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Speedmapping Pack 54
Roll up! Roll up! Come and see the amazing pack the people are callin' sm54! It's the Quake equivalent of a train wreck.... and then a plane crashes into it. On the upside, two maps have teabag somewhere in the title. There were 6 authors: CZG, Grahf, Inertia, Moz, Necros and myself. Thanks to scampie for uploading it.

Get the pack here: (1,145 KB)
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Yeah, So My Map Didn't Get Finished. 
blame it on HW2.

also, i think czg and grahf's maps could have been cool if we had a server to play them on... 
horrible train wreck! obviously this is becuase I didn't map.

czg's map is awesome and deserves much better than this pack. Grahf's was also excellant. 
What are these maps for? Q1 Q2 Q3? Please be a little more descriptive before we download. Thanks LOL 
Q1 (see post icon)
Don't Fool The Man Starbuck! 
everyone knows Func_Msgboard is a Max Pain mapping site only 
Oh God 
the flashbacks...
i think you just undid 3 months of therapy 
Inertia's had potential. Too bad the myriad of bugs prevents it from actually functioning.

Starbuck's started cool, but that's about all there was.

necros's was interesting, but also was a little short.

Moz's... wasn't even VISed.

Grahf's had a small but interesting layout. I would've liked to see more details, though.

czg's was obviously the best of the pack. 
scampies was the best... 
they are for the original quake. 
Are these SP or MP maps? 
What bugs? It was small but the wind got you where you needed to go! :D thx 
SP And DM Maps 
They make both types. I love these guys for keepin Quake alive. It's more un than a barrel of shamblers! 
I went ahead and downloaded it anyway, heck its not like trying to download a q3 map pak...holy crap! 
Lots Of New Names Appearing In This Thread 
which is cool and all. :) 
It was small but the wind got you where you needed to go!

Err, no it didn't. Thus, bugs. 
An Ill Wind Blows 
The problem with the wind pushes is that they require you to go faster than the default maximum velocity in quake, which is 2000. Maybe some custom engines have it set higher by default or something, but the map seemed to work if you set it to 3000 or higher. Whether requiring a cvar to be changed for a map to work counts as a bug or not, I'll leave open to discussion... 
I use fuhquake. When I turn on the speedometer, I see that a trig push set at speed = 250 will accelerate the player to 2500u/s. Guess what, I set a push trigger to 250! So if you're using an outdated lol engine, I suggest you switch =D 
I use fuhquake. When I turn on the speedometer, I see that a trig push set at speed = 250 will accelerate the player to 2500u/s. Guess what, I set a push trigger to 250! So if you're using an outdated lol engine, I suggest you switch =D 
An Outdated Engine..., errrr, ummm, "Quake"??

Inertia, you're a toolhole.

Although I thought it was a trick speed map thingy as you can get to the top with a rocket boost... 
And Whaddya Know... 
Did a quick google search for 'fuhquake' and found this:

Good god, that thing isn't an engine, it's a fucking abomination against mankind! Looks like a cross between a psychedelic mushroom trip and someone vomiting all over the screen. I'll stick with my 'outdated' GQ1.06 thanks. I'm sure I won't lose any sleep over not being able to complete one crappy monster-less speedmap :-p 
Fuck Fuhquake 
I agree. It's a damn shame. It kind of reminds me of the Sega Saturn port of Quake. The numbers are HUGE. I use Telejano, which adds nice looking effects to the lasers and lightning without turning Quake into a saturday morning cartoon. 
Could It Be.... 
that QW has different physics behavior than netquake? You think? Maybe?

Are you even really inertia? Sounds like someone is parodying the real inertia's fuhquake obsession. 
metl: haha

Yes, quakeworld physics are not netquake physics; and fuh is quakeworld (...not netquake). The reason I started using fuhquake was so I could have a better experience playing quakeworld online, so at that time I discovered that fuhquake is a great engine to play single player quake, too. Now, with netquake NOT supporting bunnyhopping, and quakeworld supporting it, it makes sense that fuh (which is quakeworld) has a higher speed cap than the netquake engines, because with bunnyhopping the player can move quite fast. I still think that fuhquake is the most comprehensive engine out there (and by comprehensive, I mean that in a very good way, not "comprehensive" where the engine does EVERYTHING really badly). And, I didn't actually know about the speed cap before Preach (Preacher??) mentioned the issue. Now I do :D

...but I'll still be using fuh, because I prefer quakeworld over netquake, and fuhquake is the cream of the crop of quakeworld engines.


(yes, its really me) 
Oh And can turn all that foolish bubbly graphics effects off. Some of it looks really nice though! 
dont use QW engines (zquake, fuh) for single player or test your sp maps in them. QW is far from being compatible with single player and net (normal) quake

I recall one chap was complaining on a bunch of sp maps that they all had bugs and were unplayable .. then he said he used fuhquake.
In normal quake all those maps were fine. 
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