2nd Screenie
#1 posted by nitin on 2003/05/12 20:18:39
most in that second screenie looks quite awesome IMHO.
#2 posted by Kell on 2003/05/12 22:04:10
We're going to need a bigger boat...
#3 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/05/12 22:48:42
We're going to need a bigger boat...
I remember that quote from Blood, but surely that originally came from somewhere else. Whare?
#4 posted by Kell on 2003/05/12 22:56:32
#5 posted by Vodka on 2003/05/12 22:58:58
You know that joke about a girl and her dog ?
 Wrong Window, Ignore
#6 posted by Vodka on 2003/05/12 23:02:56
 Could`v Made Those Scans 4x Times
#7 posted by Vodka on 2003/05/12 23:12:39
 Yes I Could've
#8 posted by . on 2003/05/13 00:07:58
but that'd make them about 140 k each.. do you reall.. oh wait, you broadband bastards.. nevermind.
#9 posted by nane on 2003/05/13 00:10:18
Kell, you rock!
#10 posted by Shambler on 2003/05/13 05:30:08
p.s. they look phat as, dude....get the higher quality scans in...
 Two New Non-scanned Images
#11 posted by cyBeAr on 2003/05/13 07:12:35
monsters they haven't showed so far afaik, not too exciting though.
#12 posted by cyBeAr on 2003/05/13 07:13:35
you just need to post full urls and this board makes them links, right? silly me....
 If You're Not Gonna Finish Them Urls...
#13 posted by czg on 2003/05/13 07:30:46
...I will:
Lost souls. Okay, not as creepy as the originals though, but I guess they look better ingame when they are moving. Most stuff do.
Spiders? uh, okay...
At least they're not realistcly sized spiders. And they're not actually spiders either, since they've only got six legs. They kinda remind me of the scrabs, from the oddworld games.
#14 posted by nitin on 2003/05/13 08:05:53
cheer czg.
lost souls look kind dodgy IMHO, from those shots anyway. As for those spider thingies, they look like poor imitations of mini-arachnoids.
#15 posted by ELEK on 2003/05/13 08:44:24
They look more like an offshoot of John Carpentars The Thing. Someone at id has seen the flick. I wonder if the head crawler jobbie is in the game The Thing....
#16 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/05/13 08:59:30
lost souls look kind dodgy
What do you mean, kinda dodgy?!
#17 posted by Maj on 2003/05/13 10:33:21
As in 'tame', or possibly 'cute'. I dunno, they just look like slightly annoying pets rather than manic flaming uber-demons from the netherworld.
...but I'm just a doom-hating quake luddite, so hey...
 Just To Keep This Here Updated
#18 posted by czg on 2003/05/13 11:19:17
The doom 3 video showing at E3 has already been posted in all it's glory on IGN. Unfortunately, only those with a subscription can get at it. (If you do got a subscription, by all means, drop by #TF and share!)
For us rest, there's a not too shabby shakycam version of the same trailer at this link here:
This is in WMV format btw...
 ...Oh Yeah
#19 posted by czg on 2003/05/13 11:23:34
That's from an Xbox btw.
#20 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/05/13 12:33:58
My shock was that someone could use such lenient terms of reproach when describing a thing so poorly created. Honestly, I was disappointed with their lameness and I do hope the monsters are more monsterous in the final version.
#21 posted by metlslime on 2003/05/13 15:01:26
maybe you meant to say "What do you mean, kinda dodgy?!"
#22 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/05/13 15:13:52
Yes I did.
Also, I shall not privilege any of you with justifications for my choice in use of the bold tag, for anything worth knowing is already known.
Furthermore, anyone who tries to argue with my illogic shall be berated by more illogic.
#23 posted by starbuck on 2003/05/13 16:23:40
stupid vulcan logic
#24 posted by bascule on 2003/05/13 16:35:19
I think the problem may be twofold:
As alluded to on another recent thread here, the more realistic something is in a gameworld, the less the imagination has to add, thus diluting the effect somewhat. Although the Lost Souls looked good to me, they do not necessarily match the detailed (and scary!) image I had in my mind after playing the original version. The same goes for all the monsters, I guess. It's almost as if (heretic!) the worse the graphics, the more scary, as playing in 320x200 (or whatever it was) didn't allow for the graphical splendour to override the visceral fear of survival. I think this also accounts for the longevity of Quake, you only have to hear the wake-up of the Ogre, or hear the 'tink' of a grenade to get scared. I feel that Doom 3 will be more like a 'spot the cool graphics/detailed model/special effect' of a slick but empty movie, rather than the fright-fest promised.
I did have a second point, but it seems to have slipped away under that longer-than-planned paragraph.
Oh, it's come back. Familiarity also has an effect here. We already know what to expect, as id have said it we be a retelling of the original story, so what's to get excited/scared about?
#25 posted by metlslime on 2003/05/13 18:10:32
Oh, it's come back. Familiarity also has an effect here. We already know what to expect, as id have said it we be a retelling of the original story, so what's to get excited/scared about?
I don't know, but keep those screenshots coming!!!!!!!!!1