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Another New Q1SP Map!
I finished my medieval quake single player map 'Day of the Lords'.

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Hope you enjoy it & I welcome any comments.
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I Hate You Glassman. 
I hate you because this map is so beautiful, in all its gloriously ruined gothicness, with its (at last) use of the rtGnosis textures, its multipathedness, its hard-as-holy-fucking-hell, but-wonderfully-stocked game balance, but most of all, I hate you because you're British.

I take it all back.

Well, except the British part. 
Great piece of work, Glassman!!! Glad there's still someone around that cares to put out such wonderful Q1SP!!! Ya rool!!! 
This is quite possibly the best custom map I've ever played. Pure genius. Now for the love of God (or Morfans, he'll be more gentle with you) go make more maps. 
I'm blushing. Thank you very much guys.

The ammo situation is a tricky one. I think ona second run through you will find the balance is good but, like I said before, if you take an unusual route it does seem you can run into problems. I guess I shoud have tried to be more 'modular' with the ammo/monster groupings so that each area was self-sufficient..or something. 
This Map Was Released At The Right Time 
I helped test it and ammo is in adequate supply - you have to play with caution and not waste shots at distant enemies. It is a cool strategy map. It is a good map to loiter in - to soak up the atmosphere. Don't rush this one.

This map is just perfect for the cold, damp, drizzly and sordid fall days leading up to halloween. It embraces the magesty and despair that is Quake. 
Re: Gosh 
yeah, i must have taken a different route. i didn't get the ssg until pretty late -- i had faced a few fiends with just the shotgun and nailgun!

a suggestion would be to put multiple instances of the same weapons on all the routes, that way the player is guaranteed to get it. no harm in picking up the ssg twice, just take in to account the ammo the weapons give. :) 
/me trys to resist asking Glassman about GMSP2 and fails miserably.

So whats the story with GMSP2? :)

I will of course be posting a review of GMSP3 at my site very soon. 
It embraces the magesty and despair that is Quake.

i like that. 
necros - I'm not sure how you could have missed the ssg. I think thats impossible. Your idea in general tho is a good one.

uwf - gmsp2 is not definite to be finished; I may take out one map which is almost done & release it separately. 
some people having huge framerate problems after the floor collapses :

Might want to take a look. 
Long Gripe 
Glassman, since everybody (including me) has been overwhelmimgly positive I'd like to expand on what I said earlier. I was going to send this to you in a mail since it's a bit longwinded but I changed my mind and decided to post it here anyway. Sorry everyone who doesn't want to read my selfish moaning. Also note that I'm trying to explain why I hated what you did so much, not criticize the rest of this superb map.

You wrote...

> the clip is to stop pesky grenade jumpers
> jumping over & therefore not having to get
> the 4 runes :)

And my answer is.. WHY?? You'd have to be pretty determined to find this way through the map. You can't get to this point to do the grenade jump until you're 2 runes and a silver key into the map unless you get there with some specific trickjumping, and if you were doing that you're probably trying to cut off huge parts of the map anyway.

I can understand you trying to make your map a "safe" experience and not have people accidentally end up in areas they shouldn't be. That's called good design and you executed it wonderfully: Huge spiky bars; walls that creak open once you've completed an area; HIGH CASTLE WALLS. But once all these sensible precautions have been taken why deliberately stop people's fun by putting in invisible barriers where people are unlikely to end up otherwise.

I played through the map twice as soon as I got it, once on Easy once on Nightmare, and was totally blown away. Then I started looking for shortcuts. I'd already noticed some cool slope/rocket madness at the end and played around with that for a while and found several different, very quick routes to the exit. Hard on Easy and impossible on Nightmare... unless you get the ring first. So I found a nifty way of getting the ring right from the start using a slope/gren and another gren jump... but how to link the two sections? Oh look a convenient castle wall that seems to go between the two areas! One more gren jump and YES! it leads right were I hoped! Then I tried to walk forwards... and couldn't. There was an invisible barrier that nobody playing through the level properly was ever going to meet and so I presume was put there just to make the whole map unspeedrunnable.

