#26 posted by mjb on 2016/04/04 21:07:15
Let me know if -game ad doesn't work. That does seem to be what the problem is. Arcane Dimensions is required to run before loading the map.
 Is That....
#27 posted by Shambler on 2016/04/04 21:16:26
....because it's an ADSP map that **REQUIRES ARCANE DIMENSIONS** ?
 Is That....
#28 posted by Shambler on 2016/04/04 21:16:26
....because it's an ADSP map that **REQUIRES ARCANE DIMENSIONS** ?
#29 posted by metlslime on 2016/04/05 02:57:52
quake injector should automatically handle that though, right?
#30 posted by mjb on 2016/04/05 03:36:17
It looks like it does, but I wonder if patch 2 is also being applied.
Patch 2 is also required for everything to be working.
 The Requirement
#31 posted by Han on 2016/04/05 05:28:59
I have already installed the map "Arcane Dimension" via Quake Injector. Wouldn't it help? Do I have to do anything else?
#32 posted by mjb on 2016/04/05 16:32:27
I think you are missing patch 2. I do not believe patch 2 is installed via Quake Injector. Go to this link and install manually:
Just unzip the contents into the Quake/ad directory.
#33 posted by Han on 2016/04/06 10:44:25
Tha all maps of Arcane Dimensions work properly. I only have problem with this AHNQ map. I installed patch 2 from the link you game. It is still the same.
I see the following files in the directory "<QuakeSpasmDir>\ad\maps":
But the Quake engine says that it can't spawn it. Could it be that the engine is looking for in a different disk location?
#34 posted by mjb on 2016/04/06 13:40:11
If someone hasn't installed AD and can test if running my map via the injector works I would appreciate it!
I am not really sure what the issue is, but just keep the .bsp and the .lit file in the ad/maps directory. I don't think that matters but just to rule out things.
You are the only person to have an issue running the map at the moment so I am a bit puzzled myself.
#35 posted by SumunSinsot on 2016/04/06 16:31:17
Hey, i'm also having trouble loading that map through Quake Injector. So, uh, Han isn't the only one.
However, since that was easily solved by typing "game ad"(and then "exec quake.rc" for good luck), i assumed that the source of trouble is in QI and didn't report it.
#36 posted by mjb on 2016/04/06 17:02:37
Thanks SumunSinsot!
Okay, it appears something is not working correctly when loading/installing the map via Quake Injector. I'll email Spirit (or if he sees this before I get to it) about the issue.
I am guessing since mine is the first AD custom stand-alone release, there may be some caveat in there.
 Try To
#37 posted by mfx on 2016/04/06 17:54:54
Install the patch linked on the release page manually.
Just overwrite existing files when asked.
#38 posted by mfx on 2016/04/06 17:58:31
The patch also has some bonus maps...
 While Im Here
#39 posted by mfx on 2016/04/06 18:07:22
I played the map a few days ago, forgot to link the demo it seems.
Really nice execution, vertical progression felt great. Forcefields were a nice touch, and you seem to have used the new ents quite well.
P.S. I got a message of 17 mising textures in the bsp, nothing breaks with this warning. Still, test your maps with developer set to 1. Inpect the console for such errors.
#40 posted by Spirit on 2016/04/06 18:45:03
I am semi offline for a few days, direct all complaints to negke (who could add ad patch as dependency)!
 Multiple Tries
#41 posted by sock on 2016/04/06 19:32:27
I am guessing since mine is the first AD custom stand-alone release, there may be some caveat in there
This is mostly my fault because of creating patches and not completely new versions of AD. Ideally I would love if Quaddicted glued everything together under one entry so I can keep creating updates not have multiple database entries. It sort of exposes the rigid setup of Quaddicted and why not many mods are listed.
Hopefully this problem will be fixed with the new version (coming soonTM) of AD 1.5. I know it will be a new database entry, but there is nothing I can do about that :(
#42 posted by negke on 2016/04/06 19:37:08
I'd appreciate using PAK files this time, and please don't add "final" to the zip name again.
 Thanks All
#43 posted by mjb on 2016/04/06 20:15:57
Appreciate the efforts and explanations of everyone!
 Thanks MFX
#44 posted by mjb on 2016/04/07 12:44:57
A lovely demo to watch after work. I think a large concept I have to get down is visual language. I did attempt it but I see the majority of players getting a bit confused at times...even when I didn't expect confusion to take place!
All part of the learning process and the fun!