#63 posted by Shambler on 2013/03/25 18:10:37
Still good. Really like all the details in this. I like the cramped style too, it works in this case.
Really good start to your mappage career mxf.
#64 posted by mfx on 2013/03/25 22:26:30
Thanks a lot Shambler!
And btw, no i�m not associated with this website in any way.
#65 posted by Trinca on 2013/03/26 23:46:54
Nothing much to say!
Nice map, had lots of fun.
Thank you very much for your hard work...
First demo...
 Great Map
#66 posted by mechtech on 2013/03/27 14:21:23
Interconnections are good. I like the way you open up routes as you progress. If I had a complaint it's monster placement was predictable. A monster closet or teleport from behind the player not directly behind but close would have added some danger.
A wonderful base map.
Thanks for making it.
 Fun Map
#67 posted by The Happy Friar on 2013/03/28 03:55:11
Next time put a little info about it in the news post though. Please. :)
 Nice Little Map
#68 posted by than on 2013/03/30 08:51:19
Looks great! I liked the secrets (though perhaps they were a bit easy?) and the layout was pretty cool and interconnected.
I think you need to do a bit more testing though. It starts off pretty hard, but then about halfway through gets very easy. There was way too much ammo for the lightning gun and as a result, the end (quad damage too ffs) was insanely easy.
Also, I know I used the same textures in apsp2, so I can't really moan, but sometimes it was hard to tell where there was a door. I didn't really get lost at all though, except the first two silver key doors could have been a bit better marked.
The large room with the slime and crane in it was nice. You could have used that for a more interesting combat though. The vores seemed to go to waste where they were placed, so a vore or shambler in there might have livened things up a bit.
 About The Glass
#69 posted by than on 2013/03/30 08:57:14
It seemed that you used the same technique to make glass as I used in apsp2. However, there was one point I heard a grenade splash in water, so perhaps you missed something?
I did it with water + func_wall covered in skip texture for collision, which doesn't anything past, but I just checked again and found that everything passes in mfxsp8.
You needn't use any special Quoth entities... just water and func_wall with skip. I did use a Quoth entity to set wateralpha on map load though.
You can also use waterskip and skip in combination to have glass that is underwater. I should make a tutorial for the wiki or something.
#70 posted by Ankh on 2013/04/04 22:56:57
Good map. Fun to play.
Low on ammo in the final part.
Skill 2 demo below:
 Fun Little Map
#71 posted by ARGh on 2013/04/04 23:11:58
I wish there were more maps made to utilize close quarters combat for q1sp. This one was fun and enjoyed it! I hope you are considering making more.
#72 posted by mfx on 2013/04/04 23:12:08
Thank you for your feedback, glad you liked it for the most parts.
Have to admit, no beta-testing took place, it�s always bad for a mapper to play his/her stuff and let nobody else confirm it.
Won�t happen next time.
And yeah, that glass feature, i was only cliptexturing them for the player to get blocked, now i�m smarter, thanks for your advice.
And btw all of your maps are the shit, you really rock, and yes they inspired me a lot ;)
#73 posted by mfx on 2013/04/04 23:13:15
Visit the screenshot forum, expect to see more!
 Nice Map
#74 posted by nitin on 2013/04/07 14:01:56
its title says it all really, clean cut quake at its best. Some nifty designs too, although I got noticeable slowdown in the big open area with the moving crate thing.
 Got Round To It
#75 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/04/10 22:30:08
Played on nightmare (just because i refuse to ever accept that it's too hard for me).
Fought hard. Ultimately failed. Was a fun challenge. :) Nice map - shame about the missing walls. Other than that it really was rather pretty ;)
Some demos (a 1st run, a 3rd run a 8643898th run ;)
 Missing Walls?
#76 posted by nitin on 2013/04/11 04:39:02
#77 posted by mfx on 2013/04/11 22:03:05
Nice demos! Hard is hard, hahaha..
 Great Map
#78 posted by Tamarisk on 2013/04/12 20:40:16
Reminds me of Quake 2 style.
 A Series Of Slightly Different Images That When Combined Create Film
#79 posted by DaZ on 2013/04/13 03:38:28
 Nice One
#80 posted by erc on 2013/05/14 08:13:06
Pretty good start. As much as I like base maps, cramped ones can get a little irritating to move through. Even though the brushwork was very appealing (loved the pipes), I felt like I was constantly hampered by those narrow corridors. Some of the fights seemed a little bit forced and out of place. Also, by moving a step backwards when I heard two shamblers approaching, I was locked out of their room - had to noclip through.
Thanks for the effort. Demo might be a little boring.
QuakeSpasm 0.85.9
skill 2; 14:15, 5/6 secrets, 64/64 kills
#81 posted by AAS on 2013/09/29 17:34:40
Thank you. Nice map. Maybe corridors are bit tight to my taste (:
#82 posted by mfx on 2013/09/29 21:06:03
Glad you liked it, is this was rather brush experiments glued together...(looking at sock) hehe..
<a href="http://www.quaketastic.com/files/demos/otp_ivory.zip>Two demos</a> because quicksaving and reloading is technology beyond my brain capability.
 Also, Func Markup...
Luckily this wasn't even the right thread.
#86 posted by metlslime on 2013/09/30 06:23:32
standard html anchor tags are supported on func, but my pattern matching is much stricter than a real html parser.. maybe there was an extra space or something in that post.
#87 posted by Shambler on 2013/09/30 10:00:27