Oh Yeah
#1 posted by Harb on 2003/08/23 11:28:44
Use the darkplaces engine for mine or the physics won't work right.

#2 posted by Toddd on 2003/08/24 18:22:21
May those maps be used in a standalone (http://openquartz.sourceforge.net/) ? Are the .map files still there?
#3 posted by Scampie on 2003/08/24 22:02:02
I don't see why they couldn't be played in standalone engines... but they all use standard Quake entities and many id textures so you'd still need Quake to accually play them. The .map source files are not there and they'll never be included in any speedmapping packs.

Re: Standalone
#4 posted by Toddd on 2003/08/25 07:44:13
What I meant is:
May those maps be used as part of a standalone, sorry.

#5 posted by Scampie on 2003/08/25 19:08:28
why the hell would you want crappy speedmaps? these maps were made in 100 mins just for fun.
If you're asking for permission, you'll need to contact the author's themsealves. I'm going to say no for my map because I can't see the point of distributing something that only took me a little while to do and could be easily duplicated by anyone who was really serious about making some silly Quake spinoff.