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Retro Jam 6 - Egyptian!
Hey folks! Retro Jam 6 is finally ready!

2017 starts with one Egyptian jam theme and whopping 17 contributions from the following mappers: bloodshot, breezeep, Danzadan, doomer, dumptruck, FifthElephant, ionous, Khreathor, lp, MJB, MukOr newhouse, OTP, PuLSaR, Skacky, Shadesmaster, Naitelveni

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Thanks to everyone involved, it's been a huge success! And I have a new-found appreciation for people who arrange jams! :)
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Mike Woodham 
Hmm, maybe i forgot change "wait" to -1 for final stair. I will be chekc it now. 
Fifth Map 
The 3D faces are superb. And I actually found 4 out of 5 secrets, which is good going for me. 
Ill be uploading a fixed version of my map "Sacrifice Unto Sebek".

It fixes monsters clipping on some geometry. Too much or too little health/ammo. Addresses a slight flow/direction issue. Moved MegaHealth secret to a more practical area. 
Small Fix

Fix behavior of the stair to the final door.

@FifthElephant, please update jam archive. 
Holy shit, I can't wait to play these later.
Thank you all. 
That's a ball-bouncingly large number of maps. I had a quick blast and many of these are of really high quality! Well done to all involved. 
Very Small Update To The Map. 
Added one more enemy in the ending section with the final vore, and made the secret shootable buttons slightly more noticeable. They are still in the same place, so you've gotta keep looking harder ;). 
Enough Of This Bullshit. 
Stop updating your entries if there are no game breaking bugs. 
Arcane Dimension ? 
Is there any map in that jam that uses the AD mod ? 
No, it works in vanilla. 
Missing Maps? 
Unless I'm missing something in both the start area and the maps directory, maps such as Bloodshot's and my own are missing? 
Double check. I had to change a lot of file names to keep everything consistent 
Skacky�s + Ionous� + Bloodshot�s 
are probably my favorites so far. somebody else listening to the new The Fragile Deviations 1 as a soundrack to this pack too? 
I've found a bug in doomer's map: the stairs that raise when kill 3 vores in the end go down shortly after that and one can't exit the level without noclip. 
Doomers Map 
I noticed that also, but i rocketjumped :) 
I Rocketnocliped 
Going To Play Through The Rest Of This Shortly 
Demos And Feedback Batch 2 
Thus ends the Jam, but the later half is just as good!

Skill 2

Wow, what an impressive first release! I love the warm lighting and night time atmosphere. Lots of story elements going on with the center print beckoning you all the way. Lovely secrets...I was able to unearth 7 out of the whopping 9! I think the gameplay had lots of variety and you made good use of entities such as func_train to replace func_bobs.

I think a tiny quibble would be when you need to reach the second sacrifice pool...I just happened to go back and shoot/push the switch. Congrats!

Lovely map, great architecture and fits the theme well. I think the map felt a bit empty, maybe because of the large spaces and sparse enemies. The quad run was fun but there needs to be a shortcut to the top as it discourages jumping for tempting ledges! Set wait with a value of -1 on buttons to make them stay pressed in.

Your style is becoming more apparent to me. I am starting to see NewHouse maps as dark and brutal and this map is no different! The crushers miss their mark a little bit due to the cramped hallways but I liked that you attempted a different way to handle zombies. The void section is fantastic and really gives an out of this world vibe...I like how you interpret themes. I did not find a way to get back to the silver key door after finding said key...I assume it was the slipgate on top. Lastly, a pretty cool idea with the vore sprint.

Congrats on a non-phallic release! I liked the unique theme here with the green poison channels beneath. Gave me a bit of a doom 64 vibe. Gameplay was solid enough but it could have used a little more re-population during key movements. It appeared you ran out of ideas at the finish but it was satisfying enough.

Very dark and moody...quite small but I know you had very limited time. I found one secret and enjoyed my little romp through some very dark corridors. I could have used a wee bit more light in some places.

