...maybe Wrong Place To Put This..
#31 posted by pope on 2004/09/17 19:16:25
but here is the intro video for those who are debating on trying out the demo....
"but why would a video entice me to get this?"
you ask. Easy, it fucking rules
*goes to watch it again*
 <- Sergeant Of The Crimson Fists
#32 posted by Kell on 2004/09/17 21:19:11
Blackpope, I have never loved as I love thee now.
For The Emperor.
#33 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/18 05:38:51
Finally found my old page with some figure pictures on it...
I average out painting 1-2 figures a year at the moment. Hoping that will change this winter...although most likely I will be playing D0W instead.
#34 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/09/18 10:03:12
If ever we would meet, let me know in advance so I can ready my Dark Eldar to whoop the poo out of whatever wussy army you've got.
#35 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/18 10:56:26
I don't play any more, since about 5 years ago.
#36 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/09/18 11:05:19
Technically, I've never played. So it'd be about even then.
 I Can Only Imagine
#37 posted by pope on 2004/09/18 17:16:47
how that would turn out..
zwiff: "I don't know the rules"
shambler: "I know the old ones...sorta"
zwiff: "I declare charge!"
shambler: "it's the first turn!"
zwiff: "YAaaaaaaaaaaaaargh"
shambler punches zwiff in the stomach.
#38 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/09/18 18:05:27
Why does bler punch ME in the stomach? It should be the other way around. I'm not a dainty Brit, after all, I'm a rugged American.
And you CAN charge on the first turn if your unit is close enough...
#39 posted by pope on 2004/09/19 00:26:02
one would hope you've set up your figures far enough away.
#40 posted by Killes on 2004/09/21 05:04:49
Im thoroughly enjoying the demo myself, cant wait for the final. As for tactics in the game i agree for marine vs marine cpu skirmishes there is just this one way to go about, but after unlocking the orks in the demo i see there is some variety in how the different races resources are managed, as in building waaargh banners that can be destroyed for ork resource, making these banners an important strategic point as to the size and power of your army. I can only hope there are variations such as these for the two other races.
I think its too early to talk about tactics only having marine vs marine cpu skirmishes as a default, wait for multiplayer with the 4 races, alliances, more diverse skirmish maps and so to tell, and i believe the SP will be scripted or "set up" so as to call on more strategy than the plain marine vs marine skirmish.
Oh and i see over in forums the w40k community has already started on modding in tons of other races from the w40k world, so rawk :P
 Da Orks
#41 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/09/22 16:41:36
Thx for the hack, bler. The Orks are definetely cool. Mobs and mobs of Orks, very fun to play. Didn't know how to increase my population at first though, which became troublesome, and I eventually lost my first skirmish. After that, though, it was a peace of cake. They're A LOT easier to play as than the marines imo. Cheap,fast reinforcements, huge mob sizes. Almost able to build a Squiggoth, but won by map control victory before I could get enough energy. Maybe next time. Good stuff though.
#42 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/22 17:02:44
Thx for the hack, Killes. Works a treat. Yeah I like the orks, very characterful. Took me a while to get the hang of them - won my first skirmish but it took a long, long time. Basically piling them into the meat grinder. There's gotta be a knack to them.
I like them telling you to "SOD OFF" =)
#43 posted by Scragbait on 2004/09/22 21:26:41
Nice painted figures!
#44 posted by DaZ on 2004/09/22 21:49:58
Shambler, the texturing is ok but try to add some more trim around the lower areas, maybe some more contrast in the lighting would bring out some more details... Anyway looks good, am looking forward to the beta...
mad skills, I never could paint that good, my hands are too jittery... :(
#45 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/23 04:33:12
...unfortunately the layout needs tweaking as the gameplay is lame at the moment =).
#46 posted by Harbinger of Fish on 2004/09/26 10:40:18
Much respect to Shambler's painting skills.
 GW Wh40k 12"
#47 posted by pope on 2004/09/28 05:19:58
not DoW specific, hell the only connection it has with wh40k I think is the cover art :D
Tho I am a fan of Ascii Disko
#48 posted by JPL on 2004/09/28 05:48:11
.. it seems to be a huge white web page without nothing than snow... :(
What are we supposed to view here ??
#49 posted by Vondur on 2004/09/28 06:25:52
enable flash
#50 posted by Kell on 2004/09/28 08:00:00
The most interesting thing on that page was the link to GW's policy on IP. Good to see a company with such a clear and helpful statement on the matter.
btw, haven't you ever heard of BoltThrower?!?!
#51 posted by JPL on 2004/09/28 08:23:15
Flash is enable, and what else ??
#52 posted by necros on 2004/09/28 13:18:38
click on the link.
 OK, It Works..
#53 posted by JPL on 2004/09/28 14:53:06
Using my home PC, it works better.. Unix workstation using netscape are not so powerfull tho...
#54 posted by Vondur on 2004/09/29 07:41:24
got full fersion: rather nice game :)
i like base building process there :)
and shambler, how did u paint that figures? with aerograph or brush? or whatever?
 'Untin Stunty
#55 posted by Kell on 2004/09/29 08:57:52
with aerograph or brush? or whatever?
I'd take a wild guess and say sable brushes and acrylic paint. Yum. I love the smell of primer in the morning.