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Coagula Contest 2 Pack Released.
Well back from time off, and here is the Coagula Contest 2 pack for you. Go to the link below for the full reviews, final results and download from Fileplanet.
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SDA Update... 
There's a few more demos on the Coagula maps up at 
Sda/stubgaard/amazing Speedrunning Dudes =) 
I should be on Reality TV. Why? So I could switch it off.

nice one. =)

Good to see Distrans email at SDA too :)

I also concur with the belief that speedrunners "know" maps, (not to mention the Q1 engine) probably as well as anyone in the world.

I must write that article on speedrunning. :P 
"I should be on Reality TV. Why? So I could switch it off."

It was in fact Morfans and not me who said that, but thanks anyway ;-) 
we received a 4 second improvent to jozsefs chain easy run...let's just say it's mad. check sda for updates in the next few days and it ought to be up. 
Even More Coagula Demos.... 
Grab the new demos at! 
I can't imagine how my map could be any more hostile to speedrunners. 
...speaking of symbolism, I just got the Tyrann's phallic gesture(s) in the start map. 
...not intentional - I'll have to have a look when I get home tonight. I wonder what my subconscious has thrown in there... 
...I finally got around to finishing all of the maps, mostly on Normal skill. I must say, Necros's map has the worse gameplay I've seen in a Quake map for a very long time. Certainly this millenia, possibly since I opened TSQLR. Compulsory damaging jumps, hidden gaps you can fall down, Deathknights in tight, unavoidable spaces, Shamblers in linear, barely avoidable spaces, wind chutes that alternate between damaging you and being utterly tedious getting off them, pointless horde combat, ammo and health only after you need it, and most of the combat being avoidable which given how much it sucks is probably a good thing. Truly back to the bad old days of some of '97's horrors. Tyrann's gameplay is a bit sucky for similar reasons, the others weren't bad at all. 
go and make proper map already!
stop whining damnit! 
Just ignore the twat and let him whine all he wants, he's just making an ass out of himself with his constant whining. 
I can hardly believe I'm writing this but...

...Shambler's as entitled to his opinion as anyone. Personally, I would call his above comments "heavy handed criticism". For whining look for any post by that other bloke (name escapes me for the moment...)

REMEMBER: People without social skills communicating their views badly is a necessary consequence of free speech.

Just my opinion. ;-) 
...Stubby's got his knickers in a twist.

Did my comments on Nastrond and GMSP3 look like whining to you Stubby?? Well?? Are you developing an sudden and blinding phobia of negative comments?? Feel free to explain yourself... 
have you never seen criticism before? Maps often have shortfalls, and if they aren't pointed out, the mapper can't learn from his mistakes. This applies to comments that are subjective as well, they are still useful, even if what is being said is just an opinion (although in this case i happen to agree). If you didn't notice the gameplay was flawed, maybe that's because you took the blatent shortcut at the start of the map and finished it in 10 seconds?

And if you didn't notice, Shambler has a little experience in critiquing levels, so his 'whining' probably has a basis 
I was going to write something meaningful, but I can't be bothered to argue with you guys on something as silly as this. Shambler's posts (in general, not only in this thread), seems like whining to me, end of fucking story.

/me goes into ignore mode 
um... yeah. for the record, i know there are glaring faults in the gameplay.
it was never even beta tested, but i really wanted to give the map in to contribute.
i wouldn't say it's got the worst gameplay in the world, however. :) 
who the fuck let the idiot speedrunners onto our board?

seriously, quit telling mapping community personalities that they're 'whining' you fucking faggots. grow some balls, or fuck off already. 
ignore the assholes

friendly map players are more wellcome on this dying forum than the trolls with fuck-off attitude 
Shamber Is Right 
Gameplay and balance was rushed on that map because I tried to finish before the end of QExpo. Of course I could have done more tweaking afterwards with all the delays, but I couldn't be arsed compiling that bitch again. 
For What It's Worth... 
...I think the design of all the maps varies between "good" (i.e. genuinely good) and "excellent" which is very impressive for a contest indeed. That 6 people produced 6 high quality maps, sticking too but offering very different interpretation of, the theme, is great. I'm not particularly wowed by the gameplay on any of them but I do think Coagula gameplay is inherently more limited and tiresome than in an unrestricted map. I also think UWF's ranking is total rubbish, but the general map quality makes it quite ignorable. 

I do think Coagula gameplay is inherently more limited and tiresome than in an unrestricted map.

Maybe, but it's a lovely sounding word, don't you think? Coagula coagula coagula coagula coagula coagula. 
silly speedrunners! GET ON THE HOT DOG!! 
I'm with the trolls with fuck-off attitude on this one. Criticism is a good thing, and certainly more productive that just saying that everything is great, since it allows the mapper to improve with the next map. 
Well I Think The Point Here Is, 
it's just as bad to say everything sucks and have a horridly negative attitude as it is to be too nice and say everything is good.

I think that either extreme is foolish. Advice isn't meaningful unless it's given seriously, starting from a neutral point of view and judging objectively from there. If it's biased on either end, either because the person is too nice a pushover, or just an arrogant bastard, then the results take a lot of interpretation, which can go wrong easily.

If the comments are being made flippantly, then it's a whole new ball game... 
But no-one was just saying everything sucked and leaving it at that (wrath may have done, but that's the kind of thing he does :) 
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