Congrats on your first release. The map is competent enough but is a bit rough around the edges. That's OK though considering it is your first entry! Secrets seem to be given much too late as the map is over before you know it! Consider using some messages to guide the player as to what their button pressing is doing!

Wonderful aesthetic here with the tech like infused Egyptian structures. Lovely lighting, probably the best lighting of the entire jam to be quite honest. Fun secrets if maybe a bit too close together and even a super secret (Which half of the demo is me spending the time to find the last button...which doesn't happen.) I did check the map for the location and it's worthy enough but why not a marked secret?

One issue I had was being confused when told the path to the key was clear. I triggered the help message earlier due to secret jumping and thus didn't make the connection for a while. Really good work! Also, I chuckled when the level changed.

And there you have it, one of the best jams I have played hands down...perhaps the best! Every map is vastly different. From standard dusty Egypt to out of this world techno-gypt the jam runs the gambit of all flavors.

There are too many entries to pick a favorite so I will choose three that I felt touched me in that oh so special way:

In no particular order:


Congratulations to all! 
Id say with respect to Fifth any and all fixes should be done with the next ~24 hours.

This is a sizable and memorable, jam so I'd say its worth a little effort after the fact.

Im also totally biased cause I'm wanting to submit a small update to my map.

Here is the final update to Sacrifice Unto Sebek. This fixes monsters that were clipping on geometry. Item placements/amounts. Moved Mega Health secret to a more practical spot. It was pretty pointless in its first spot. (proven by ionus' stream) Fixed a sequence of events that occurs in the mid section of the map. First version triggered things without prompting the player which led to even myself being a little confused as to what was going on. The flow is much clearer now. Also, added some monster jumps. :)

I'll be getting to demos tonight once my little ones gone. 
Comments Part One 
Bloodshot: That opening vista is really something. The pyramid is very cool and the green lighting makes it look like the whole land is cursed. Loved the little adventure trope of the sliding pit of doom at the start. Combat is good for the most part, if a bit unfair near the end. Loved the use of traps. Lighting was alright too but colors were a bit strong at times. Very good first map.

Breezeep: Playtested this and it was already incredibly solid, needing only a few changes. Super good map that feels like a full release. Geometry is simple and elegant, flow is superb, lighting is lovely, fights are intense but properly balanced and the temple-in-caves-bathed-in-moonlight theme is excellent. I really like the keys inside the teleporters, that's clever. An all around very good map and a highlight of the pack.

Danzadan: Very good first map, much like Bloodshot. That night sky was lovely and the outdoor area in the middle was proper Egyptian. Combats were hectic, chaotic and ultimately a whole lot of fun. Didn't find a single secret I believe. :(

DOOMer: feels like Sandy Petersen authored that one. One of the most retro of the pack for sure. Pretty good overall. The ending was pretty brutal but interesting.

Dumptruck: Loved the classic Doom monster preview in that one. This map feels properly evil. The pyramid in the void is a very nice touch, so is the Romero lift with the obelisk as the centerpiece. I assume this is a first release as well, in which case congrats!

FifthElephant: Crazy good given the short amount of time used to make the map. It looks good and plays rather well. The pyramids are certainly very impressive-looking. The lighting makes the whole map look very dusty. Short and sweet. A few collision issues though, resulting in the player being able to get into solid geometry. Projectiles also travel inside walls on the right of the silver key door. :P

Ionous: Much like Fifth this is a really really good map, especially given the short amount of time. Feels properly retro, using only simple shapes. The black sky makes it look very mysterious. Flows well, good layout, good fights. Really ace.

Khreathor: Probably the best lighting out of all the maps and the most retro-looking to me. It really reminded me of both PS1 games and Magic Carpet somehow, though I can't really explain it. The architecture is simple but very good and feels properly Egyptian, especially the green marble corridors. Crazy good pharaoh sculpture too. That said gameplay is a bit let down by the fact that, much like my first proper release, the map is mirrored at one point. Time constraints, of course, but still a con. That said, however, this is still a very cool map!