This really annoyed me (I was in a delicate emotional state anyway which is probably why I overreacted). I was sat there having spent the last three hours playing the map through and looking for tricks, quite prepared to spend another couple of hours building those tricks into a run which I'd have happily watched be destroyed by someone with talent when we added it to the ol' archive. And all this was shot down by one pointless "brush" or whatever it's called.

All this is very, very selfish and sad on my part. And it doesn't diminish the fact that this is one of the best SP levels I've played EVER. I'd happily buy you a pint if I ever passed through your home town to say "thanks for a great map", but I'd probably want you to buy me three back to make up for that one barrier.

There. Got that off my chest. Sorry for going on. I don't expect for authors to make runnable maps, but when they make a runnable map artificially unrunnable it... well, doesn't really bother me usually. But this time it did because the map was so good.

*gasp* :-) 
agreed with morfans here.

when i was younger mapper i also hated speedruns, cuz i thought they like ruin the long hours of map making with their shortcuts, etc. they rape the map!

but these were the wrong thoughts!
my main thought now is to make the map with speedrun in mind. because this way the map will live longer. people will play it more. usual players won't find that holes/shortcuts in the map because they lack speedrunning skills to reach some areas. but why not to allow speedrunners to jump wherever they want? let them play your map, let them be happy making records on it! let them rape it! :) 
The problem was that the wall is so low that any moderately skilled player could hop over it and thereby miss out what is still half of the map (the best half too!). I could have made it higher but that would have blocked the view of the tower behind.

In retrospect, I wish I had redesigned the area so that the 'need' for a clip didn't exist.

I'll remember next time :) 
Maybe, just _maybe_ you could make a version of your map for SDA without that clip? I'm pretty damn sure I'm not the only one from TeamSDA that would want to add your map to the grand ol' archive! :) 
glassman: use a trigger_hurt next time and really get those bastards. 
I agree with stubby...I wanted to add it to the archives straight away. I'm glad I waited since I had no idea about the barrier.
If you would remove it I'd add the bloody map myself to the archives.

Scampie: whine less. At least Shambler has the decency to be funny at times. 
If It Makes You Guys Happy.. 
I will do another version - gmsp3sda. Just confirm to me that this is the only change required (beware that there are lots of other clips in the map due to the clipnodes > 32767 error occurring otherwise). 
Good Point... 
As someone who prefers good mapping to good speedrun-suitable mapping, I found

I don't expect for authors to make runnable maps, but when they make a runnable map artificially unrunnable it...<paraphrase>it sucks</p>

Sums it up exactly right. No complaint against Glassman of course, I just that line hits the nail on the head as far as the relationship between mapping and running. 
uwf - gmsp2 is not definite to be finished; I may take out one map which is almost done & release it separately.

i would rather wait longer for an episode. but of course its all your call anyway. 
'talented' speedrunners cry about a map becuase they can't run it 3 seconds faster, but I'm the whiner for making a joke?

/me remembers to seriously put trigger_hurts in his maps along with trigger_multiples calling speedrunners 'fag0ts' in all future maps. 
gg, Scampie 
Having triggers over all the shortcuts slagging off speedrunners IS a good idea =). 
I've found one other thing, although it may just be me being lame.

Every time I go through on skill 0 I have one kill missing. And it's always that the shambler at 2088 936 1200 doesn't teleport in.

Maybe I'm just daintily skipping round a trigger somewhere but if not you could fix this at the same time. I'll check skill 3 later tonight.

One other suggestion since you're being so helpful. Don't bother renaming the map, just reupload to your site. It'll make no difference to anyone who already has the map and we'll put a note on SDA to ensure the .bsp is dated correctly before trying to jump that wall. This is especially true if the thing I mentioned above is true and not just me being a cock, it'll be a genuine bug-fixed version. :-) (It'll also mean that people won't have to rename their .bsp if they want to watch the runs. (If anyone does any.)) 
Ok that shambler on easy is now removed..the shambler was there but not the teleport trigger :/ I've put my Granny in a home for that..she was supposed to check easy ;)

Skill 3 should no different from skill 2. 
awesome map.. I kinda suck at Q1 though, so still havent completed it. :)

I take it from the last comment your updating the map making things a little easier?? When you releasing this update? 
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