#1 posted by Jago on 2006/01/08 17:35:44
The map can now be played on:
qwdm virginia #1: va.quakeworld.us:27502
The following servers are currently down, but when they go up, the map should be avaible on them as well:
qwdm virginia #2: va.quakeworld.us:27503
qwdm texas: tx.quakeworld.us:10668
 Those Shots
are very pretty =]
 Looks Good
#3 posted by Blitz on 2006/01/09 01:43:13
Let's arrange a community game(tm) on this one!
I'm free any day of the week after 2PM EST~ but I usually don't have anything else to do if the majority time is some other time.
It's certainly big enough to accomodate everyone who wants to play!
So who's in?? So far we have Jago and Blitz :D
 I Want To Try It Out
#4 posted by Ankh on 2006/01/09 02:08:07
I have never played DM against human players. In fact I have never played quake over the internet :). I don't know how my ping will be, but at least I will try to connect :). In 10 hours I think. Do I have to install anything besides netquake? I'm very noob in this case.
#5 posted by Jago on 2006/01/09 02:37:19
To play Quake online, you need a QuakeWorld client like FuhQuake: http://www.fuhquake.net/
#6 posted by vb on 2006/01/09 02:42:50
NetQuake will let you play online too, but it won't be a very pleasant experience...
#7 posted by Ankh on 2006/01/09 02:52:01
Already downloading ezquake.
The screenshots look cool.
#8 posted by Shambler on 2006/01/09 06:25:51
Not so much a map, more of a life-changing experience.
 I Predict
#9 posted by bambuz on 2006/01/09 07:09:29
it will be either
a) not noted at all
b) played for 5 mins by some swedes who then quit, saying "tr�kig map", and go bash it in Besmella comments.
If people would learn it now during spring, maybe it could be played at some ladder or something and if it's good, voted for next nqr/smackdown/eql/whatever league.
But brace yourself for the worst Jago.
 Who Cares
#10 posted by gone on 2006/01/09 08:03:28
about pro-wannabe wankers who play 2-3 maps to death
#11 posted by Jago@WORK on 2006/01/09 08:32:40
Well, I obviously do hope that it does get noticed by QW players and I did all I possibly could for that (tweaking brush geometry and item placement to ensure optimum gameplay experience), but most people mapping for Quake are really mapping for their own pleasure (IMHO). If I was aiming for the biggest possible player audience, I would be probably mapping for Enemy Territory and/or CS: Source.
By the way, I am not sure how this happened, but my map is featured on front pages of PlanetQuake and Besmella-Quake and is also currently "Pic of the Day" on PQ: http://www.planetquake.com/images/photo/index.asp?id=506310
#12 posted by bambuz on 2006/01/09 09:14:05
because it's handsome
#13 posted by jdolan on 2006/01/09 09:40:22
Looks fantastic. Nice work. And I think you're right, guys still mapping for Quake/2 do it for the love of the game 8)
 Yeah, Looks Great
#14 posted by negke on 2006/01/09 09:43:04
(apart from the empty boxes ;P)
now i'm interested in seeing a 4on4 team demo or spectating a live match.
 More Servers
#15 posted by Jago on 2006/01/09 10:30:20
The map can now also be played on:
#16 posted by Lunaran on 2006/01/09 10:51:35
I don't think you used bright enough lights, I can still find a few shadows in those shots.
#17 posted by Jago on 2006/01/09 10:56:04
"sarcasm detected"
#18 posted by Trinca on 2006/01/09 11:43:35
o.k i love that map so much that i didn�t resist to make some waypoints for it Jago!
place this qwprogs in quake/fbca/ and run something like this!
@ezquake.exe +gamedir Fbca -mem 32
then type in the console exec team.cfg
and add the bots for teamplay action J))) have fun!
Thks jago the maps rockzzzzz to much ;)
P.S--> made then at work today if u guys find any bug shoot!
#19 posted by JPL on 2006/01/10 00:28:32
Very nice DM map ! I love the architecture and the texture use... I tried it with 10 ReaperBots, and they never get stucked... It was very interesting and funny..
Keep it up ;)
#20 posted by vb on 2006/01/10 15:46:35
<quote>By the way, I am not sure how this happened, but my map is featured on front pages of PlanetQuake and Besmella-Quake and is also currently "Pic of the Day" on PQ</quote>
I wrote the news on BesMella and mailed Jube from PQ the URL to this Func_ post.
 Awesome Base Map
#21 posted by Sielwolf on 2006/01/11 08:20:51
and also plays well in dmsp, though the lighting IS a bit bright.
("if the map has exactly 7 DM spawns, monsters at the spawns will all be of the same kind!" - but I realize it was not made with dmsp in mind)
#22 posted by Jago on 2006/01/12 05:19:39
You had me frightened there for a second, so I had to go and double-check: the map has exactly 8 DM spawns. If it had any less, at least one player would be instantly telefragged upon the start of a game in a 4on4 match.
#23 posted by bambuz on 2006/01/12 05:52:26
I dunno, dm3 has less than 8 spawns imo..
 My Bad
#24 posted by Sielwolf on 2006/01/12 10:36:05
sorry Jago, didn�t mean to cause you any hassle.
#25 posted by vb on 2006/01/13 17:58:13
FYI, spawn systems in QW:
Original - Chooses random unoccupied spawn, if none then telefrag @ random spawn.
^^ This system is what most mods use. People tend to play TeamDM and duels in a mod with different rules, however:
KTPro spawns - Chooses random spawn (occupied or not) but omits last spawn from pool of spawns. If all spawns are filled, wait up to 2 seconds for one to free up then spawn play, if all still occupied after 2 seconds, choose random spawn
KTPro spawnsafety - Chooses random unoccupied spawn (omitting last spawn). If all spawns are filled, wait up to 2 seconds for one to free up then spawn play, if all still occupied after 2 seconds, choose random spawn.
Oh and DM3 has 6 spawns.