Great Interview
#1 posted by Drew on 2011/06/22 21:20:07
weird though - for some reason I have been under the impression, for years, that American Mcgee was weelchair bound. Where the hell did this come from?
#2 posted by PuLSaR on 2011/06/22 22:13:35
very interesting interview.
Do fiends have eyes? Do Shamblers have fur?
Yes. Yes.
We finally know the truth! =)
#3 posted by Zwiffle on 2011/06/22 23:25:43
Do fiends have eyes? Do Shamblers have fur?
Yes. Yes.
We finally know the truth! =)
I always knew the truth.
#4 posted by Zwiffle on 2011/06/22 23:26:42
Ahem, at least about Shambler fur.
#5 posted by PuLSaR on 2011/06/22 23:35:04
I always voted for fiends DO have eyes
#6 posted by Text_Fish on 2011/06/23 00:03:25
Everybody knows Shamblers have fur.
I'm pretty sure Romero said fiends don't have eyes a few QExpo's ago though.
It seems a shame to me that in these days of hyper-detailed games such petty but fun debates will nolonger divide communities.
#7 posted by nonentity on 2011/06/23 00:55:56
Pfff. Fiends clearly track you by smell. Eyes? Heresy.
 Q1 Reboot Is Actually Being Considered By ID
#8 posted by megalodon on 2011/06/23 02:11:42
 Fiends Have Eyes?!
#9 posted by jt_ on 2011/06/23 06:19:14
Them be fightin words!
 No Way They Have Eyes.
#10 posted by Drew on 2011/06/23 06:25:08
 Great Stuff Spirit
#11 posted by Blitz on 2011/06/23 06:48:52
Great questions, interesting answers!
I had the exact same response as you when you said
"Funny" is an adjective I would not have expected, could you elaborate what you consider funny in Quake?
Seemed like a really weird answer, as there's not a shred of humor in Quake in my opinion (which is fine.)
I wish you would have pressed him more on this:
And is there something you do regret, something that really should not have ended up in the final product like that?
My regrets have little to do with the products and more to do with the people. I was young and immature, so I did some immature things. And I was impacted by some people's actions in ways that were painful. But regrets are pretty useless unless you can learn from them - and I've done my learning and moved on.
Sounds pretty intense. I would love to hear him elaborate on that if you can get it out of him :)
Also, seems like he totally missed the point of the "Do you think a modern Quake could be made" question
 Nonentity, Maybe You Should Shower!
#12 posted by Spirit on 2011/06/23 09:48:42
Isn't it great that the game lets so much to our own imagination and interpretation? Obviously there is no definitive answer to the fur/eyes questions because we each created our own game in our minds.
About the "modern Quake", I think the answer is great. Quake would fail miserably today. Thus I do not look forward to any AAA Quake 5 game. It must be much different from Quake or it will completely fail the market. Unless of course they go a non-retail AAA way, market to the ~"Minecraft and indie game" audience.
 Nice One
#13 posted by negke on 2011/06/23 11:49:09
Thanks for the interview.
 Great Interview
Grumpy space aliens wearing battle armor invaded the comical world of exploding Spam and screwed up the fun.
Do I see a jab at Q2's design there?
#15 posted by Ankh on 2011/06/23 13:17:17
Thank you Spirit. This is a great interview. Very good questions and interesting answers.
"Funny" is an adjective I would not have expected, could you elaborate what you consider funny in Quake?
You guys obviously haven't played enough deathmatch. Quake is fucking hilarious.
 Missing The Point
Also, seems like he totally missed the point of the "Do you think a modern Quake could be made" question
I think you're right there, and I think we all know the answer is "no". Quake was magical not just because of what it was but also when it was. It can never happen again because we ourselves can never go back to that time and experience it again for the first time.
 Quake Humour
#18 posted by Mike Woodham on 2011/06/23 14:24:39
I think it has always been there. When a fiend first jumps at you, it's scary. But that makes you laugh 'cause you have just been scared by a game character. Also, some mapper's comments can be wickedly humerous.
I don't play Quake any more and I kind of miss it. But that's what nostalgia is for, surely.
Thanks Spirit (and American!) Great interview!
 It Seems For Every New Quake Dev Interview
#20 posted by bear on 2011/06/23 14:34:28
the image becomes stronger and stronger that the development lacked any clear design goals other than individuals iteratively making cool stuff and then putting it all together.
 I'd Say...
...it worked!
UT was the same, if you read the post-mortem of UT, Epic and Digital Extremes essentially had a giant bucket that they chucked ideas into.
One of the reasons that although UT1 for me was the least balanced, it was also the only that really overflowed with fun and colour, and thus always the best in the series.
Also say what you like about not being able to re-live Quake now because it was of it's time, mechanically I still think the game is brilliant, just like Doom. So graphics be damned tbh :p