#30 posted by nitin on 2003/09/04 22:15:04
I played on normal like I usually do, so maybe like speedy said, it wasnt that bad on normal but was quite tough on hard.
RPG, I thought the end arena fit in reasonably well with the theme.
#31 posted by Shambler on 2003/09/05 04:40:56
...interesting, pretty similar to how I was playing except you actually made it. I was generally more cautious, you got lucky with some infighting and particularly at the end. It does show that the secrets are very important indeed in this map (I did myself quite a disservice cheating to find them in an early beta).
#32 posted by Vondur on 2003/09/05 05:29:21
u lost yer skillz
i played teh map w/o secrets and it was smooth
 Nice Map RPG
#33 posted by glassman on 2003/09/05 17:33:44
I enjoyed it, very solid looking & nice curvy brushwork. I thought hard skill was okay upto the final arena & then it got tough although on a second run through there were tactics you could use that made it easier. Perhaps it lacked a little in the originality department both texture & gameplay-wise.
Overall very good :)
#34 posted by MisYu on 2003/09/07 07:38:39
Another reason not to finish my crappy MisSP1 ;P
#35 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/09/07 13:29:41
You MUST finish MisSP1 or I won't release anymore maps! Ever!
p.s. scampie, this threat obviously isn't directed at you.
 Played On Hard
#36 posted by Scragbait on 2003/09/07 23:07:03
I just finished the map on hard with the benefit of one secret (this secret would be the first found if you knew where all where.) I found this to be a really well constructed and nicely laid out map. The lighting added to the mood and the ambient sounds added to the sombre mood. The details such as terminals, crate lifts, piping, trim etc. was cool.
After reading some comments, I feared that it may be too hard for me. But, I took a chance and played through on skill 2 (without trying 0 or 1 first)and I didn't start dying until things got busy in the final room. It took several tries but I finished and I found this to be quite a fun map gameplay wise. The multi-layered slaughter fest climax has been used by other SPQ1 mappers and this map was in the same vane.
After getting all kills - I went back (had to noclip up the hole to the last room - sorry ;)) to look for the other 3 secrets. I found them all without cheating. Very nice map for secret hunters.
Overall this is a very well made and fun base map. The best way to survive is to keep moving, use cover and fight hard. Keep the high ground if you can. If you die - just try again. Thanks RPG!
 Machine Speed
#37 posted by Scragbait on 2003/09/07 23:16:00
Don't know if this is a relevant point or not, but if your're playing Q1 on a super pimped machine, could gameplay become almost impossably hard? I played Could on a 1.2GHz P4 with an older 64Mb Radeon and it was nice. If I play Unreal 1 Botmatch, I'm licked up and humiliated.
...Just a thought.
 What Do You Mean?
#38 posted by Abyss on 2003/09/08 03:08:41
Gameplay becoming impossibly hard because of a Fast machine?
#39 posted by nb on 2003/09/08 08:16:06
The GL I stumbled into, the YA was pretty obvious, the starting one took a bit of looking around, but I had to resort to a secret detector (!) to find the MH.
but if your're playing Q1 on a super pimped machine, could gameplay become almost impossably hard?
No. All AI happens at 10fps, and doesn't take advantage of more time to think (not that it has much to think about).
#40 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/09/08 10:19:18
Thanks for that mini-review!
Thanks to everyone else for their comments as well.
is posted.
nice stuff RPG, but i expected that from you :)
very close to giving this 18/20 :P
is posted.
nice stuff RPG, but i expected that from you :)
very close to giving this 18/20 :P
#43 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/09/08 18:03:00
Drat. I was hoping for that 18/20.
Thanks for the review. I'll link your site on my page under the "maps reviewed at" section.
One small error: The full title is "And All That Could Have Been". You left off the "And".
#44 posted by distrans on 2003/09/09 02:24:58
Atheistically very pleasing...
Fr3n would not like this map...
#45 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/09/09 09:33:42
#46 posted by Morfans on 2003/09/09 09:34:49
I've searched everywhere on the map and I still can't find a hidden giant cock and balls.
Other than that I really enjoyed it. Nice work. :-)
 Not Disappointed
#47 posted by aguirRe on 2003/09/09 13:41:26
I was ... and no secrets I found either ...
Most enjoyable on Medium skill, good work RPG!
#48 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/09/09 16:00:31
...You all need to go vote for this map on Underworldfan's top Q1SP maps! http://www.planetquake.com/underworld/qclassics.html
 Lol RPG
shameless self promotion, you?
#50 posted by MisYu on 2003/09/10 15:41:39
...is mine!
Summa summarum, [asslicking]it's good to see good maps from good mappers :)[/asslicking]
 J00 Teh Rw4k
#51 posted by xen on 2003/09/12 07:26:06
Nice map RPG, awesome attention to detail & architecture, and creating a good layout around in too... stuff like that takes dedication to do well, respect :-)
Gameplay was kinda easy on normal skill I thought, never went below 80 health - mind you i was playing cautious.
Keep this standard up and you'll be rising to becoming one of my fave map authors, eager to see more stuff soon :-)
#52 posted by . on 2005/08/14 18:50:07
How long did this take to compile?
I've been playing older maps again and this is one of them.
I think I'm going to start over on my episode.
 My Map Is Old :(
#53 posted by R.P.G. on 2005/08/15 09:46:39
I have no idea how long it took to compile. I compiled it on a 1.1ghz Athlon, and I'm guessing it took about 30 minutes--1 for QBSP, 25 for VIS, and 4 for TyrLite. That's how long most of my maps seem to take.
#54 posted by . on 2005/08/15 15:10:14
It took like an 1:40 (hour and 40 min) for one of my maps to compile (2 Ghz Celeron, 512 RAM) and it doesn't compare in scale (or anything) to this! You seem to know how to build efficiently yet very nicely.