#10 posted by pope on 2004/02/02 18:09:42
you didnt post the link to you aweseome little site I made up for you?
#11 posted by pope on 2004/02/02 18:12:53
this plays friggin great and as a 1st map I applaud blitz I think he came up with a very solid map in both gameplay and build.
you were also sposed to link this!!!
#12 posted by Blitz on 2004/02/02 18:25:57
Please add this link to the initial post!
 That Url Is Jokes.
#13 posted by necros on 2004/02/02 23:58:53
 Enjoyed It
#14 posted by windlash on 2004/02/05 06:47:21
My friend and i had a nice little 1on1 session on your map. I did enjoy your level very much. It was a bit big for 1on1 (not your fault obviously) so frags didn't come quick on the level. Looks nice though, continue mapping!
#15 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/02/05 14:26:47
The brushwork is quite odd. There doesn't seem to be much form, and the general architectural theme seems to be abstract. While I think that could be a very good theme, it doesn't come across particularly well here. I'm not even sure it was intentional. The map seems to be lit in a similar way, which evokes memories of old school maps; however, it doesn't come across as something that's polished. There are other bothersome nags as well, such as steps that are textured entirely in the same texture, so you see a row of half tiles on the edge. Overall, the visuals aren't exactly bad, but they aren't good, either. A better defined architectural theme would be a good place to start.
I only played it in DMSP. I had fun, and the map is a good size for it, but the map isn't designed for this playmode so it isn't fair to judge it in this context.
Even though this isn't exactly the author's first map, it's still a good effort considering his amount of experience. Some more beta testing would have helped the smaller concerns. Watch out for this author's next map.
#16 posted by Blitz on 2004/02/14 01:54:50
Thanks for all the comments those who played my map =)
 More News
#17 posted by Blitz on 2004/02/20 01:50:11
You can now play this map here:
Googles#1 (
Hopefully some of you who haven't played it with live opponents yet will have a reason to check it out now that it's on a proper server!
#18 posted by - on 2004/02/20 12:39:00
quit bumping the thread every week Blitz, go map.
#19 posted by Mapist on 2004/03/02 03:01:41
plays better than it looks!
#20 posted by Blitz on 2004/03/02 03:10:21
Looks better than a perestroika girl.
 Bumping This For No Reason
#21 posted by Blitz on 2004/08/09 05:38:12
Sorry =(
#22 posted by - on 2004/08/09 07:08:53
What a fucking hideous map. It's like the author was a recent escape from the retard farm and slobbered over the mouse to make this shitfest. Lighting is inconsistent and atrocious, the brushwork shows off how horrible the mapper is at building, and the map as a whole doesn't appear as a convincing whole, just a few random bits glued together with Blitz's semen as he furiously masturbated creating this.
But it MUST play better than it looks right? Well smile, it gets worse. There's some interesting battles on the outside areas, but after playing for awhile, you relieze you're only using 2% of the map, the rest is the tiny hallways that are either unlit or too tight to even fit yourself through, nevermind battling in there. Plus, there are 4 teleporters, all set up so you're most likely to be killed by whatever lamer is waiting for you with a nearby LG or RL when you come out the other side. There's also the classic 'RA on a ledge you have to rocket jump to". Guess what? This was fucking stupid when Preacher did it in aerowalk, and it's even worse in your map Blitz.
Those are my complaints after playing it the last six months, thanks for bumping the thread so I could share them Blitz.
 Errrrr Blitz...
#23 posted by Shambler on 2004/08/09 07:10:18
Nice bump man...
Not Found
The requested URL /blitz/ was not found on this server.
Apache/1.3.31 Server at www.tmsexchange.com Port 80
#24 posted by JPL on 2004/08/09 07:12:39
The same for me...
 Uh Huh, Huh Huh...
#25 posted by Kinn on 2004/08/09 08:31:31
he said "sex change" ...uh huh huh huh...
#26 posted by - on 2004/08/09 09:48:33
That's Trade Marked Sex Change! I'm going to sue you on the internet!
 Actually Scampie...
#27 posted by Blitz on 2004/08/09 17:47:45
You can get to the RA without RJ'ing & Aardappel said the light was very good.
#28 posted by Jago on 2004/08/09 18:50:48
Why are you bumping a thread, where not a single link does work? Not the download, not the screenshots, not the website itself...
#29 posted by pope on 2004/08/15 15:33:07
blitz still hasn't won a single match on this map yet.
 That's Not True And You Know It
#30 posted by Blitz on 2004/08/15 16:01:16
 Hey Dude!
#31 posted by Rodion on 2004/09/04 01:54:04
Hey man. I never meant any harm. I've left that board now, anyway. Good luck. Sorry you had to change everything around, I know that sucks, and I apologize for that.
#32 posted by - on 2004/09/04 13:19:41
we seriously need to just close this thread before it gets bumped again for no fucking reason.
#33 posted by Shub-Nigurath on 2004/09/04 21:01:38
Good I didn't finished it with a praxinoscope really.
#34 posted by madfox on 2004/09/05 00:57:42
Good at least that page could be found.