I'll Weigh In
#38 posted by ijed on 2015/12/31 21:44:03
But this is just guesswork.
For Valve (!= Gabe Newell) it is enough to make Steam a more attractive platform simply hosting the content - I doubt they will try to leverage it for anything beyond that, because the return wouldn't be enough for a handful of maps.
For QuakeLive however, its highly likely that sooner or later all custom maps will be curtained off behind some sort of premium account payment - of which no revenue will go to the author(s) of (some of) that content.
Their general stance seems to be indicating this. The ownership of the content is in a grey area and they could easily crush the author if they wanted to.
The question is, do you really want it on QuakeLive? If you're prepared to surrender your claim to it just so people can play, then go for it. A decade or whatever ago, that was the intention. It's just a bit different to see someone profiting from it, however indirectly.
Email Valve to clarify it, but what Willem's already said (boilerplate statement to protect them) is pretty much spot on.
All just guesswork, and may be completely off the mark.
Yes, you can.
It is one time pay. All workshop content will be available after game purchase.
For QuakeLive however, its highly likely that sooner or later all custom maps will be curtained off behind some sort of premium account payment - of which no revenue will go to the author(s) of (some of) that content.
QL had premium subscription and they paid authors for the rights to update and use their maps. Subscription system was replaced with one time payment and there is no sense for id to return to it.
Don't have any confirmation, but I highly doubt valve can do this on their own for legal reasons. Screwing mappers not worth messing with zenimax lawyers.
#40 posted by JneeraZ on 2015/12/31 22:10:42
I think that's where I come down on it, in the end. It's not in Valve's interests to screw over the content creators. There's no upside.
#41 posted by Joel B on 2016/01/01 01:36:13
QL is on complete autopilot now, and anyway Valve's EULA doesn't give id ownership of workshop content as far as I can tell.
And yeah in the past id has been pretty scrupulous about managing rights and compensation for QL user maps.
 Q3 To QL Converter??
Is there a tutorial somewhere to compile a level to work on Quake Live?
I tried loading my Q3 maps into QL but gives me an error about incorrect BSP version number or something.
 There Is
#43 posted by DaZ on 2016/01/12 00:14:48
If you look on the Quake Live steam community page at the guides section.
Sorry can't link now, oh phone
 Try This Thread
 What To Do???
#45 posted by Tigger-oN on 2016/01/13 23:29:01
I'm not sure what to do about this, but it does appear that the QL Live Workshop on Steam is simply a bunch of kids stealing other peoples work, running the maps through a converter and re-posting it without the original authors permission.
Many maps (from a quick browse) appear to be nothing more than this at all.
I have no issue at all with original works or the author granting permission but seriously I don't think "Mario" http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=598733591 is converted by Pen-Pen, who created the original version "Mario Arena" http://lvlworld.com/review/id:242 - The thief also stole the screen shot from ..::LvL. Not the only image taken from ..::LvL.
This is only a single example. Within seconds it is easy to find many more.
Anyway, my point and question is, what can we as a community do to let Steam (Valve) know we are not happy with the way the Steam Workshop is being run?
I've seen a number of community based protest get some positive results and I really think it would be a good idea to do something at least. My issue is not with the QL Workshop, just how it is run and administrated.
My thinking behind making this a public, community request is because it is next to impossible to report a violation (copyright issue) or anything else to Valve about the workshop or individual maps. Every option to report an issue requires a login. There is no other way to contact the admins either (that I found).
I suspect that the original content creator would have to protest for it to gain any traction.
 To Be Fair
it's difficult to police and you can't really blame people for wanting to upload their favourite quake maps to quake live for people to play...
Stealing is an oft overlooked sign of flattery :P
#48 posted by - on 2016/01/14 00:05:18
AFAIK, it is up to ID to curate their game's workshop, so they are the ones to contact.
I'm not sure there is much that can honestly be done though... the guys converting maps aren't claiming to be the authors, and most of us have always written .txt files that give permission to distribute the maps free of charge (even if some author's aren't keen on their work being on Steam, see Lunaran above). So it's a question to ID if it's really a scummy move to do a conversions and upload to Steam. Grabbing Tigger's shots from LvL though is real scummy... at least take your own shot of the map!
