Not Bad.
#1 posted by
Shambler on 2010/06/22 19:51:24
Felt pretty easy to me, especially since I haven't played Quake in months. Some good monster traps but plenty of room to move so it's a fun blast rather than a hardcore one. Maybe a bit less armour would have kept things fruitier?? Nice tho, I like the SNG bit too. Rather plain design but neatly built. More structures and less boxy rooms would have been prefered.
#3 posted by
Trinca on 2010/06/22 21:13:59
Just a small comment of me:
Is not the best map I�ve made so far, but is something that worth playing for sure!
Last year I had lots of work at my job and my two small kids at home made task to high. So this is the best I can offer to you guys, hope everyone likes it. I thought many times to delete this map but I wanted something for Quake Birthday and there it is a small and easy map to have a fun blast!
cheers :)

Yeah It's Cool.
#4 posted by
Shambler on 2010/06/22 21:16:24
It's not spectacular but it is more good Quake fun :). So thanks for that!
#5 posted by
necros on 2010/06/22 22:32:27
this is a good map. solid theme and very consistent texture use.
it offers multiple routes while still being linear but there's a good sense of place and it was very easy to remember where the key doors were-- i never got lost.
gameplay isn't over the top and very enjoyable.
i really liked getting a quad as part of the map. it's only recently, after playing some older q1 maps, that i realized how much i miss getting power ups. hopefully this is a trend that will be revived.
good amount of ammo and health, first and second armours were spot-on (i was just running out when i got the second), although i think the first armour could have been green instead of yellow.
as shambler said, a lot of rooms are pretty boxy, but it's offset by the good use of trim and texture use. keeps everything looking interesting, even if they are still boxes.
good job, over all; definitely a map worth playing.