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New Q4 Tourney Map: "Sunshine" By Pjw
Sunshine (aka pjw4tourney1) is finally finished, after a bit of a rough and protracted development process that spanned both multiple patches (one of which broke a spectacular movement trick in an early version of the map) and several layout changes.

Most of the great textures in this map are courtesy of Evil Lair:
while the cool skybox is courtesy of Hipshot:
I also have to say a quick thanks to Raven's Fred Hooper (hi Fred) for help with the glowy liquid. All those guys kick ass, just in case there was any doubt.

Note that the pk4 does not include a botaas file, since my version (a10) of Sabot seems to have been broken by the latest Q4 patch, and I can't seem to find a later/fixed version of the mod. In any case, the map is available for your downloading pleasure, and I'm going to have a nice cold beer, and enjoy the rest of my 4th of July.

Download (13 meg) mirrors: (thanks Scourge!)

I Like... 
The lighting. Fits the name. Maybe that's intentional :D 
I was trying for something other than the dark-and-gloomy D3-engine look. 
Don't Have Q4 
but that lighting does look nice. it feels... refreshing. so at the least, great visuals. 
Screenshots 2 And 3 
remind me of a DM level in the original Halo. I... don't know if that is good or bad :D

Good luck with the release! I'd play it if I could. 
*kills Self* 
Just a quick note: kleeks was smart enough to notice that I was an idiot and had failed to update the addon.cfg and that it still said "beta 2". That has been fixed.

Redownload if you care about playing it on a server or whatnot.
Sorry about that. :( 
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