#1 posted by
yhe1 on 2021/03/03 20:27:41
Does this game have proper save yet?
#2 posted by
PuLSaR on 2021/03/03 20:43:40
nope, you just respawn at the checkpoint
#3 posted by
Juz on 2021/03/07 14:39:27
Really nice, good work! I haven't actually finished the main game yet so some of the enemies were new to me

Cool Map!
I liked the map! Good use of loops and revisiting spaces, meaty encounter rooms. I got a little bit lost by all the small doors. Would have liked to have a few more weapons in the beginning of the map but that changed when I got the grenadelauncher.
Last piece of advice would be to have more varied visual style, but Prodeus looks kinda similar all the time so not sure how much you can do there!
Congrats on the release!