#526 posted by Lardarse on 2005/11/17 05:43:24
Your time is up...
Btw if I don't have a beta of my first map ready by December then someone shoot me. ... Oh, And if I haven't updated the project's web site within a week then give me the same treatment.
I'm coming for you with my chaingun...
 Oh Shit
#527 posted by Tronyn on 2005/11/23 17:28:52
It's up! It's up!
as usual, http://www.planetquake.com/tronyn/arcane
Main thing on the page is that I'm looking for *one more mapper.*
My beta will be ready in december; maybe two beta maps, actually.
Then I can start building the library/cathedral/mansion/university or whatever setting it is on earth.
#528 posted by Lardarse on 2005/11/23 18:40:37
... and the humorously named Lardarse ...
That's one way of looking at it...
#529 posted by . on 2005/11/24 02:16:59
That header graphic makes the page wider than 1024.
#530 posted by Tronyn on 2005/11/24 05:22:37
well the entire page is shit, so I think I'll keep it that way on principle :)
#531 posted by JPL on 2005/11/24 11:08:48
There are broken links in the Development, Textures and Prefabs page. They are:
- Contract Revoked Textures and Others link
- Prefabs related link
#532 posted by PuLSaR on 2006/04/09 14:24:11
is there any progress with this project?
I'm back with pc, but I'm in another city right now and i don't have the source of my map atm.
but i'm ready for betatesting or anything so feel free to e-mail me
btw i'm i'm drunk right now because i've past my last exam
 Welcome Back!
#533 posted by Lardarse on 2006/04/10 03:25:05
And grats on finishing your exams. Go enjoy getting being drunk :-)
I'll send an e-mail out to Tronyn and Preach to see if they still remember this project. I think the coding side is done, it's the mapping that needs doing :-/
 My Email
#534 posted by Tronyn on 2006/04/10 06:48:53
is now djg164@mail.usask.ca
in case either of you is still using my old one
expect an email frome me soon also
I'm about to start exams too, so the drunkenness for me is coming in a couple weeks, heh
 Well, That's 3 Of Us...
#535 posted by Lardarse on 2006/04/10 10:30:51
Where's Preach?
And more importantly, Tronyn...
My beta will be ready in december; maybe two beta maps, actually.
Where the fuck are your map betas?
 I'm Here...
#536 posted by Preach on 2006/04/10 11:40:56
However, next term I have a ton of exams to revise for. So if there's anything that urgently needs coding it'd be best if you said in the next two weeks or so.
#537 posted by PuLSaR on 2006/04/18 07:20:37
I used aguire's engine for testing my non-fullvised map and I missed the fact that I got over the edicts limit. I think corpse revomal should be employed to these progs.dat
#538 posted by PuLSaR on 2006/09/07 14:56:06
Are yoU stiLl aLivE?
#539 posted by bob on 2006/09/10 06:09:41
his drunkenness lasted longer than expected
#540 posted by [Kona] on 2007/05/10 12:55:54
hows the arcane project going fellas? i feel like having a game :) i need my annual quake-fix
#541 posted by PuLSaR on 2007/05/11 19:46:50
project is going fine. slow but fine.
 Going Fine?
#542 posted by Lardarse on 2007/05/12 23:23:31
Then send me something to test...
#543 posted by Tronyn on 2007/10/21 14:26:53
Just an update to explain what's going on. I'm in graduate school right now and just got my PC working again a few weeks ago, I had to replace the video card, which sucked. I had hoped to finish and release _something_ in August, but the month just flew by with me being in a few different cities and then moving. September also flew with getting into school and starting work marking papers and etc. Anyway, I'm set up again.
I have a beta of map 1, but I want to try out a storm effect in it. I did this a long time ago in my map Storm Dungeon, but that was so long ago (5 years or more) that I can't remember exactly how I did it, and the example Storm map that I used (on the Forge) doesn't seem to be there anymore. Does anyone have that map, or know how to do this?
I just need to fix that up and fullvis it. Gameplay is really hard, and using the chaingun is fun.
 Storm Effect
#544 posted by Preach on 2007/10/21 17:44:50
By that, do you mean the light levels occasionally flickering like lightning flashes? Because that can be done relatively easily with a bit of custom code. The one technical snag you may encounter is if you want light cast from skybrushes( _sunlight etc) to flicker - kinda natural desire when you think about it. The problem is that sky cast light is always lightstyle 0, so you have to flicker all lights that don't have a style set.
The simple workaround is to define a new style with the same light level as style 0, and then use that style for any indoor lights that you don't want to flicker. You can then make style 0 change light levels at random with some code in StartFrame. The code should also be opt-in based on some worldspawn key so that all the id maps etc. don't start flickering indoors.
 Kind Of Like That
#545 posted by Tronyn on 2007/10/21 18:11:51
all I want is a bunch of randomly triggered lights, with thunder either simultaneously or following shortly afterwards.
I'm not using skylight in this map. Although I usually do use skylight, and like the effect greatly, this is a mostly indoor map. I've just placed really bright point lights inside all the windows.
#546 posted by PuLSaR on 2007/10/21 19:18:05
I'm still alive too. I spent previous 3 years moving from one city to another every 2-3 months and had no permanent internet access. And yesterday I finally returned back home. So everything's fine. I have a third beta of my map almost ready.
#547 posted by ijed on 2007/10/22 01:40:21
You could try a lightstyle applied to a local minlight - standard point light with delay 4 (aguirRe's light tool). Which makes it without falloff.
For the custom flicker I'm not sure if any of the basic ones would look any good for occassional lightning, so you might need a progs change for that, since you'd want it to be dark / off 95% of the time.
It was a cool effect in Storm Dungeon, even though the Shambler Baron was a pain in the nuts.
#548 posted by Tronyn on 2007/10/28 21:13:18
Is there a code entity that randomly triggers its target keys? I'm pretty sure that's how it was done in Hipnotic. It could just toggle the lights on and off.
Also, Preach I noticed while playtesting that in the progs there's an occasional bug with projectiles, where they get "stuck" at a stationary point and don't explode. Have you seen this, or have any idea what causes it?
#549 posted by Preach on 2007/10/29 00:29:23
Can't say I've encountered that, no. E-mail me the details and I'll look into it, especially helpful if you can save a game with the bug reproduced and send it to me. I'll fix that and add the lightning code at the same time.
 Still Here And Available For Testing
#550 posted by Lardarse on 2007/10/31 10:05:47
That soudns like a bug I'd only see when playing online...