Pretty good map. I'm not too sure about desaturated lighting with sock's Egypt wad, it works better with colored lighting in my opinion. Interesting layout and good combat encounters overall. I got a bit confused at one point but it's more my fault than the map's. Not much to say about it really, it's solid all around.

Bloughsburgh: Even crazier than your jam7 map. This is just insanely fun. Really good design and you actually made water combat fun, which is no small feat. Didn't find a way to get the rune but that didn't prevent me from really digging the map. 
Comments Part Deux 
Mukor: Playtested this a few times as well. It's really, really good. Vertical and a lot of fun. Very impressive visually, feels proper evil and Egyptian. Definitely full-release material here. I'm not sold on the crates you added for the release version, they look a bit jarring with the rest. The button to open the second well is also too well hidden among the scenery, made especially annoying that it has more than 1 health! Other than that it's a really cool map.

Naitelveni: Feels a bit like Serious Sam that one, with the monolithic scale and long sightlines. The Vore at the start is incredibly inefficient and encounters could be a bit more thought out. That said it is still a really fun map with cool events (the gold key was a lot of fun for instance) and gorgeous architecture, which could've benefited from better lighting as it's a bit flat. There could've been a shortcut below to get up to the upper levels too. The map has a trigger_teleport issue as well, but it's not really too bothersome. So yeah, overall this is a pretty solid map as well!

Newhouse: I'm sorry, but I didn't like the gameplay in that one very much at all. It's far too unfair, even with the powerups inside the secrets. The crushers are a cool idea and the quad run is fun, but that's about it. Design-wise, however, this is clearly one of the best maps of the bunch, with superb visual design and really odd stuff. It keeps things fresh and the flow is as bizarre as the visual design, which is something I really enjoyed. It's just a shame the gameplay is so subpar compared to the rest, it feels almost like an afterthought with monsters thrown in just for the sake of it.

Oasis: Sorry, I don't remember your nickname. In any case this is a competently-made beginner map, which reminded me of Kona's maps after Cardo said it in Ionous' stream. Texture choice is a bit dubious but it still works somehow. It's nothing spectacular but still well made for a first map, definitely much better than most first attempts at the least!

Onetruepurple: Atrocious. Horrible. Abominable. Fetid. Awful. Just pure dross. How could anyone release a map like this I can't fathom!

In all seriousness, this is one of the most retro of the pack, it feels like American McGee decided to make an Egyptian map, replacing lava with slime. The brush shapes are very reminiscent of Episode 3, so are the moving platforms. Layout is pretty good too. A solid first proper release that's not textured with cocks this time!

Pulsar: My favorite of the pack. Just an all-around excellent small-sized map that totally nailed the Egyptian theme and looks mysterious as fuck. If I had to complain I'd say it's a bit too dark and the arena with the Hell Knights doesn't work very well, but other than that it's a really damn good offering especially considering it was made very quickly.

skacky: This was interesting to make for sure. I had wanted to make an Egyptian map for a while now. Design was very freeform, so much so that you can completely sequence break the map. I should've found a better solution for the whole gold key accession process but I thought the Lost Crusade trope would be pretty obvious. Oh well! :P
The Angelic Process' haunting music and artwork were a huge inspiration for the map.

Top 5 maps for me:
- Pulsar
- Breezeep
- Bloughsburgh
- Ionous
- Khreathor

Skill 3 demos for all! 
Oops, Wrong Link 
Thanks for your comments so far. I really want strive to create something new in the future and every feedback is welcome.

Sorry I didn't introduce new mechanics, I just thought people would understand without them and I just focused on void sections. 
Thanks for the feedback, I must know though.. where the monsters should have been, because I designed gameplay be this way. Every monster was placed with care, it's a shame the gameplay itself didn't work for you but hopefully it will in other maps in the future. I will try to work on it! 
It's Fine, Newhouse 
You can't please everyone. In comparison I thoroughly loved your jam7 map. 
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