#122 posted by Text_Fish on 2006/05/27 06:45:15
Have the Heretic 2 textures been converted in to a WAD?
#123 posted by nakasuhito on 2006/05/27 19:47:21
thanks for the reply JPl. i guess once one gets used to the way they look, none will care. hopefully. :-)
but with doom3d i meant that quake1(or q2?) tc some dudes where doing. i think that was the name. i think they had a site in planetquake. dont remember much, but the doom textures look just like the original game! so thats why i asked. :-)
 I Think
#124 posted by necros on 2006/05/27 23:37:47
you're talking about YPOD (Your path of destruction)
they managed to get the textures to look identical to doom's by completly replacing the palette with the doom palette.
while this works, it also means that every single art asset must be replaced with one which uses the new palette.
 Chewing Gum
#125 posted by nakasuhito on 2006/05/28 00:25:00
i thought of the pallete madness, but yeah, having to change everything so textures look good is a pain. and i only want to work with the textures. :-)
see, i have some scraps that i wanted to turn into a small 3map ep doom style madness for quake1. so being picky and stuff, i thought the resources might have been released or something of that project.
but gonna check out YPOD madness then.
oh yes, found this:
http://web.archive.org/web/20020112225101/www.planetquake.com/doom3d/images-levels.html hehe.
#126 posted by aguirRe on 2006/05/28 02:44:37
fixing up the YPOD TC, I found it interesting to convert the 8-bit texes into tga and post-process them a bit. It reduces the otherwise pretty bleak colours.
#127 posted by negke on 2006/05/28 03:07:30
the screenshots look cool - i'd really like to check out the actual maps. has anything of that tc been released / is available for download somewhere?
btw. half-life xen textures wad please! ;)
#128 posted by nakasuhito on 2006/05/28 06:39:33
i thought that was a recent project. agh, so lame... but they got it finished, unlike me who takes a year to do a room! :-(
anyway. might try the 9bit to tga madness, but agh. im so lazy. :-)
and i doubt doom3D got released. the last news post was on 2000 and i think they where going to move to quake2? or from quake2 to quake3? i dont even remember anymore. :-)
 Because There Are So Many Morons
#129 posted by Spirit on 2007/05/13 12:40:46
that think that doom2.zip is the full game, I have now renamed doom2.zip to doom2textures.zip.
doom2.zip contains some gibberish. (No tubgirl, sorry ;) )
 Nedding The Hexen2.wad
#130 posted by thiago on 2008/02/23 16:27:57
can anyone send the wad file of hexen2?
i'am fucking need that
send to my e mail
it is thiago_friggi_69@hotmail.com
 Should Be These
#131 posted by Spirit on 2008/02/23 17:00:35
 Quake H2 Wad Or Hexen2 H2 Wad
#132 posted by rudl on 2008/02/23 17:36:43
#133 posted by mata on 2008/04/07 15:47:53
#134 posted by nakasuhito on 2008/04/09 09:04:47
whata tha fucka?
#135 posted by nakasuhito on 2008/04/09 09:08:07
i just remembered that i have the heretic2 textures in png or tga, but they are 50mb! if anyone wants to convert these to quake i can upload them. i just need to look for the cd.
 Heretic 2?
#136 posted by than on 2008/04/09 13:34:35
I have all those in wad format. Are they not on the Quaddicted server?
Also, I have added quite a lot of new textures to idbase for my current map, and I think biff has also made a fair few for his map. Might be time to update the idbase_ultimate wad that I think NotoriousRay started :)
 Since This Is Bumped
#137 posted by Blitz on 2008/04/09 20:35:25
I could have sworn I remember someone converted the Shogo textures to a .wad, does anyone have that?
#138 posted by nakasuhito on 2008/04/10 03:34:12
i checked quaddicted (htic2.wad) and they are in there! i didn't know that :)
but it feels like a lot are missing, maybe its because they looked crappy on the quake palette?
cool to see them there though :)
#139 posted by harjot on 2009/01/27 19:55:25
i need the wad files.......canu give them?????
reply at
#140 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/01/27 20:43:51
there all there!
 That Part Of Quaddicted Should Be Called
#142 posted by metlslime on 2009/01/27 22:08:12
#143 posted by nonentity on 2009/01/28 05:29:58
Five internets dollars that they don't actually return to read Ricky's reply...
#144 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/01/28 11:02:23
I emailed him with a link to these posts!
#145 posted by nonentity on 2009/01/28 11:06:16
Therefore they won't return (+1 Ricky for disposing of the noob), meaning you all owe me 5 internets dollars...
#146 posted by Spirit on 2009/06/29 21:13:53