I Like...
#1 posted by
Shambler on 2007/07/05 11:22:39
The lighting. Fits the name. Maybe that's intentional :D

#2 posted by
pjw on 2007/07/05 19:17:16
I was trying for something other than the dark-and-gloomy D3-engine look.

Don't Have Q4
#3 posted by scar3crow on 2007/07/05 22:35:57
but that lighting does look nice. it feels... refreshing. so at the least, great visuals.

Screenshots 2 And 3
#4 posted by
inertia on 2007/07/05 23:56:35
remind me of a DM level in the original Halo. I... don't know if that is good or bad :D
Good luck with the release! I'd play it if I could.

*kills Self*
#5 posted by
pjw on 2007/07/08 02:18:47
Just a quick note: kleeks was smart enough to notice that I was an idiot and had failed to update the addon.cfg and that it still said "beta 2". That has been fixed.
Redownload if you care about playing it on a server or whatnot.
Sorry about that. :(