#16650 posted by
RickyT33 on 2022/05/28 01:55:13
That's looks pretty darned clean for a 1st map. Be sure to check out the Quake Mapping Discord (It's linked in the 'links' link above). I love Func_MsgBoard, but you probably get more feedback if you post it in there, and there are some great people in the community who will surely give some great feedback :)

I agree with Ricky - very clean and polished for a work in progress, first map! Regarding your lighting, here's an excellent set of tips from sock to "punch up" the illumination in your maps:

#16652 posted by
eber150 on 2022/05/28 02:19:42
thank you for the tips, i'm going to try making the lights more interesting before i post the map, also, thank you so much for your mapping videos, they helped me a lot and i'm glad i joined this community, the process is so much fun and trenchbroom is so easy and intuitive, it was really a great experience, and after i finish this map i already have ideas for more maps.

You're very welcome. I am glad you find them useful. Welcome to your new obsession! Glad you are hooked!

Hi Again!
#16654 posted by
eber150 on 2022/05/28 14:00:07
i tweaked a bit the lights and i "finished" the map, i have some more screenshots to share and i wondered if some peolple wanted to playtest the map before i post it definitely

Yeah happy to playtest. You can email it to me or post a link here.
my email is here:

Hi Again!
#16657 posted by
eber150 on 2022/05/31 04:39:05
I finished my first map with the help of dumptruck_ds and some nice people at the quake mapping discord, this was an amazing experience and i'm really looking into making another map using the things i learned and learning new stuff
screenshots of the final map:
map download:

Error In The Map
#16658 posted by
eber150 on 2022/05/31 05:38:52
i made an error in the map, here is a fixed version:
i'm really sorry

#16659 posted by
metlslime on 2022/05/31 06:19:09

#16660 posted by
eber150 on 2022/05/31 16:55:35
i hope everyone who plays it enjoys it as much as i enjoyed making it.

Makkon Has Been Posting Some Cool Shots In Discord:
#16661 posted by
metlslime on 2022/06/10 08:14:43

#16662 posted by
Barnak on 2022/06/10 16:09:33
Are these maps ready for a release? Can't wait to play them!
#16664 posted by
Joel B on 2022/06/10 19:08:37
They're not maps AFAIK, Makkon is demonstrating texture use.

Ten Thousand Days
#16665 posted by
eber150 on 2022/06/16 18:04:30
This is my second map, it's runic theme, i'm not really happy with how it turned out but i want to work on other proyects so i'm going to release it like this, the map is made with copper in mind so use copper, i hope you like it, thanks for welcoming me into this amazing community!
map download:

The First Door Has A Problem
#16666 posted by
Barnak on 2022/06/16 20:24:06
I tried your map, but there's apparently a problem with the first door, which stays closed even after pressing the button above it. I had to use noclip to continue. Unless there's something that I missed?

#16667 posted by
Barnak on 2022/06/16 20:25:27
I forgot to say that I played your map with QS Spiked, and the map were placed in the id1/maps directory.

#16668 posted by
eber150 on 2022/06/16 20:39:47
you need to place the map in the copper/maps folder, it's a copper map

#16669 posted by
metlslime on 2022/06/17 18:19:45
You're encouraged to submit a news post for 'final' map releases (this thread is more for the beta versions before release.)
I made one for you this time:

#16670 posted by
eber150 on 2022/06/17 21:24:35
thanks, i didn't know if i was supposed to make a news post.

Free Quake Models
#16671 posted by
madfox on 2022/06/21 04:16:07
I made a new sitepage with models I made the last years. All titles are for download and you can feel free to use them as custom in maps. I added most of the qc files, as far as there is no change in other depending ones.
I will try to update as much as I can, because the count of them becomes to large to hold.
MadFox Q1 Models

Woo Hoo!
Great new Madfox. I'll update the video description.

AzureMoon - Can I Get Some Playtests?