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Stroggs Lead Smelting
here3dm4 was completly remained

shots and download:

[I hope 'remained' doesn't mean 'beta' - Ed.]
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the map is simple and yet, its pornographic as hell!! why pornographic? i dont know. ask jesus. 
While the maps you listed are symmetric, I wouldn't say q3dm1 and q3dm17 are overly symmetric. The small maps don't give a choice on where you go, you just go forward. I'd say a map is overly symmetric when there are identical rooms. It makes the idea of going to one side or the other an empty choice. Q3dm15 and q3tourney1 both suffer from this. Of course, q3dm15 has other problems that still make it a terrible map. 
Q3dm1, Dm15 And Dm17 
arent good maps IMHO, mailny because of the symmetry. dm1 was supposed to be an introduction for beginners anyhow. dm15 is just plain terrible and dm17 is ok, but most space maps tend to be symmetrical. Only a few of those are any good, like nunuk's stuff. 
Released !!! 
I 've just released the map with a full vis
She is better now !

Pushplay I understand what you say ! and I turn off two trigger hurt (now trigger teleport)

nakasuhito : I ask him but he never answer ;) 
Wait an half hour after the post ! 
Kell i don't understand your 2nd post

That's ok, I was just moaning that the board didn't accept the HTML tag for the '3' in 'Alien3'.
I have a tendency to lapse into broad scots when I'm pissed off. 
You have the good eyes !!! You know alien3 very good , You have see the place where they put the lead on the alien (piston room) 
Yeah, and that corridor with the circular apertures looks like the location where the candles get blown out and Boggs and Raine get offed by the alien.
I did actually make my own Q1DM map based on teh alien3, so I spent a lot of time looking at the architecture in the movie :)

/cl_fanboi 0 
yes I think the 3rd Alien is the best !!!
I saw the film with a good attention before the map making ! but the architecture is great and it's very beautifull .
You can see the gap on the roof wich a chain , you can see this gap when Riplay want to see the alien when she say "I m in the family now" (sorry i have a french version) we see the roof and this gap ;) . I try to make the corridor where the three man light the candle but the camera^plans aren't precise ... 
You mean this � as in Alien�??

Nice to hear of other people liking the film too... 
I Liked It Too... 
but i think the first and second films are the best in the series. 
thats for shure the first and the second are the best for the story !!! But i think the best in action and ambience is the third. 
Yes, that one :/ 
I want your alien 3 maps when you finish it don't forget me ! 
The Link For The Map Have Change
(q3map section here3dm4)

A new release is on the newmap page u can see the release but it's for my friend and it's not a good map I return to work on it ;) 
Its The End Of The World As We Know It 
those cute aliens are coming!! 
Only Hello Kitty Can Save Us Now! 
In The Grim Future Of Hello Kitty, There Is Only War 
New Real Link !!! 
I 've update my website
the link is on 
Did you change the map, or just move it? 
i gues he changed it... but then again, he might have gotten a penile enlargement!!

Just Move It And 
i dont remember writting that. must had been on the other world. agh. gotta stop using this crap!

sorry people. it happens a few times. i dont mean to be a jerk... just ignorme. hehe.

haha, but it was kinda funny anyway....not 
It's A Relief To Hear... 
...that you can get internet access in the other world. The Vatican has been worryingly silent on the issue. 
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