Posted by ProdigyXL on 2004/03/07 17:23:28 |
For years we have all enjoyed the various forms of communication our community has taken to. The first major form of connecting to one another was the advent of the QBoard. Shortly there after, #terrafusion was created while the community was discussing the concept of a web portal of the same name.
Other sites came about such as Peej 'n' Frib's, and QMap. Each of these different, yet similar sites each held a unspoken code of conduct. Certain behaviors were expected of one another to keep all the information within the sites easily obtainable and junk free. Places were set aside for normal bickering and bantering that always took place.
These sites were havens for many different opinions and ideas to be freely exchanged with little or no prosecution. If someone created an thread that for one reason or another failed to meet the criteria agreed upon, they were politely corrected and the issue was taken care of. This thankfully has continued through each generation of our boards.
Advanced forms of idea discussion were created as the next logical step beyond typical threads. For instance, Peej 'n' Frib introduced the concept of columns. After each entry the readers were encouraged to leave some comments and continue the discussion on the given topic. This acknowledge the idea that everyone has their own opinion on others opinions.
For sometime I was a moderator at Qmap. I and the other moderators adhered to the ideas of what constituted new threads, news, and what should of been placed where. During this time I tried my hardest not to play moderator of opinion, but play an invisible entity that allowed everyone to have their opinion properly expressed. Each moderator strived for this concept of letting everyone get their say in, just in the right place.
As each new site was created to replace the old and broken, the code of conduct slightly changed and morphed. Anyone who has spent any amount of time within any of the sites understands these unspoken rules of conduct.
However it has become increasingly clear that #terrafusion has moved away from these rules. Instead it has become a space for mindless abuse. When it first created it was based on the idea that no one held power over another. Countless times people would step down from op position after making any adjustments to the channel. The point was not create a sense of elite ness which everyone agreed would stifle discussions, ideas, and opinions.
So as a result I per pose we develop a quick bill of rights in a sense. For instance, what constitutes a ban or kick. It doesn't have to be like the 10 Commandments of TF, but just a general rule of thumb on how to act there. Now that the room is moderated rather strictly, I believe it is best we have some rules similar to the unspoken ones I touched on above.
I hope everyone takes a quick moment to give their opinions on this subject. |
 Interesting Post.
#1 posted by Shambler on 2004/03/07 17:27:01
I sperm in your ear.
#2 posted by - on 2004/03/07 17:35:41
You spammed the channel and got banned, quit crying. If you don't like how the channel is run, don't come in.
#3 posted by Friction on 2004/03/07 17:55:49
Not taking all things at face value will get you far.
 Also This Just Came In.
#4 posted by Friction on 2004/03/07 18:00:37
We're playing dodgeball with the channel owner status.
#5 posted by DaZ on 2004/03/07 18:18:45
so what you mean is that #tf and func_ have become some kind of dictatorship since scampie came to power? :)
...There, I've said it!
(waits for flames and abuse)
 Well Actually..
#6 posted by Friction on 2004/03/07 18:22:00
CZG is the owner now.
 Yes I Am
#7 posted by czg on 2004/03/07 18:41:43
Though I have no idea of what to do with this power atm, I'll prolly hang on to it; for safe keeping...
#8 posted by Vondur on 2004/03/07 18:51:59
at last!
#9 posted by metlslime on 2004/03/07 19:02:33
i don't think me mentioned func at all...
 Just From Someone Who Admires Well Written, Coherent, Writing;
I have to say prodigy's main post is very nicely written.
[as for the subject matter, i, of course, know absolutely nothing about it]. =)
 Nice Post
#11 posted by necros on 2004/03/07 19:31:35
aside from: new threads, news, and what should [b]have[/b] been placed where.
So as a result I [b]propose[/b] we develop a quick bill of rights in a sense.
#12 posted by necros on 2004/03/07 19:31:55
not ibb... :P
 Continuing The Non-helpfulness...
#13 posted by LTH on 2004/03/07 19:32:41
How do we talk about unspoken rules?
