Speaking Of The Flash Portal,
#45 posted by necros on 2007/10/17 04:12:00
why weren't there crushers in portal? :(
 Janitor's Union
#46 posted by HeadThump on 2007/10/17 04:19:37
refused to deal with the extra mess crushers cause compared to other forms of mutilations.
#47 posted by Lunaran on 2007/10/17 05:12:40
Everyone is so sad to lay eyes
on Companion Cube's firey demise
but I wasn't impressed
and I couldn't care less
cuz it's still just a crate in disguise
 I Haven't...
#48 posted by Fern on 2007/10/17 06:06:39
played Portal myself yet. But the flash version was maddening enough. I gave up at task #9
 Necros, There Were Crushers
#49 posted by BlackDog on 2007/10/17 07:15:50
In the area after your escape. They mushed you against the ceiling, as I recall.
#50 posted by Spirit on 2007/10/17 09:44:04
I even got crushed by that fast door in "room" 19. :D
In the commentary they mention something about the high frustration of one-touch-kill-things so probably that was the reason.
Btw http://www.nuclearmonkeysoftware.com/narbaculardrop.html is the previous game by the developers. I haven't tried it but it should be fun too (even without GLaDoS <3 ).
 <-- Cake
#51 posted by generic on 2007/10/17 13:45:37
I highly recommend Portal. The lead up to the end and closing credits are worth the little money it costs. The gameplay is fun, addictive, and never too overwhelming. Everyone should go out and play it -- there is cake after all ;)
 Nice Flash Game!
#52 posted by starbuck on 2007/10/17 16:13:48
wasted an hour when i should have been working though, god damn internet.
#53 posted by nakasuhito on 2007/10/27 01:45:55
i wont be able to play it until i get a new motherboard and then a videocard because i fucked up the pci-express slot mama on it. :(
hopefully they'll bundle it again when ep3 comes out? that be the shit, since i haven't played ep1 or ep2. even if i got orange box i cant play them really. i need it all 3!
will there be an ep4 too? or its just 3?
#54 posted by necros on 2007/10/27 07:23:12
pretty sure i remember reading somewhere that there's just 3 episodes.
not sure if they'll bundle it again for ep3. there'll probably be some big all encompassing package with all 3 eps and hl2 or something. i would guess tf2 and portal would be sold individually (and for less than the 50 of the orange box) by that time.
#55 posted by JneeraZ on 2007/10/28 13:27:31
Fantastic game! Shows there is still a lot of life left in the FPS genre.
 Still Havent Played It
#56 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/28 16:52:40
Girlfreind might get me for christmas! Already played HL2 and Ep1. Ep2 > Ep3 > HL3?
Portal looks interesting, wasnt there a quake mode with a teleporter gun once?
Seems a bit like Prey - that game had interesting portals and physics and gameplay
 I Mean A Quake 'mod', Not Mode^^^
#57 posted by RickyT33 on 2007/10/28 16:53:33
 The Cake Is Not A Lie
#58 posted by Kell on 2007/10/28 23:19:34
My friend just came over and presented me with this:
She is the best friend I have ever had.
I might now very well be the first person in the world to eat their Weighted Companion Cube.
 Oh Wow
#59 posted by starbuck on 2007/10/28 23:24:20
that is the greatest gift of all
#60 posted by necros on 2007/10/29 05:47:50
help me find my jaw... it's somewhere on the floor over there...
 Kell, Can I Have Your Friend Please?
You can send her in the mail... I don't mind the wait.
On second thoughts, my wife might object. You better keep her. :D
#62 posted by bal on 2007/10/29 09:55:29
Yeah, definetely the kind of friend you want to lock up in your dark basement for eternity to make sure you never lose her. ^__~
But actually, you're not the first to devour your weighted companion cube I think, someone posted a cake like that in the steam forums a while back too, it didn't look half as good though.
(We need a cake icon!)
#63 posted by JneeraZ on 2007/10/29 13:03:02
Man, now THAT'S what I call a girlfriend. :) That's awesome.
 Aww, That's Sweet
#64 posted by BlackDog on 2007/10/29 17:15:59
"You devoured your faithful Companion Cube more quickly than any test subject on record. Congratulations."
This game is prime for speedmapping. Limited texture set, very straightforward game mechanics, and in general very boxy. Hope the 'offical' SDK comes soon, I don't have enough hd space to try the work around.
#66 posted by necros on 2007/10/30 21:58:54
i don't think a portal map needs to follow along with the original theme.
i think a map done in, say for example, q1metal could be really cool, as long as the rules are consistent from start to finish.
any news on the sdk? i haven't been able to get the haxored version of portal map editor working. :\
 I Guess
But who is converting q1metal textures to source engine format? I'm just saying the test chamber theme and gameplay favor speedmapping alot.
If it hasn't been linked yet -> Hammer hax to make portal levels: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/User:Ts2do/Portal_SDK_Work-Around
I've heard that valve was aiming to have the SDK out by the end of October but seeing as its the 30th, I am not holding my breath.
#68 posted by Drew on 2007/11/01 17:07:36
Neg!ke put up that q1 portal mod a while ago. Its kind of crappy but I guess it would work.
#69 posted by Trinca on 2007/11/01 20:02:49
dont you guys have womens???
So many wasted times in other games...
go play Quake and STFU!!!