Two Big Cheers For FC
#1 posted by HeadThump on 2004/06/20 11:17:51
I haven't played the final version as of yet, but I know the crowds are going to eat this one up and dig the sexy geometry.
 I'll Be Sure To Play It
#2 posted by pushplay on 2004/06/20 12:37:47
As soon as the sun tops shining on my monitor making it hard as hell to see.
#3 posted by Vondur on 2004/06/20 12:47:11
Well, it's rather nice pack. i liked smooth lighting. Maps bring old atmosphere of fatty's maps like towne. Yet there's satanic lack of ammo especially on fc4 map :( I met final army (several deathknights, ~4 shamblers, and ~10 smaller monsters without ammo at all!!!!). So i had to chop them with my axe in godmode :(
and i liked final battle in the boss map. Rather intence bloodbath. Pushed limits of q-engine over its limits. Also, it was nice to meed oldskool dissolution monsters :)
Good work, Fatty! :)
 Yeah Good End Battle
#4 posted by starbuck on 2004/06/20 13:11:07
nice to see the duke sending other monsters flying :)
#5 posted by aguirRe on 2004/06/20 16:07:29
I can't seem to find the skybox night1 in the pak file, is this a separate d/l or what? If it isn't, please make it available as one to relieve me from d/l the entire 7MB pack again.
Otherwise, a quick look-through the maps indicate very nice visuals. Especially the mines and town look great!
#6 posted by MisYu on 2004/06/20 16:15:34
Fitzquake doesn't load the skybox in the first map =( =( =(
#7 posted by Shambler on 2004/06/20 16:57:45
Well, it's rather nice pack. i liked smooth lighting. Maps bring old atmosphere of fatty's maps like towne. Yet there's satanic lack of ammo especially on fc4 map :( I met final army (several deathknights, ~4 shamblers, and ~10 smaller monsters without ammo at all!!!!). So i had to chop them with my axe in godmode :(
and i liked final battle in the boss map. Rather intence bloodbath. Pushed limits of q-engine over its limits. Also, it was nice to meed oldskool dissolution monsters :)
Something had to go wrong, didn't it!?
*HUGE sigh* Looks like I forgot to add the gfx/env directory to the zip. I'll fix up a quick patch.
 Dont Feel Bad Shambler
#9 posted by HeadThump on 2004/06/20 17:13:45
I know that place all too well. I cheated by looking up the secrets with Quark to get through it. I remember sending Fatty an e-mail with snapshot of that area with the Luke Wilson quote, 'just what makes you think I am capable of anything like this' underneath.
But it is doable, so I didn't complain too much in my testing of it.
#10 posted by HeadThump on 2004/06/20 17:16:57
I got Owen and Luke confused. Damn those handsome fellas!
 Skybox Link
 Thanks For The
#12 posted by aguirRe on 2004/06/20 17:57:41
skybox. FitzQuake users will have to convert to TGA before usage though, and there might be loss of quality since the PCXs are only 8-bit colour depth. Is the original skybox in 8-bit PCX also or 24-bit TGA?
 Hmm Again
#13 posted by aguirRe on 2004/06/20 18:04:13
There's another progs.dat file in the skybox zip (but in an invalid directory position in the gfx subdir) and it's not identical to the one in the fc1.zip.
What gives?
#14 posted by MisYu on 2004/06/20 19:32:43
lol @ sham =)
I had no bloody idea that was there! Whatever it is, it's old. Delete it.
As for the box, I can't remember where I got it from, but I suspect one of Kona's Q2 maps. I may still have the original somewhere, but obviously I don't know were.
It's a .pcx in order for it to work with ToChris, which I was originally using. FitzQuake seems to load it okay as is.
 Skyboxes In Fitzquake
#16 posted by pushplay on 2004/06/20 22:07:37
It didn't look right. The images had totally different colours at the joints. I didn't check if it was because of a bad rotation or orientation or colour subsampling. Also, a few textures like the one on the MH and what I think was a lantern were randomly replaced with a shrunken skybox tex.
Map wise I have to say I'm not a fan. The arcitecture was pretty good, and the gameplay was well balanced. There were a few z-fighting instances etc but nothing major. The problem is that the textures made the low texture resolution far more glaring than the original do. It makes the map feel cheap.
 Great To See This Released!
i am away for around 3 weeks on vacation; all outstanding map reviews at my site will take place when i return!
 Skybox In FitzQuake
#18 posted by aguirRe on 2004/06/21 05:24:42
Sorry my bad, I mixed the PCXs with the trouble we had before in Bastion with JPGs. PCXs or TGAs both load fine in FQ. I'd still be interested in the original 24-bit skybox though, if it exists.
Another thing I've noticed while playing; the kill count seem way off. Is it the old fish bug or have I missed some areas?
Metlslime: Is there any manual way to workaround for FQ skybox replacing textures in these maps? Especially in the swamp map it was terrible.
#19 posted by Tronyn on 2004/06/21 06:02:16
Congrats on getting this out the door. A lot of unique and well-made maps in this pack: don't miss it. The boss map is a great challenging fight for sure. Atmospheric throughout as well.
UWF will do the review for this one rather than me, since I've already beta-tested two rounds of this pack. Of course, waiting that long for a review sucks, so perhaps someone else would guest review it?
#20 posted by necros on 2004/06/21 10:27:06
aw man... figures the map gets released the day before i leave for a week. :P now i have to wait until saturday to play! shame on you! :D
#21 posted by Shambler on 2004/06/21 11:25:43
Earth to Quake players...
(and if anyone thinks there is plenty of enough ammo, then all other good Quake maps must, by a matter of comparative logic, have had far too much ammo almost without exception. Which they don't.)
P.S. Towne.v.2 is excellent apart from that, and the boat map was pretty neat.
 Ok, Ok!
#22 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2004/06/21 12:02:25
No I agree with Shambler and Vondur.
I ran out of ammo as well and had to godmode
to complete the map!
That was a hell of a lot shamblers and fiends to ax - my finger is still sore!
 I've Just Reached
#23 posted by aguirRe on 2004/06/21 12:59:57
the town and in the previous map (Queen), I started to get short of everything except grenades. I hope I'll find some more ammo in the town, since I know there are loads of bad guys there ...
Otherwise really nice maps, architecture, textures and lighting.
#24 posted by MisYu on 2004/06/21 14:47:16
...wasted whole ammo @ boat, so I had to godmoded it, especially that I haven't found the gl.
Damn. It. Looks like I'll have to take some beasties out of that endgame for #4 then. This is what comes of having a Tronyn testing for you.
(Actually, I'll probably rip out most if not all monsters inside the lesser buildings. Make it safer to get goodies and leave most of the streetfighting. It's rather hard to check things when you feel sick of it after two minutes.)
Once in town, check out the two-storey building directly ahead. Ammo, health and armour. Guarded, alas, but that's life.
There's a GL in the warehouse with the silver key door on some crates. There's also one in map #2, on that plateau with the wooden ramp that rises out of the water. Evidently I need to make 'em more obvious. Hnngh.