#24333 posted by
digs on 2014/05/01 03:31:55
Any: Bengt Jardrup's winquake, RMQEngine, Fitzquake
#24334 posted by Spike on 2014/05/01 03:38:40
As far as I'm aware, FTEQW and DP are the only two engines that don't really care if it was precached first or not, so try one of those.

#24335 posted by
digs on 2014/05/01 03:56:07
yes, with DP not problem. But exists other problem: my son have netbook without 3D-card and I can't running DP in this computer. Only Bengt Jardrup's winquake
#24336 posted by
metlslime on 2014/05/01 06:46:29
the quakec should be precaching everything for you. If it doesn't, it seems like it must be a bug in the mod itself, not the engine or the map.
#24338 posted by
Joel B on 2014/05/01 21:57:35
Unfortunately if you use the font its alien geometries will drive you mad. :-(

Software Quake
#24342 posted by
quaketree on 2014/05/02 03:55:29
Has always been a hit or miss kind of thing on modern hardware and OS's.
I'm glad that it worked for you.

#24343 posted by
ijed on 2014/05/03 01:20:01
Is the initial bsp process supposed to go to 212%?
#24344 posted by
erc on 2014/05/03 16:28:12
I've been active again on Steam since last month. Now I need a func_group invite - I'll be glad if one you guys help me out. Also, feel free to add.

Hey Mods
#24345 posted by
Preach on 2014/05/04 11:14:41
Obviously that "news" post I just submitted was meant to be a preview while I type the actual content, please ignore it until the proper one comes out! Sorry!

Hey Scampie
#24348 posted by
Preach on 2014/05/09 23:18:26
I'm starting the hype on your new website early!

#24349 posted by
- on 2014/05/10 02:56:22
how do people already know I have a site that is half-ass set up?
#24350 posted by
Spirit on 2014/05/10 03:33:46
http://penisland.net has been around forever, so this is about a relaunch or wat?

Referrer Logs
#24351 posted by
Preach on 2014/05/10 10:27:34
I got a referral to the Quoth site from it, guess you were testing the links...

Purty UE4 DX:HR Inspired Scene
#24352 posted by
Spiney on 2014/05/10 12:28:26
Wear sunglasses!
Seems like the 5 yearly or so cycle in which we gaze our virgin eyeballs on new render tech. Though I think this might be the last paradigm shift in rasterization before real time raytracing will become dominant for photorealistic rendering.
I certainly think we've been in diminishing returns territory for the last couple of years. Hopefully in 10 years or so everyone will see artistic/stylistic divisions in what used to be technical ones. So average people can judge visuals of a game like Quake on it's artistic merit rather than simply viewing it as old fashioned or dated.
Bla bla
#24353 posted by
- on 2014/05/10 14:56:45
Got an archive of my maps up on my new site! Hurray!
#24354 posted by
Spiney on 2014/05/10 15:22:06
Clockwork droid looks awesome, I'm a sucker for that color palette.
#24355 posted by
JneeraZ on 2014/05/10 19:02:32
And if you have Unreal Engine 4, we released that scene in the marketplace. Download for free and play around with it!
#24356 posted by
JneeraZ on 2014/05/10 19:04:00
As far as rendering goes, I think the most exciting advances this generation are just in the automation of a lot of things. Want reflections? They're free - they just happen. It's not something you have to set up render targets into cube maps and project and blah-blah. They're just there if you have a shiny material.
Stuff like that makes it easier to get great results with less effort.

It�s A Sad Day..
#24357 posted by mfx logged out on 2014/05/13 12:01:01