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Return To Na Pali: Ultimate Edition
Spotted this one at UnrealSP:

This is a fully polished Return to Na Pali conversion for Unreal Tournament with all the great features of oldskool. It also contains the cut Unreal Beta maps in a finalized form, together with the RTNP adventure. Here is a full list of features:

- RTNP conversion to UT, without the pesky bugs that have come with previous RTNP conversions.
- The original 17 RTNP levels with bug fixes, texture alignments, game play enhancements, and more. Some maps have been given the treatment they should have received when the Expansion pack first came out!
- 10 new levels, completely restored from Beta content of Unreal. This content was originally cut from the official game. It has been modified to fit right in with RTNP, including proper transitions between levels. All of it feels right at home in RTNP!
- Restored beta content has been completely revamped. This includes better lighting, enhanced game play, new stories, added RTNP content, texture alignments, technical revisions, and much more. None of it is in beta form any longer, but finalized.
- Restored music from the beta releases, which are used in the new maps and even some of the old maps.
- Implemented Oldskool features, including permanent carcasses, weapon decals, scoreboard with kill counts, and more.
- A great menu system created by Integration.
- More of a challenge when used with the 'Limbo Difficulty Mutator', which has been included with this conversion. This is recommended for veteran players who found the original RTNP to be too easy!

Apparently, you don't need the mission pack to play this one - all the required files are packed in the archive. UT with Oldskool seems enough. Looks like a gift for those who hadn't had a chance to play the expansion before.
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Sound Problems 
I often encounter them on UT. I simply close the game and restart it, and the distortion is gone. 
Yeah Same Here 
I have to restart UT when I get them, sometimes a few times. Never figured it out. 
Let me know what you all think of this when you are done. ;) 
I have RTNP installed with UT, will it cause conflicts with this? 
Nope, it will not cause any conflicts. The modified maps go into different folders than the original RTNP. It might ask you to overwrite a few files; you can say "yes" or "no", it doesn't matter. They will be the same versions, so it won't mess anything up either way. 
Good News ! 
..I had RTNP cd was very good better than U1 !
But why all these sp addons need UT ? and not compatible with vanilla U1 ?!
2 engines are almost the same ! ..I've been always wondering this

-Is all legal this version of RTNP ?
-Too bad I dont have UT at moment :( 
"But why all these sp addons need UT ? and not compatible with vanilla U1 ?!"

Because more people play UT these days than U1, and this is a conversion. The original point behind this was to make RTNP compatible with UT.

"2 engines are almost the same ! ..I've been always wondering this"

I personally like UT better. It has a much larger base, and is easily expandable.

"Is all legal this version of RTNP ?"

Check my comment above. 
Me Unreal player without UT sniffs a bit. 
1st Video Done 
Really enjoying this so far, the unreal nostalgia is great :)

I'm doing a video playthrough on my yt, first video is up though it will need some more time to process the 720p version. 
I meant that I have RTNP installed in UT with rtnp2ut, will it cause conflicts with this? 
Nope. It will not cause any conflicts. All files that are different versions than RTNP2UT go into different folders. Besides that, this conversion is meant to replace the incredibly buggy RTNP2UT. This mod was originally based on RTNP2UT, but has basically been completely redone due to the hundreds of bugs in RTNP2UT. 
Thanks for the first video playthrough, DaZ. I hope you make more of them! I'll post it on the Unreal forums in the link above. Btw, why was that Nali afraid of you at 33:00? You didn't even fire at him, and he's not supposed to fear you by default. Lol. 
I Dunno 
I guess im just such a badass? :P

Thanks for the link, appreciated :) Got 3 parts up now, will do some more over the weekend.

Loving it so far, I'm not too familiar with the RtN maps so I don't know which ones are from the expansion pack and which ones are from Unreal beta, but they all flow together just fine so far, so I guess that is a compliment to you and your team that I can't tell them apart :)

The only bummer I can think of at the moment is that the CAR seems fairly overpowered against just about anything :) And I miss the original Unreal weapon models a little, these ones that are used (I assume they are from RtN) are not particularly good imo, the grenade launcher and rocket launcher in particular stand out as looking quite garish, gimme my 8ball and minigun :D

That aside, I will heartily recommend this to anyone who enjoyed Unreal, this pack so far has everything that made Unreal great. 
Great Stuff 
Just finished playing the pack. Even though I've already played the expansion three times before, this felt like a new experience thanks to the polished up beta maps and the added stuff all around.

Out of the ten maps that come from the beta, I liked Soledad most - although Merc Shipping Lane coupled with Cryox is a close follower. The expanded Velora Temple is greatly appreciated too.

Thanks for the all the hard work, Lightning_Hunter. 
I'm glad you guys are enjoying it so far. DaZ, I agree that the RTNP Grenade Launcher and Rocket Launcher are not as good looking as Unreal weapons, but they are official expansion weapons and I didn't want to remove them. The quality is the same as the original RTNP game. However, I do disagree about the quality of the CAR! It is my absolute favorite weapon in RTNP. What skill are you playing on, btw? 
Medium I Think 
The issue I have with the CAR is that while you are hosing something down with bullets it seems to be stunned or something and very rarely fights back, so what ends up happening is that you stand there and spray bullets at something until it dies, its just less fun than the other weapons for me at least.

Just after I made my above post I played some more of the game and got my 8ball launcher so it's all good now :) Is the Unreal minigun in this pack? 
Yes, all the Unreal weapons are in the pack, including the Minigun. The RTNP weapons are just extra. The CAR is definitely powerful, but the monsters aren't as stupid in 'Unreal' skill when you hose them down with bullets as they are in medium. If you really want a challenge, try playing in 'Unreal' skill with the Limbo Difficulty Mutator added to the mutator list (found in the new game window). This mutator is included with the conversion, and is recommended for veteran players. It is basically one skill above 'Unreal'. Personally, I feel that even the Unreal skill is too easy, which is why I included the mutator. For me, it is the perfect challenge. 
Btw DaZ, I noticed in the video playthrough you always browse through the item list to select the translator to read messages. Just so you know, you can bind a key to the translator in Options->Preferences->Controls, under the "useful" section (might be near the bottom of the list). That way, you don't have to select it in the list every time to read messages (gets annoying after a while.) 
DaZ, now that I'm watching more of your videos, I definitely think Medium is far too easy for you. The reason the CAR is cheating for someone like you is that you are an accurate shot, which means you can pretty much use the CAR the whole game with the reduced number of enemies and the extra ammo in medium skill. In Unreal skill, you should have much less CAR ammo to use. In fact, when I use the Limbo Mutator, I'm often forced to use the Dispersion pistol against the weaker enemies, so that weapons like the CAR can be used against tougher foe. 
So I Run 
my copy of unreal gold on win7, and it runs like hell , everything is so fast , what the heck??? 
First of all, this conversion will not work in Unreal Gold. It will only work in Unreal Tournament. Second, if you are experiencing the "super speed" bug in Unreal Tournament, visit this thread here:

This is a problem many people have with the game, but it can be fixed. 
sorry, the problem is not with your mod , but with the game itself

i fix it right now, just turn on vsync via NV control panel


atm i dont have UT , but i have to check this mod definitely later anyway

Yeah you could be on to something there, I figured I would go through on medium as I haven't played Unreal for years. I remembered it being fairly tough back in the day but I guess not :)

Just got done with the nexus level, I think it was nexus, with all the nali prisoners getting owned... That place was a maze, got lost a few times. Good fights though! 
All This Unreal Talk 
is making me nostalgic for HEXEPHET
my fav 
didnt you have another mappack in the works? Or was that abandoned? 
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