#51 posted by daftpunk on 2003/02/07 13:54:50
#52 posted by MadFox on 2003/02/08 18:29:58
I can't get them out of my map-wantings...
Those rats in "Malice"!
How is it been done, since me is told, that for each model you change, another has to quit.
Can't find anything about them, wrote myself a "rat.qc" but it doesn't seem to work.
Did that guys from Malice put some exta heapsize-memory in their progs.dat or something.
Their "MercBabe" I could change for the soldier, so now she's running as an Amazone in Quake1.
But that rats, got plenty of corridors for them, but I can't find the "cheesy" script they run on!
 Triggering Lights
#53 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/09 10:17:26
I'm trying to finish a small SP Q1 map and I'd like to know how, at the entrance of a room, I could trigger the lighting of a long stair one step at a time. I've thought of the tripwire thing, with a trigger_once starting up other trigger_once(s) linked to lights, but you can't affect a targetname to a trigger_once. So what would you suggest?
#54 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/09 13:36:38
Lots and lots of trigger_relays?
 All Right, Don't Bother
#55 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/09 13:38:15
I've found the trigger_relay which does just what I want.
But here's another question: no animated image (water, slime, buttons, whatever) will work in the map I'm making, whether they are hand made by myself or they come from the original Quake texture pak. Has it happened to anyone before and how do you get that right?
 Oops, Sorry, RPG
#56 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/09 13:40:14
You've posted your answer while I was writing mine. Right, trigger_relays do the trick. Thanks.
#57 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/02/09 15:06:40
I dunno why your water/slime isn't warping, though. As long as it's named *water or *lava it should be fine.
As far as the animated buttons go, all the texture frames have to be compiled into the .bsp. Some QBSP compilers don't automatically do this, so you have to "hide" the other animation frames on unseen surfaces like the back side of the button, or just a brush out in the void.
 Thanks, RPG
#58 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/10 02:06:02
Some QBSP compilers don't automatically do this, so you have to "hide" the other animation frames on unseen surfaces like the back side of the button, or just a brush out in the void
I did just that and it worked. But it had never happened to me before and I haven't changed my QBSP compiler (as far as i know - it's been such a long time...); anyway, out of 3, it's the only one that doesn't crash when compiling, so I have to use it.
Anybody could point me to good compilers? I work with WC 1.6 (I'm too old to change now).
 Oh, And Another Thing
#59 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/10 07:56:52
How do you rid your textures of fullbrights? Some that I made appear luminous in the dark when using FitzQuake (and maybe other engines too); I've looked up in Wally, TexMex, Adquedit, but to no avail.
Help, pleezzz!
#60 posted by metlslime on 2003/02/10 11:01:05
Two methods:
1) there's an option in texmex to disallow fullbrights. It's in the "workspace" tab of the "preferences" dialog. Note that this setting will only affect newly imported images (like those pasted from the clipboard.) You cannot simply open up a wad and then uncheck this box and expect the whole wad to be fixed.
2) set up a special quake palette where the fullbright colors (last 32 indices) are some garish color (i use bright green, since there isn't anything close in the normal palette.) Then, in your paint prog, before you copy the image and paste it in texmex, you convert your image to that special palette.
#61 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/11 06:13:39
Thanks a lot for the tips; one problem I have is that I have a lot of textures with fullbrights and I have to rename each of them when importing them into TexMex. Is there no way to do a batch conversion?
#62 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/11 10:23:08
Thanks a lot for the tips; one problem I have is that I have a lot of textures with fullbrights and I have to rename each of them when importing them into TexMex. Is there no way to do a batch conversion?
 Bang! Two Posts For The Price Of One!
#63 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/11 10:28:46
#64 posted by metlslime on 2003/02/11 11:13:14
i don't know of any program that can batch remove fullbrights from a wad.
#65 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/11 14:08:53
All right, thanx; I'll do it by hand then, or not at all. BTW, why do fullbrights appear luminous in some engines (FitzQuake) and not in others (GlQuake 1.13)? Any idea?
 Laziness, Or Choices Of Engine Programmer
#66 posted by Wazat on 2003/02/11 15:03:11
The new engine programmers were sick of everything being so dull and dark and such in glquake, so they made things come out like they ought to. However, that causes problems on the other end....
#67 posted by necros on 2003/02/11 18:22:55
Dilvish, you could try importing all the textures from the fullbrights wad into a new wad. that could do the trick.
and fullbrights can be usefull, but i personally hate them - in software quake and glquake.
#68 posted by Vodka on 2003/02/11 23:48:35
fullbrights are good, they are only a problem with clueless mappers
Anyway in most new engines they are switchable.
To mass remove fullbrights export all the textures to .pcx, uncheck fullbrights in texmex (view/preferemces/workspace) and import all the pcx into a new wad.
Or mass comvert to fullbrights-less palette with PS/PSP (it can be even faster)
#69 posted by Dilvish on 2003/02/12 02:28:20
Or mass comvert to fullbrights-less palette with PS/PSP (it can be even faster)
I've tried that in PSP, but couldn't find how. Fact is, I'm no longer very much used to using PSP and lots of trix have slipped out of my mind. How do you do that in PSP (or PS), please?
#70 posted by metlslime on 2003/02/12 17:52:04
BTW, why do fullbrights appear luminous in some engines (FitzQuake) and not in others (GlQuake 1.13)? Any idea?
they don't appear luminous in glquake becuase glquake is a proof-of-concept carmack threw together over a weekend as research for q2. They don't appear luminous in other engines becuase some engine coders don't care enough about them to fix them. They appear luminous in Fitzquake becuase i consider their absence a bug.
#71 posted by Vodka on 2003/02/12 23:41:26
There is 'actions' menu in photoshop that lets you record any actions, and file/batch process (if I`m not mistaking) to apply the actions to images or entire folded. Dont know about PSP. May be manual or could help you. Or google.
 Vertex Editing
#72 posted by jsHcK on 2003/02/13 23:38:25
Can anyone point me toward some good resources on vertex manipulation. Specifically, how to build convincing natural terrain with the vertex editing tool in Hammer.
 Um, Sky Texture Problem...
#73 posted by . on 2003/02/18 22:45:48
Can't I have a complete black sky texture? (Q1) I made one in wally and when I use it, it shows as a scrambled brown...
it's named skyblack.. and of course if I don't have it set as a sky tex, any firing at it will hit it as if its a wall which is not what I want...
I'd rather use black than star sky for this Coagula map, personally...
 Oh And Also...
#74 posted by . on 2003/02/18 23:00:23
I have a fully white texture that I don't want as a fullbright - just plain white and I made a square room with this tex, stuck a 500 light entity in the middle.. run the test map and it appears as a fullbright - dont want that! what do i dooooooooooooo
#75 posted by distrans on 2003/02/18 23:29:33
Follow the link from UnderWorldFan to the last Coagula contest and d/l the pak. Rip the sky texture out of one of Elek's levels.
Try using one of the pale textures from Killjoy's kjsp1.bsp instead of the white fullbrite