quake(tm) and the NIN(r) logo, logos, symbols, art work, images, screen displays or screenshots, sound effects, music, and other such material contained within, generated by or relating to the Software is prohibited.
Yeah, pretty sure it's illegal to be selling this with ID's artwork and assets all over it.