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Video Game Soundtracks
-What do you wish to hear in a soundtrack?
-What makes a soundtrack worth listening to?
-Your favorite game soundtracks?

I'm listening to Q1 soundtrack. I've always liked it, love the atmosphere.. it's very inspiring musically. Any others I should check out?
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Apparently there's a soundtrack CD available. Haven't managed to find it for download, though. 
Is somewhere Enclave soundtrack, available to DL/buy/order/whatever ? 
back in the day there was talk around the office about releasing a soundtrack. don't know if anything has happened on that front since I left sbz, but who knows? There's talk on teamxbox about a xmas present, but that's turned into a new years present, could be the soundtrack. 
...had really cool tunes to match this great game. Even sounded good on crappy soundcards.

Blood (the first game) had good music in it. 
Thank you!

I would certainly buy Enclave soundtrack, because it's the best game soundtrack I've ever listened to so far. It would be a shame to rip it off instead of buying a silver cd of it =(

There's a thing which amazes me. If they don't want to release it as standalone CD, why won't they release it as downloadable MP3? It costs them nothing then, either cash or time.

Scragbait--> I suppose that all of Blood tracks are available in MP3 format in Transfusion Quake conversion. 
...and forgive me my bloody english =) 
"There's a thing which amazes me. If they don't want to release it as standalone CD, why won't they release it as downloadable MP3? It costs them nothing then, either cash or time."

Bigger fisheses to fry, my preciousss... 
welcome to the 90's wrath. Quote tags do exist! and they're SOOOooo easy to use! just put '<' and '>' around a 'q' and copypaste that plagerized text! and then close 'em off with a '</' before and a '>' after the 'q'!

#33, Scampie.

Could you please steal that Enclave soundtrack and share it? =) 
My Faves 
Doom, Doom II and the Playstation version of Final Doom; Quake, with honorable mention to Purusa's Neh tracks; and Blood, mainly because it uses its own wavetables. Wonderful.

Incidentally, if anyone can explain why Blood has started soft-resetting my computer for no obvious reason, please let me know. 
Blood music and texts rawked =)

"Fresh victims for the ever-growing army of the undead"
Got everything in .wav :] 
from snes - Super Metroid (dont like all the ff/chrono-like cheesy music)
pc - fallout(1,2) 
What about Halo? Duh-duh-duh-DAH! Duh-duh-duh-dah!Duh-duh-duh-dAh! Duh-duh-Dah-duh-duh-dah-duh-duh-dah!
And sonic 1? And mario? and ocarina of time...the list goes on... 
The Best Game Soundtrack 
Digger (I mean original old digger, not new remakes) 
Jeez, If You Are Going To Go That Route, 
don't forget the calmly serene music of Tetris. I bet it drove Vondur nuts. 
I have a techno remix of the tetris theme on my comp. so lame, and yet so awesome. ;) 
My Friend Has A Heavy Metal Version 
Heard it once... hilarious. Starts off with them shouting "Lets play some tetris motherfuckerrrrrr" befrore breaking into a grindy guitar version of the classic melody.

ahh classic 
sorry, I ain't got it. 
Panzer Dragoon Orta 
DUnno if it's good or not, but I seriously wanted to get it based on the stuff I heard from it, but I can't find it anywhere. The shit I heard was fuckin cool tho. Very nice stuff :D 
descent. best soundtrack ever. played through that game just to hear all the nice tunes :)

daikatana is another one with great soundtrack. 
Never Heard Descent's Music... 
But Descent 2 had cd-quality audio, done by Type-O-Negative and a few members of Skinny Puppy. ^_^ It was pretty intense as I recall, I should dig that out...

Another game I remember is Mechwarrior 2. Sorta a tribal/orchestral hybrid soundtrack, also pretty cool.

games with bad soundtracks... Quake 2 and Quake 3, yuck. generic industrial rock. :/ 
and I also still remember Warcraft 2 soundtrack. Absolutely not annoying and very athmospheric.

Yes, I know I luv midi :) 
? Hm? 
war2OST was released on a game CD tho, got everything in mp3 anyway 
Why on earth has no-one mentioned SYSTEM SHOCK 2 yet? What the hell is wrong with you people. Now that's the kind of music games should have. 
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