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About Lovecraft,Necronomican,and Other Stuffs
Well,though I'm not western,I still have strong interest toward those ancient stories...
1.Do you believe in Demons/strange seals/etc.?
I thought most of you are followers of rational

2.Anyone has got some research(seriously) on these?
I resume that the reseacher has to learn latin, ancient greek?
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I See 
But I've never read any Lovecraft either so... but Papyrus of Ani is familiar. 
Some Mesopotamian Links 
Here's some neat stuff, which was mainly used as fodder for the fake Necronomicons out there (which also manage to include my boy Pazuzu, so as works of fiction they ain't so bad). 
You know what I have been watching these days?
I wonder why I am so fascinated by these stuffs :D
BTW. Anyone has read the "zero files" of FBI? 
Zero Files? 
Can't say that I am familar with the zero files though I know Project Blue Book's history pretty throughly. 
Is that the investigation result of Alien/UFO? 
The original US milatary investigation; in the first few years of the investigation they were fairly honest and emperical in their research methodology, and then the beauracracy got a hold of it. Not that they found 'real' UFO's in that time period, but they were far more interested in the science and not the public policy at the start. There is a lot of publicaly available information on it; I did a research paper for a Political Science class years ago on Project Blue Book as it was a text book example of how beauracracies operate.

Pardon my mispellings, I see some, but my spell checker is non-functional at the moment. 
Shadow Of The Comet 
<Bl1tz> speaking of Cthulu I'm playing this game right now and I'm stopping because it's kinda freaking me out here at 4:30 am alone in my basement

<Bl1tz> I'm surprised none of you Lovecraft fanatics have played it...
<Bl1tz> it takes place in 'Illsmouth' ffs
<Bl1tz> heh
<metlslime> who's a fanatic?
<Bl1tz> I don't know...people in her and on func are always talking about Lovecraft

Check this game out for any of you who haven't already and can put up with a point & click game from 10 years ago. 
can i run it on 2000? 
It Runs On XP...but I'm Assuming It Will Run On 2k.Run It In DOS. 
Didn't run on XP for me... 
Human beings fear what they do not or cannot understand, and something that is *wholly* outside of their sphere of experience, beyond their conception of reality itself, would destroy the very sanity which allows them to percieve at all.

Sounds like string theory (or m-theory)... 
Good Luck 
with the demons spawning in frotn of your house right now :D 
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