 I Use To Hang
#14 posted by HeadThump on 2004/03/07 20:22:08
out in IRC forums sometime back, and I fealt though I had a lot of fun it was a big waste of time that could be spent more creatively. Granted, it is time better spent than sitting in front of the tube, but still the func_board is a more effecient way to keep in touch with the community at a cost of about fifteen minutes of my time a day. I have had run ins with Scampie but he has never censored me no matter how far I drove him nuts so I can't attest to why standards may be different on Terrafusion; as a character witness it doesn't sound like Scampie to me.
'Shut up and map', a wise man once told me.
#15 posted by xen on 2004/03/07 20:49:08
Firstly, replying to a long, well thought out & constructive post with a one line retort in attempt to null all points made is so passe; lost its humour/effect eons ago.
Secondly, Prod was only asking for a set of guidelines to avoid getting banned again. Not crying/whining/getting heated about the way the channel was run.
IMO it's a futile proposition though. Not going there is such an easier option.
 It's An Irc Chan
#16 posted by wrath on 2004/03/07 21:22:08
not a bloody war tribunal. For goodness sakes, it's not even in the real world where stuff actually matters.
Having a list of rules is fucking stupid for two reasons. First is, if they're not going to be anything other than mere 'guidelines', as prod suggested, and given that there's no way to actually enforce them, short of swinging by people's houses with a lead pipe and a cheerful attitude... Well, then, what's the fucking point?
Second reason being, we're not eight year olds.
All of the places you mention prod, they've been run by someone for everyone else. Usually paid for by someone out of their own pockets. And they've all been pretty much self-regulated. Even with the qmap moderators there was no police-actions going on. This is because the atmosphere has always been one of 'you have to be intellectually this tall to ride'... If you have a problem with the jargon or the tounge-in-cheek elitism - take it up with the guy in the gorilla suit on your way out.
Frankly, I kind of expected this from some winded-up newcomer, but not from you. You've been around far too long not to have gotten the point by now.
#17 posted by - on 2004/03/07 22:21:27
For years we have all enjoyed the various forms of communication our community has taken to. The first major form of connecting to one another was the advent of the QBoard. Shortly there after, #terrafusion was created while the community was discussing the concept of a web portal of the same name.
#terrafusion was started long before Qboard. It was the irc channel for www.terrafusion.com, a custom map server. Eventually, headshot was hosted there and started Qboard.
Other sites came about such as Peej 'n' Frib's, and QMap. Each of these different, yet similar sites each held a unspoken code of conduct. Certain behaviors were expected of one another to keep all the information within the sites easily obtainable and junk free. Places were set aside for normal bickering and bantering that always took place.
Peej 'n' Frib (which was news, and some columns only) evolved into Qmap (which has now evolved into func_msgboard) after Qboard died. I don't understand what you mean by 'unspoken laws of conduct'. Unless you mean 'Don't be a moron, and try and talk about maps'. And where were these 'places'?
These sites were havens for many different opinions and ideas to be freely exchanged with little or no prosecution. If someone created an thread that for one reason or another failed to meet the criteria agreed upon, they were politely corrected and the issue was taken care of. This thankfully has continued through each generation of our boards.
Advanced forms of idea discussion were created as the next logical step beyond typical threads. For instance, Peej 'n' Frib introduced the concept of columns. After each entry the readers were encouraged to leave some comments and continue the discussion on the given topic. This acknowledge the idea that everyone has their own opinion on others opinions.
For sometime I was a moderator at Qmap. I and the other moderators adhered to the ideas of what constituted new threads, news, and what should of been placed where. During this time I tried my hardest not to play moderator of opinion, but play an invisible entity that allowed everyone to have their opinion properly expressed. Each moderator strived for this concept of letting everyone get their say in, just in the right place.
This was sacasm, right? Qmap moderation was hideous and I admit some fault in that. Threads and posts were deleted all the time, people were censored, posts were edited. No one was really in charge, Peej and Frib had both left, leaving the moderators to do their evils. This is why we have the current system of semi-anarchy on Func_Msgboard.
