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About Lovecraft,Necronomican,and Other Stuffs
Well,though I'm not western,I still have strong interest toward those ancient stories...
1.Do you believe in Demons/strange seals/etc.?
I thought most of you are followers of rational

2.Anyone has got some research(seriously) on these?
I resume that the reseacher has to learn latin, ancient greek?
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After reading some novels by Lovecraft(Alchemist,Chuthulu,shadow,nameless city),I'm having strange thoughs over and over(damn that),I think I'dbetter have a rest :D 
Perhaps If You Are Interested 
in that sort of thing, John Dees may perk your interest, but much out there on him is fake as well. Neil Stephensons new novel QuickSilver is a good read. Chronicles the time centered around Newton when the practice of Alchemy transitioned into Natural Philosophy. 
But I still hope to read something old and mystery and is not faked by modern noverlists...

Sorry, but the supernatural cannot be reconciled with science. What I mean is that a supernatural event cannot be proven true; it is by its very nature inexplicable.

However, if you want to read older fantasy and lore, you might try reading the mythologies of various cultures (such as Greek or Norse), or perhaps stories written by centuries-old authors. Dante's Inferno seems like a good place to start, as it is even referenced in modern fiction. (Discounting strictly religious texts, that's probably the closest you will find to something that is true and yet supernatural.) 
If you are interested in really weird stuff, check out some books on the unknown. For example, Arthur C. Clarke, a highly respected science fiction author (he wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey, later tranlsated to film by Stanley Kubrick) has a series of books called Chronicles of the Strange and Mysterious, in which he and some colleagues investigate odd phenomena. There is a lot of *really* messed up stuff in there, but it often does have a natural explanation (which is yet more interesting).

Though I myself am fascinated by mythology and similar topics, I'm inclined to look at the supernatural as not existing objectively or "out there." It doesn't make it any less interesting for me, in fact it's sometimes comforting to know that you can't meet a werewolf for real :) 
...should be right up your ally Levelworm

Have fun with it. 
ally == alley 
Thanks Alot,guys... 
that really helps a lot...
I'm making my mind to change my major... 
So what are you changing it from and to? 
if I could goto Canada I may change my major from math to classics study/religion, just a thought. 
If you're good at something useful, like math, that will be guaranteed to land you a stable and well-paying job, by all means do that. Studying humanities means a lot of effort trying to get scholarships, grants, etc just so you can go to school without getting evne further into debt. Jobs in huamnities are available to graduate students, it's true, but you can't really do anything with a humanities degree except slowly become a professor, at which point you can make a respectable wage despite the fact that that particular job obviously demands to take over your life :)

If I were you and really interested, I'd finish the math degree first and then take part-time classes while working a real job, which would allow you to pay for the price of tuition as you go through school. Many people get second degrees or complete masters degrees after they have finished their first degree and are really working, or even married. 
Tronyn... can't really do anything with a humanities degree except slowly become a professor...

You can't be serious Tronyn.

Of course a generalisation like that requires only a single counterexample to refute it so...

Name - distrans
Degree - humanities
Job - Information Manager

Although, I absolutely agree with your advice in the second paragraph. I'm doing exactly what you said. 
You can get a job with a humanities degree, but it's not as easy.

If you're so interested in classics, there should be enough slack in a math major for the relevant courses. Or you could extend your stay at the university by a semester and take some classes not necessary for your degree. It's a much less drastic change from chucking all your work towards a degree.

That said, I don't know what Lovecraft has to do with classics. 
If you want a job after you graduate, you take computer science, engineering, accounting, statistics, things like that. It's not as if there are no jobs at all with humanities, but still it does not by any means guarantee a career the same way a degree in engineering does. I'm interested to know what sort of humanities degree you've got. You can't deny that there are humanities degrees very little application to non-university jobs, such as philosophy for example.

Lovecraft was poor, and he studied humanities :)
Actually, he didn't even have a high school diploma. He was entirely self-educated. So the university stuff doesn't apply to the discussion of him at all, except as there might be classes on him, or subject overlaps between his work and humanities classes. 
Name = distrans
Degree = BA Honours Philosophy (La Trobe)

Working on the Masters at the mo' 
Ok Fine you win! :) 
I Know... 
In fact I've already completed my study in a Chinese University, and now I'm trying to goto Canada to learn something new(not a master degree, but a bachelor one).
As you told me, it's not easy to find a job with BA in humanities, so...I'm trying to get into the math
department :D, and I may learn some classics after I've got a job or so...
BTW, how do you guys learn Latin in University? Can you pronounce with Latin? 
Latin Is Still 
taught at the High School level in many public schools and most Catholic Schools in the US, but is rarely required as a course. As for pronunciation, sure. Catholic Mass remained consistent from the 5th Century until Vatican II, just some 40 years ago.
I forget whether or not Latin verse is accented or not, but if it is, then it would be relatively easy to check the accuracy of modern pronunciation, just as it has been deduced from Elizabethian verse scansion that isolated communities in the Mid-Atlantic states of the US still speak in Elizabethian English. 
I Thought 
necronimicon was title for egyptian book of the dead which was indeed real? WTF.. 
phait, so lovecraft managed to fool you at last ;) 
Latin In H.S? 
sounds strange to me, but notso strange when I realize that we teach ancient chinese in our H.S.
hmmm...maybe a google searching would be useful 
What province of China are you from? Mainland, Taiwan, or HongKong? I'm very curious about the Quake scene in East Asia if you have any knowledge of it you can shed some light on for us. 
So...scene of Quake1? few plays q1 now, but millions of persons are playing q3 
cause I've seen on History Channel or something mentioned that there was an egyptian book of the dead... 
Yes, there was an Egyptian book of the dead, that's true.

Your first mistake is, that the Necromoicon was supposdly written by an Arab, Abdul Alhazred. You know, Arab, Islam, Didn't-Get-Started-Until after 600 AD sort of deal, Prophet Muhammed, Islamic Empire, Crusades, etc etc etc. You're confusing that civilization with Ancient Egypt, you know, lasted from 3500 BC to about 500 BC, polytheistic, built the pyramids, abosulutey prior to the Greeks and Romans, prior to Christianity, etc etc! Islam came along AFTER Greek civilization, AFTER the fall of Rome, and AFTER Christianity. Two totally seperate civilzations.

Necromoicon is Lovecraft's creation, entirely. There was an Egyptian Book of the Dead, entitled what I'm not sure, but I'd be pretty surprised (and distured too :) if it said anything about Chthulu! 
����������� And The Papyrus Of Ani 
The Necronomicon (Greek: �����������) is a fictional book of magic invented by H. P. Lovecraft, which frequently features in his Cthulhu Mythos tales. Lovecraft cites the meaning of the title as being derived from Greek language nekros (corpse), nomos (law), eikon (image): "An image of the law of the dead". Source:

I don't think the Egyptians would name something of their own culture using a word that is firmly rooted in another language. Although many languages (English, for example) contain words from other languages (anyone care to guess where "zeitgeist" comes from?), it seems illogical to do so for something that is central to your own unique culture.

Also, the Egyptian Book of the Dead (The Papyrus of Ani) is probably from 1500-1400 BC (Sourse: ), and the Greeks had only been on the scene for a few hundred years. They probably weren't established well enough to have that much of an influence.

Sorry about all this. I just wanted to show that a little logic and some Googling can help with understanding. 
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