#44 posted by Jago on 2005/02/02 07:52:31
To quote Vondur
"si teh rock of my life"
The maps look awesome, especially bal3dm5 and bal3void2 (tho I have doubts regarding the gameplay of the latter). Too bad I don't have access to my PC and can't play Q3 on it either even if I did :P
#45 posted by mystery8 on 2005/02/02 11:51:38
Pretty spiffy maps. Void1 & 2 are freaky.
#46 posted by Fjoggs on 2005/02/03 11:28:07
Looks great indeed.
Can't you just simply compile it with -skyfix?
#47 posted by bal on 2005/02/03 14:51:10
I'd never heard of that, and I didn't really have any reason to look into it cause the skies were fine on my machine and on the machines of all the people who tested the maps for me... =\
 My Take
#48 posted by nitin on 2005/02/03 17:47:40
bal3dm5 is a good map, well made with a decent layout. The scale (especially of the corridors) seems a bit large to me but then again I havent played a full game on it yet. The brushwork, lighting and texturing are well integrated but nothing really seems too original. Still, looks like a keeper anyway.
bal3void1, definitely not very playable. Scale's too constrictive to allow any real play. Nice showcase map though, lovely brushwork and texturing.
bal3void2, this one's even better. You could probably get a game going on this one but dont know how much fun it would be. I agree with pjw, if this was slightly larger in scale, it could be interesting as a playable floater. Looks wise, it is phenomenal. The brushwork is really well done and the lighting is fantastic. Another awesome showcase map.
Also, a special mention of the skyboxes used, very very good choices. and they work fine this end, but then again I have an nvidia card.
#49 posted by Fjoggs on 2005/02/04 02:15:24
No worries, I don't even have an ATI card. :P
But, I always forget if it's in the -bsp stage or -light stage but one simply add -skyfix as a compile parameter, and that's it. ;)
Bit surpised if I'm the only one that knows about this here, since it was widely known on q3w.
#50 posted by bal on 2005/02/04 02:51:43
Nitin, happy to have your opinion on these, hehe, guess I should have released bal3dm5 3 years ago, maybe it would have been a tad more original back then. ;D
And yeah, I didnt really even try making void1 and void2 playable, cause it really didn't seem to me that many people played q3 much now days, not to mention even less people playing custom maps. Now that I think about it, maybe I should have turned them into some RA style map...
Thanks for the comments. =)
Fjoggs, well, I haven't been interested in quake 3 for the last three years, so I'm not surprised I've never heard of it, not to mention back then everyone had nvidia cards anyways. =D
 It's All..
#51 posted by Fjoggs on 2005/02/04 05:50:22
Lies! Lies and slander! :P
#52 posted by pjw on 2005/02/04 07:29:55
I've gotten very inconsistent results with -skyfix, depending on the sky, and sometimes it makes the sky look equally iffy on nVidia and ATI cards alike.
It's worth trying, but is far from a reliable fix.
#53 posted by Fjoggs on 2005/02/04 08:58:35
Really? I've never actually used it myself, I'm too lazy to add it. :P
#54 posted by nitin on 2005/02/05 16:38:20
wht do the bots suck on this so bad? there doesnt seem to be any special layout situations that should make them suck more than normal.
#55 posted by bal on 2005/02/05 16:46:01
Dunno really, I barely tried them at all to be totally honest... =\
Heh, wasn't expecting people would actually try to play these maps... =D
#56 posted by nitin on 2005/02/05 20:43:09
why not? bal3dm5 is a perfectly playable map.
#57 posted by Lunaran on 2005/02/06 01:40:57
guess I should have released bal3dm5 3 years ago
#58 posted by bal on 2005/02/06 03:02:52
Nitin, didn't think people actually played q3 anymore, especialy custom maps. =)
Lunaran, quiet you, go release Dune.
 Mr. Strordeurer
#59 posted by Vigil on 2005/02/06 09:02:57
If you show me proof that at least one of these levels has flashing red lights, I will play them. If there are no flashing red lights, you have not improved at all in over 3 years.
#60 posted by bal on 2005/02/06 09:10:53
There are no flashing red lights, but all 3 of these maps are 3 years old, so they don't represent any improvement I could have made during those 3 years, as I barely touched them at all during that time.
If I made a new map now it would make these look like boxmaps. =D
#61 posted by - on 2005/02/07 13:05:24
but they'd be awesome animu keke flashing red triangle light boxmaps ^_^
 Wait A Mo....
#62 posted by Shambler on 2005/02/07 15:05:59
Malfunctioning Nano-Constructor
--- this name is straight from Lun's excellent D3 map name generator, right?? LOL =).
#63 posted by bal on 2005/02/08 04:51:43
Does sound like it, but no, actually it's more your fault Shambler, was reading Chasm City when I finished the map off, and I was wondering how to describe it... Sounded kinda right, some nanomachine gone crazy and building random structures. =)
#64 posted by Shambler on 2005/02/08 04:58:33
some nanomachine gone crazy and building random structures. =)
Sorry, is that an explanation of the map name, or a description of you as a mapper??
#65 posted by bal on 2005/02/08 05:04:01
I'm not sure anymore... -____-
 "nanomachine Gone Crazy"
#66 posted by cyBeAr on 2005/02/08 12:07:55
you're just one of kamih's nanobots bal
 Leave My Bots Alone
#67 posted by nanoSpawn on 2005/02/11 08:24:05
that is...
#68 posted by quaker on 2005/03/19 18:12:29
that is what?