#5 posted by
Spirit on 2012/07/25 21:31:45

#6 posted by
Barnak on 2012/07/26 03:39:20
Fine couple of maps. The second one is pretty hard to solve, though.
Thanks mate, I'll have a drink to you !

#7 posted by
Barnak on 2012/07/26 03:45:02
Forgot to say that the Screenshots don't do justice to both maps.

Thanks Digs!
#8 posted by
Drew on 2012/07/26 05:15:15
Will download/record demoes soon!

Thanks Digs!
#9 posted by
Drew on 2012/07/26 05:15:16
Will download/record demoes soon!
#10 posted by
erc on 2012/07/26 15:15:28
Great maps as expected from digs - these two have just provided the much needed Quake fix. Thanks for your efforts.
Quick tip for those that got stuck in digs2 - re-explore the very first room through the last window you have passed.

#11 posted by
Drew on 2012/07/27 01:47:03
#12 posted by
digs on 2012/07/27 13:23:27
Thanks for playing and demos
#13 posted by
Drew on 2012/07/27 19:52:23
thanks for making maps to play and record demos in.
Interesting theme... Nice gameplay. Once a dog got stuck in the armour bypass/teleport. He was half in/half out in a flash of sparks and noise. (I have a pic if wanted). Cheers.
#15 posted by Trinca on 2012/07/28 00:28:33
great speed(more like turtle) map, had a really great fun digs, speedy gameplay with nice visuals made this a pure night of fun in Quake.
Never felt frustrated and always with apetite for more, awesome minutes of pleasure :)
you are a mapping machine!
Maps with this quality could made a turtle pack of 4 or 5 maps.
Muito obrigado!
#16 posted by
digs on 2012/07/28 05:30:24
Thanks for the playing and the demos. Maps is not a turtle. One week for each map. Unfortunately, I now have little free time, so I can not do episodes.
Thank you again
#17 posted by
negke on 2012/07/28 09:48:07
Turtle map = one week or less; speed map = a couple of hours in one session, originally 100 minutes.
#19 posted by Trinca on 2012/07/28 11:35:42
really enjoy then a lot!
will replay for sure ;) map 2 100% sure ;)

#20 posted by
Shambler on 2012/07/30 12:17:24
Map 2 especially. good gameplay as well as tricks. One button didn;t work in map 1 so had to noclip through bars.

Thanks For Playing.
#21 posted by
digs on 2012/07/30 12:23:07
Map 1: Until now, there were no problems. Which button does not work?

#22 posted by Orbs on 2012/07/30 12:35:20
nice maps but not realy tempted to do speedruns on them

#23 posted by Coce on 2012/08/24 01:57:25
I have the same problem as Shambler.
It's in the first series of buttons you have to press in the map: You can press the one behind the ogre, but the bars for the next one doesn't open. I don't see any other way to go on.
#24 posted by
digs on 2012/08/24 04:45:41
Most likely it is on the first map. There is a place where dogs jumped. Need to jump into the nearest left hole

#25 posted by Coce on 2012/09/01 13:55:48
Thx for the info. I'm afraid I'm too used to straight forward maps T_T .
First map done, its a good one, i enjoyed it. Playing the second.

#26 posted by Orbs on 2012/12/14 19:45:42
"nice maps but not realy tempted to do speedruns on them"
I think this was because i thought the runs would be pretty long (2 mins+) i couldnt find secrets easily (stil havent found one or two)and wasnt to sure i could find nice routes on these slightly confusing maps.I started out on the 2nd and a first exploring run took me ages got severly lost running in circles. Then figured out the shortest intended way and that was indeed a 2 min plus. Then actualy after finishing i understood the map, with the trick of the changing door hah you got the wrong key, wich due to shortcut never happens:)
then second map kinda same story (the first long walking around was now for secrets i never found) did the long way and again just aroudn 2 mins. I was aware of the opening i later take to shortcut, but i tought it would be a bit to much effort for the shortcut until i realised its potential, again "a haha" wich backfires, much more fun to speedrun then i tought back then :)

Some People Never Learn
#27 posted by Orbs on 2012/12/14 19:47:27