#1 posted by metlslime on 2009/04/03 10:14:07
what is a U3 package? Not Unreal 3 i assume?
#2 posted by nonentity on 2009/04/03 15:38:57
Joke? Spam? Adware/virus? Actually genuine?
Shotgun not testing the random file...
#3 posted by JPL on 2009/04/03 16:09:55
... no way I run a .exe without trusting the provider... :P
#4 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/04/03 16:16:16
Ths seems a little unnecessary. FitzQuake is a single exe file. You dont need an installer to put it on your computer, just extract to your Quake dir and you are ready to go.....!
So y bother?
#5 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/04/03 16:19:59
Look, that virus/spyware isn't going to install itself. Make with the double click already.
#6 posted by negke on 2009/04/03 16:41:53
It's for U3 smartdrives or something.
 But Yeah It Is Rather Useless
#7 posted by Spirit on 2009/04/03 17:05:55
 OK... So..
#8 posted by JPL on 2009/04/03 17:08:50
... who want to vonluteer to test it ?
#9 posted by ijed on 2009/04/03 18:24:26
Good man!
#10 posted by JPL on 2009/04/03 20:38:07
You misunderstood: I was asking somebody else but me to volunteer :P I am not that stupid :)
#11 posted by nonentity on 2009/04/03 21:02:41
That's virus scan site is funkeh. However, that doesn't rule out spyware/adware. Or give a reason for it's existence beyond a coding exercise (if it is genuine)...
 I Did It Just Because I Felt Like It
i thought it might be useful, i will post a you tube video later of it in action
 But We Don't Actually Know What It Is....
#13 posted by metlslime on 2009/04/03 23:59:41
So I looked it up, it's some sort of method to run programs from a bootable USB drive.
So it's useful for people that have a U3 drive.
 The YouTube Video
#15 posted by johnxmas on 2009/04/04 03:55:27
This thread must be april fools come lately or something... Anyway...
The exe is an auto expandable archive. Opened it on my Mac.
Got a file named 'Desktop.1' (8.9 megs Unix).
That flash drive installer must have it all!...
Dude####!... What an usual way to promote Quake and omg!... Metl!... FitzQUAKE!...
One should never underestimate the powers of Yog-Sothoth!
#16 posted by johnxmas on 2009/04/04 03:57:21
#17 posted by JPL on 2009/04/04 09:46:27
Do you mean it is a self extrat zipped file ?
 Its For Windows
i thought some people might have U3 Smart flash drives i'll post my .zip that has it, jeez, nevermind, next time i'll just keep it to my self
 Don't Get Upset,
#19 posted by dooomer on 2009/04/04 10:17:04
TheDude, sharing is fine. Your intention is good enough I guess. However, to be honest, quake engines (Q1, Q2, Q3, I don't know Q4) are all green softwares and can be started without installation. So, an U3 package for Quake is a bit meaningless, I guess.
 OK, You Can Actually Open The .exe In WinRar
For those of you that want to do an inspection of the Package yourself, go into WinRAR and open it its that easy, it's just a Self extracting Zip archive with a bit of U3 SmarDrive installer code.
Now for the main reason i made this, I love FitzQuake, It is the best source port for the quake engine, i just thought it was a hassle to have two or three windows open just to get to quake, (especially when i'm running an easy to use app launcher), So me and my friends like to have LAN games, instructing 8+ dimwits on where i have located the Quake stuff on a flash dirve is a pain. Especially with my friend DJ who can't navigate a filesystem to save his life. so with a bit of keyboard grease and I come up with this. Actually, a friend of mine suggested i put this in the internet, if you want to spam him for his suggestion, i can give you his e-mail. :P
#21 posted by JPL on 2009/04/04 11:08:32
What's the U3Action.exe file in the Host folder ?
#22 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/04/04 11:34:53
Sorry for the negative reaction but you have to understand that most people aren't familiar with what you're promoting here. A little more info in the original description would have gone a long way. :)
Please, keep sharing stuff like this.
#23 posted by ijed on 2009/04/04 14:42:07
And to be honest you didn't get much flak there.
Now that we know what this is I can see it being very useful indeed.
Trying to explain how to install Quake is a pain in the nuts - the last time I had to PC hop until we had a coop game. Which wasted alot of time.
 Heh - I Have A U3 Flash Drive
#24 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/04/04 16:42:24
a "cruzer micro 8Gb" - maybe this will come in useful afterall :D
U3Action Manages closing everything on ejecting your usb drive, oh and you can only run instance of Quake at a time