As each new site was created to replace the old and broken, the code of conduct slightly changed and morphed. Anyone who has spent any amount of time within any of the sites understands these unspoken rules of conduct.
However it has become increasingly clear that #terrafusion has moved away from these rules. Instead it has become a space for mindless abuse. When it first created it was based on the idea that no one held power over another. Countless times people would step down from op position after making any adjustments to the channel. The point was not create a sense of elite ness which everyone agreed would stifle discussions, ideas, and opinions.
#terrafusion has ALWAYS been filled with mindless abuse. And every regular in #terrafusion has power.
So as a result I per pose we develop a quick bill of rights in a sense. For instance, what constitutes a ban or kick. It doesn't have to be like the 10 Commandments of TF, but just a general rule of thumb on how to act there. Now that the room is moderated rather strictly, I believe it is best we have some rules similar to the unspoken ones I touched on above.
You know, you're the only person I've kickbanned for awhile, and that's becuase everyone was complaining about you spamming about computer parts you were going to buy. You would've been unbanned right off if your first course of action wasn't "Come on Func_Msgboard and post 'fuck off scampie' in the 'Stupid Goatse Thread'". The only rules on #tf are just common irc etiquette. You were banned the second time for being a general dickhead to me on IRC, and to prove the point that 'warning' everyone about something doesn't mean it makes it ok. Let's have a quote...
<King_Scampie> when was I rude? you're the one being a jerk and spamming our channel
<ProdigyXL> I gave fair warning first.
<ProdigyXL> No one objected.
<King_Scampie> ProdigyXL: I'm going to kickban you
<King_Scampie> !kickban ProdigyXL
[16:31] *** ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@c-67-162-211-70.client.comcast.net
*** ProdigyXL was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (King_Scampie))
<Friction> King_Scampie: was that a fair warning? :)
<King_Scampie> yep
and btw, Shambler objected to your spam and you blew him off. He also was also the only one to object to your banning. Funny how life works, eh?
#18 posted by - on 2004/03/07 22:22:22
and I'll second what wrath said.
#19 posted by pope on 2004/03/07 22:32:51
elek and his dog bailey?
 Back To The Discussion
#20 posted by ProdigyXL on 2004/03/08 00:12:45
I am just asking for advice. I'm not crying about how its ran. If the channel is going to be ran a certain way, I feel everyone should be aware of the "rules of conduct". The channel can be moderated in anyway it needs to be, just let those who use it know how.
I'm sorry to disappoint you Wrath, I'm just voicing my opinion. I have been around a long time, all this has happened before. You'd think we'd all learn from the past huh...
I'm not going to comment on what happened in the chat today, there isn't a point. I created this thread so that situations like this don't occur with the future.
The first little rule that we've covered then is spam, no matter whether the poster asked first, is not welcomed. For long posts of info create a quick .html or post in the GA thread first. Don't inundate the rest of the users with useless information.
Whats next? I'm curious to know who chooses the topics and how they are choosen. Or does it matter, is it open space?
wrath: Second reason being, we're not eight year olds.
No, but we can do impressions.
#22 posted by wrath on 2004/03/08 05:51:48
Hehehe. There's an 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours'-joke in here somewhere.
#23 posted by nonentity on 2004/03/08 12:35:18
For fuck's sake man. #tf isn't some special place, neither is here. Just follow the basic rules on internet conduct that have been around for years and years and years, ie, don't spam, don't use ALL CAPS and generally act maturely (basically, don't be a wanker).
Oh, and as most of you know, scampie and I aren't exactly each others greatest fan, but even I would say there's nought wrong with how scampie ran the channel.
 ...and In A Similar Vein...
#24 posted by Maj on 2004/03/08 15:29:43
...I find myself forced to agree with nonentity. Even if he does fuck caravans.
you have the right to stfu.
its irc, chill out dude.
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