 Skill 2 Demo
#1 posted by ww on 2018/08/24 21:42:13
 Gonna Have To Stream This
#2 posted by NullPointPaladin on 2018/08/24 21:42:53
I don't know when but I will add this to my map rotation and let you know what I think. Thanks for the new release!
#3 posted by Tronyn on 2018/08/24 22:44:52
Lighting, skybox and fog all look well-balanced and atmospheric. Map history sounds cool as well. Looking forward to checking this out when I get some time.
 Skill 2 Demo. 178/200 Enemies, 2/12 Secrets, Zero Deaths Baby.
#4 posted by Danz on 2018/08/24 22:48:09
Really good map. plenty of ammo to rebalance with the monster numbers, though i did end up wasting quite alot of nails one time. Still enjoyed it to the end.
Sadly, I suck at finding secret, so no luck there.
Also, really interesting that you've put teleporters down the bottomless pits. Not saying whether it makes it easier or not, just an interesting choice.
Very... round 8) Felt a little short. Just started to get used to spawns behind every corner and it was all over.
Couldn't explore the pits properly, because I expected to only find death there(yes, even after seeing spawn teleporting out of it) and it is inconvenient to start new demo after every load or explore a lot "off-screen".
I didn't understand the ending. Maybe I messed up the route, but after exit was already available I still found monsters everywhere I went.
Only found 7/12 secrets, but I liked it. Looks and plays nicely.
#6 posted by Spud on 2018/08/25 03:16:14
Neat. Missed a couple probably blatantly obvious secrets, wanted to try to break the map a bit with some explosive jumping but ended up not having enough health to do so. The 'dying star' made of rotated flame models is most excellent. Skill 2 demo, 25:30, 5/12 secrets, 198/200 kills.
#7 posted by Drew on 2018/08/25 03:17:23
productive as fuck!
 Big Improvement Over Shamsp1!
#8 posted by than on 2018/08/25 05:52:33
Great to see another map already, especially as you've already made a large improvement over it with this release.
Had lots of fun on skill 2 this time. Only managed to find 5 secrets, including the secret within a secret. Think I killed most of the enemies.
My only major criticism of this map is that there were a lot of places where the monsters couldn't effectively fight the player. The shamblers at the end were a particularly notable example, and I don't know what all those spawn appeared for, since they all just teleported in, then jumped into the abyss, never to be seen again.
Here's my demo: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CHvtnS-Mwl03ekI3Hb4iLmTA0KvFTqT6
#9 posted by lpowell on 2018/08/25 05:58:32
Skill 2 demo in two parts--I died once at the final battle, the spawns got me. Luckily I don't always mind spawns, they were used well here. I cheated and caught myself with noclip once when falling into a bit, but as I found out later I probably didn't need to.
Goods combats reuse of space, I had fun. Missed all but one secret, but that's not uncommon for me.
 Very Bummed
#10 posted by Drew on 2018/08/25 07:13:03
I recorded a demo... I thought.
Anyway will post 2nd play demo soon.
missed GL first play through somehow, died quickly!
on 2nd playthrough found 4 secrets (and rl'd to red armour), including secret in secret. 200 kills. had a lot of fun with it, though did play cheaply at times taking advantage of some of the monster placement Than gently derides above. Disagree re spawn though, had some solid and fun encounters with them.
 Cheers :)
#11 posted by Shambler on 2018/08/25 10:23:15
A few replies:
Secrets may be tough. I had a stupid amount of fun placing them and might have got a bit carried away. In part it's designed for post-combat longetivity and exploration.
The pits. I wanted the vibe of them, but didn't want the frustration of instant death, so they're a compromise.
Depending on the route you take back after the silver key, and where you aim in the final arena, there might be a few monsters left.
Than: I know some monsters are less effective but usually that's deliberate, I'm using them for some other effect, either scares or catching careless players. Any monsters spawning facing away from an area are to "block" the area without actually locking the player in, or punish them for panicked retreating (khreathor backed into the post-gk shambler which was fun). The zombies below the pillar structure are partly for aesthetics and partly for lots of gibbing fun. The fiend below the sk is ineffective but I decided that combat was riotous enough without anything better. There aren't many spawn that spawn and jump in the abyss afaik?? The shamblers at the end, I liked them there for dramatic effect but I know it's a bit of a lame fight. I did consider swapping them and the vores (would be too brutal) or monster_jumping them (possibly too punishing for 90% of players who have already used all their nails on small groups of knights or other easily DBS-able monsters), but decided against it.
 Now You Are Just Showing Off!!
#12 posted by generic on 2018/08/25 15:22:46
 Skill 1 Partial Demo
#13 posted by Mclogenog on 2018/08/26 19:14:20
Skill 1 demo of about 80% through. It cut off when I died, but after that things wrapped up pretty easily:
As far as I remember, final secrets were 5/12, kills were 164/172 (figured they were all zombies)
The aesthetic was really strong, and the phong shader on the curved brushes was lovely. Might have to try that with my next map :)
Only comment is that the shambler fight at the end was awkward. As far as I could tell, the choices were A) facetank a bunch of shambler damage and hope the shalraths don't see you, or B) strafe off to the side, kill one of the shalraths, and then tediously kill off the shamblers with a sliver of an angle into viewing them at medium-long distance. I guess there's also the option to run straight up and go for the exit without killing them?
Solid map though, plenty more notes in the demo!
#14 posted by Shambler on 2018/08/26 22:07:04
That fight is a bit lame, I know. I didn;t know what to change it to tho. IF people save nails (as I always do when I sniff there might be a final battle), it's less tedious.
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