I do wish ID had made it so you would need to fully recompile a map from the .map source to put into QL... at least that would've limited conversions to just maps with released source. But it's too late for that.
 "distribute" Is Not "convert"
#49 posted by Tigger-oN on 2016/01/16 11:58:15
There is a distinct difference between "distribute" and "convert map from one game to another". QL Live is very clearly not Quake 3.
Taking screenshots from ..::LvL is just lazy and points to the conversion process being pretty simple. If it was complex to convert a map, taking a screenshot would be the simple part - and not an issue.
There seems to be little concern for this topic. Maybe I'm just defensive because of ..::LvL housing (a copy of) a lot of the original maps that are now being converted without consent. I guess in a way I feel a little like ..::LvL may be felicitating the conversion process.
Would people be interested in signing a petition on Change.org if I (or someone else) started something? Promoting the petition would be nice too.
 Shut Up
#50 posted by Quake Live on 2016/01/16 12:59:51
They come from World Spawn Archive
No Ones Making Money
Its Ok
#52 posted by Tigger-oN on 2016/01/16 14:24:30
Shut Up is an interesting response from a spam ip - https://stopforumspam.com/ipcheck/
If you have to hide your id to make a comment, keep it to yourself.
#53 posted by Lunaran on 2016/01/16 19:21:37
I don't think a petition is likely to do anything.
 Iron Yard Is There
#54 posted by Friction on 2016/01/19 10:32:40
And I'm okay with this. (Does it even work?)
#55 posted by negke on 2016/01/19 11:22:41
Iron Yard works, although (of course) they didn't bother to convert the aas as well. The readme isn't included outside of the pk3.
Lunaran's maps also work, but an even lazier job, as they don't show up in the maps list and can only be accessed manually (console).
#56 posted by bal on 2016/01/19 12:21:59
This is one of the reasons I decided to convert my maps myself to be honest (well, that and to have pretty workshop images on my Steam profile, heh.)
I would have been pretty annoyed if someone had converted them without asking, especially if they did it half-assed.
Doing it myself I was able to tweak a few things, update the arena file to make the maps appear in QL, update the loading screenshot to proper HD resolution like other QL maps, etc.
Unfortunately I'm still unable to get the .aas working on all the maps, not sure what is up with that, quite annoying.
 Conversion Gotchas?
#57 posted by anonymous user on 2016/01/30 03:06:38
Since some of you guys have gone through this process:
I took a shot at converting titans/jlctf2 and it seems to be working OK (if I just manually put the pk3 into baseq3) except that in the map select menu it just shows a generic QL logo instead of a map image.
I do have a square little appropriately-named jpg in the levelshots/preview folder, and I'm pretty sure this worked the last time I looked at running the map in QL. Hmm. Any gotchas I should know about?
...or anything else, like differences in the arena file, or game entities, or whatever? I'm just kind of assuming that the CTF, Oneflag, and Harvester modes/entities are the same in QL (I guess Overload is gone?). Looked around for guides and stuff but not much luck yet.
Found this guide for uploading to workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=539821860
... is that the right process?
P.S. as for the aas file issues Bal mentioned, that does seem to require a lot of hoop-jumping, but various folks have apparently figured it out. This thread has some discussion and a converter program (although I haven't tried the program): http://quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=51522
#58 posted by anonymous user on 2016/01/30 03:19:08
Well poop, they changed the entity gametype keys for oneflag (now is "1f") and harvester (now is "har"). Guess that's not too bad, just need to relearn how to do some onlyents fiddling.
Still dunno what's up with the levelshot previews.
#59 posted by anonymous user on 2016/01/30 19:12:08
I guess the preview thing is a universal issue with all workshop maps?
Gone ahead and published here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=612037662
 Time To Log Back In Apparently
#60 posted by Joel B on 2016/01/30 19:28:30
(Above posts were by me!)
#61 posted by - on 2016/01/30 19:39:39
yeah, I'm not sure how to make thumbnails work either... There must be some magic, but who knows what it is. The whole Quake Live Workshop thing is a pain.
#62 posted by bal on 2016/01/30 20:05:25
I haven't seen a single custom map with the thumbnail working, so I think it's a bug with the game.
For the .aas, I've seen that discussion already, and it works for most maps (which I've done already), but for some maps it just won't work, no idea why.