#1 posted by
Vondur on 2004/12/13 17:34:18
and again, very nice and fun map! :>

The Map
#3 posted by
Jago on 2004/12/13 19:48:43
This map was pretty good. Some solid gameplay and nice architecture. Not a whole lot of thing I'd change, except perhaps adding some more detail to the "outer walls" of the map and adding a proper info_intermission instead of making the player stare at the wall at the end of the map. Also, why did the "hidden shambler room" right near the end contain a red armor? That seemed a bit overkill. Admittedly I was playing on Easy, are there more monster encounters on harder skills levels after this point and BEFORE exiting the map?

Great Stuff
Reminded me of some of the old q3a dm arenas, except with single player gameplay. Liked it alot. Even to the point of making a half-assed speedrun. Clocked in at 1:20 on the easy run. Demo can be found at
http://myth.as/files/capp_120.dz if anyone wanna have a look-see.
We need more of this stuff! =)

I Like
#5 posted by
nitin on 2004/12/14 01:51:29
but it was bit too slow in the start, are the r_speeds really high there or something?
Also, IMHO it was a bit too open, which made it too easy. The armor and ammo (shells anyway)was also overdone on medium skill.

#6 posted by
JPL on 2004/12/14 02:52:26
Just only one thing to say: amazing !!! Really a good work...

#9 posted by
Shambler on 2004/12/14 07:56:34
Normal route to past first wind lift, multiple Voreball jump over the top, get quad kill monsters into pit as usual, standard route past gold key door etc, turn right in final room double gj off ogre direct to switch?

Well, Not On Easy No
#10 posted by
mwh on 2004/12/14 09:48:10
as there's no vore there on easy.
For nightmare I suspect that collecting sufficient voreballs to make the jump would be very difficult, but I might be wrong.
Except to see this map on a speedrunning site near you soon, btw :)

Oh, Yes!
#11 posted by
Spirit on 2004/12/14 10:41:30
Mmmmh, I already liked the previous version. This one is much better balanced skill-wise, thank you! I really liked the wide open architecture, although (like nitin said), it makes it really easy to avoid enemy attacks.

Greatttttttttttt Work Man... :)
#12 posted by
Trinca on 2004/12/15 05:37:16
Oh yes!!! real great job very beautifull map, and the game play is fantastic!!! good job!

Cappuccino Added To SDA
#13 posted by TeamSDA on 2004/12/15 06:47:50
The map has been added to the Speed Demos Archive: