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Favorite Map Names?
Map Names...are they important or totally irrelevant?

Anyway the real point is to list your favorite map names:

Off the top of my head (of course there are so many) here are some of my favorite (quake 1):

True Love Waits [zer1m6]
Push Underground [czg07b]
Bestial Devestation [Damaul6]
subgud [czg07a]
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I Like 
Jumping to Contusions
Stir fried rocks attack
White collar Violence
Let's Drink Beer and Shoot Things
Naked Cows On Stage
A Load of Useless Bloody Loonies
Gay weather Balloon
Jam Number 17
Pretend Girlfriend
Swiss Cheese Trickster
A Genius Trapped in an Idiot's Mind
Mouldy Old Bastard
Bestial Devastation
Penile Devastation
Shut up RPG
Kinky Afro
My Parents Dont Like You
Freestyle Gibbage
Nubian Chicken Sexer 
"Bill Gates Got Killed In Yokohama By The Australian Intellectual But Cute Hampsters Association"

...deserves a mention 
Hey Cool Thread, Deserves Resurrecting... 
My faves, of the ones listed so far:

True Love Waits
Another Perfect Day

I like them because they sound nice, but also the irony is very good, i.e. your true love is the Nemesat, which playing the Zer character it probably would be =).

I like some of the dark and evile names but there are a bit blatant. Something a bit subtler is cooler. Numb Nimbus for example. Penile Devastation is cool as well. I don't like any of the "trying to be funny" names that nitin likes though. 
I don't like any of the "trying to be funny" names that nitin likes though.

I agree with this, I like map titles that have something to do with the map, rather than just silly phrases a mapper came up with/barrowed from some source. 
More Names... 
Liquid Despair
The Soul Grinder
Hell in a Can
The Grissly Grotto
Azure Agony 
Of The Id Map Names 
I always liked "The Dismal Oubliette"
and of course, "Claustraphobopolis" 
For Id Names 
I always thought "The Bad Place" had a certain understated charm. 
Of The Id Titles 
I always liked 'The Place of Two Deaths' which is the inspiration for my upcoming title, 'The Death of Two Places'. 
did i just post the same names i posted in January? Yes, i did. 
The Bad Place 
"The Bad Place" is the name of a Dean Koontz novel published in 1994. I'm not sure that counts as a map name, even though it was used as a map.

I wonder if Koontz is aware that he inspired a whole sub-category of Quake map names. 
I Wonder 
if Koontz is aware that he inspired lava-jumping. 
I Wonder 
if Koontz is aware that he's being talked about on th internet at this very second OH MY GOD NO IT'S BEHIND YOU!!!! 
Now I know who to blame for that horrible map. 

"Trench Toast"... 
... from RtCW and Tauamid from HL. There are probably a few I've forgotten from when I had a decent collection of Unreal maps. 
Last Cup Of Coffee (or Something Like That) 
and Satan'sDarkDelight... don't ask me why I just love those names. 
Quake Level Name Generator 
that actually works pretty well (well obviously with a few mishits). I liked this one :

Another Perfect Oblivion 
Re: Heh 
I got one close to that but it was "Another Perfect Brownies" 
Some Of These Are Pretty Damn Good 
"Magnum Carnival"
"Swiss Cheese Tower" 
Unholy Retribution
Horror Stronghold
Vengeful Gateway
Magnum Agony
Iron Gateway
Horror Carnival
Devil Gateway
White Collar Night
Graveyard Base
Another Perfect Gib
Stir Fried Temple
Devil's Labyrinth
Grisly Gateway
Psycho Vertigo

Nice little util. :) 
The Oldskool Namegen Was Better... 
Chthon's Bad Place of Hell 
Mine Are: 
Tangerine Dream
Nubian Chicken Sexer
Powder Keg 
My Favourites 
Spine, because its just so right.;
Abracadaver is one of the more clever names I've seen;

And the names Pretend Best Friend and Hell in a Can come to mind even though I can barely recall the actual maps! 
Yeah That Was Than's Original Q2 Map 
but I kind of like pjw's q3 remake name better : Pretend Girlfriend 
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