OK - It Does Work, Let Me Give Some More Info That Might Help:
#28 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/06/24 22:18:03
First of all the log file that you output was from the utility that Baker bundled into the Quakeadapter (like a mod for Worldcraft that converts all .WAD files within c:\program files\textures\ to .HLWAD files - just part of the Quakeadapter package).
The point is that that isn't Worldcraft giving you those logs. The logs are irrelevant.
If you load Texmex and load your .WAD file, then click on 'file', then hover over 'save a copy' then select 'save to WAD3', it puts out a hlwad file.
The problem is that TexMex is so ancient that back then .hlwad files were called WAD3 files. And they had the extension 'WAD' (just to be a pain in the ass, they had the same extension as WAD2 files). So the extension is irrelevant.
I think that you can open Worldcraft 3.3 or Hammer 3.4 or 3.5 and then click 'Tools', 'Options', 'textures' then 'add wad', and then type into the 'File Name:' field '*.hlwad' (without quotes) and press enter. Then you simply double-click your starfields.hlwad file and it will be loaded into Worldcraft's texture library.
Either that or there is a massive discrepancy with the way my computer is working and the way your computer is working.
 Read Post #2 From This Thread Please
#29 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/06/24 22:21:46
You have to delete the All_Wads_to_Hlwads.exe program from your program files\worldcraft\textures DIR. It will attempt and fail to replace all of the texmex output with its own, and some wads will convert with TexMex but not with THAT util due to restrictions. It will do this automatically when you try and run WC3.3.
Got to do that part, it's vital.
Would a mod please put that in the sticky? Pleeaaease? I'll map....
#30 posted by EARP on 2014/06/24 22:29:48
I did
3. Click on File => Save Copy => Save to WAD3.
4. Pick your output directory and clear the name field, then type (without quotes:- yourname.hlwad and press enter.
5. Navigate to the output directory and find the output file (make sure file extensions are visible on known file types) and rename to file from yourname.hlwad.wad to yourname.hlwad (i.e. delete the .wad extension).
Put the file into c:\qtexture
moved that to the texture directory inside worldcraft within program files
it doesn't work
I am not sure what you mean by no spaces in directory but it sounds like what i did above
I can't get any texture wads to work at all no matter what wad I download and its frustrating
Error creating HLWAD is what I get everytime
If you mean
Place worldcraft into a different directory than within program files. The computer does not like it unless the program is in program files.
I am at a loss
#31 posted by EARP on 2014/06/24 22:31:32
what is UAC? I see in this thread that it can be the problem?
#32 posted by EARP on 2014/06/24 22:32:02
Oh user account control? what is that?
 Are You Seriously Trolling This Thread?
#33 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/06/24 23:28:47
You have to delete the All_Wads_to_Hlwads.exe program from your program files\worldcraft\textures DIR
If you don't do that, the All_Wads_to_Hlwads.exe will OVERWRITE the shiny new TexMex WAD3 file with a broken one!!!! It does this WHEN YOU LAUNCH THE EDITOR. Delete the file first, THEN repeat the whole process, then if it still doesn't work, we can have a conversation.
Best shiny regards
#34 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/06/24 23:34:23
If you had deleted the 'All_Wads_to_Hlwads.exe' program from your program files\worldcraft\textures DIR , you would not even see this when you launch the editor:
Number of Quake WADS found = 5
c:program filesworldcrafttexturesid_: Ok
c:program filesworldcrafttexturesrub: Ok
c:program filesworldcrafttexturesski: Ok
c:program filesworldcrafttexturessoe: Ok
c:program filesworldcrafttexturessta: Convert
Number of WADs to Convert = 1
Beginning conversion ....... COMPLETE: 00:00 elapsed.
Error creating HLWAD: c:program filesworldcrafttexturesstarfields.hlwad ... details ...No log exists.
END OF DATA .. Log written to c:program filesworldcrafttextureserror.log
 Chill Winston!
Seriously bro...
 Yeah I'm Probably Tripping
#36 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/06/24 23:50:53
 So There's A Benefit Of Using Hammer Over VC 3.3
#37 posted by spy on 2014/06/25 06:43:50
there's no necessary to install editor onto program files folder you can install it wherever you want to.
converting textures using texmex is easier, just go
Click on File => Save Copy => Save to WAD3
an output file would be name.wad but its fully compatible with Hamrre, there's no need to rename extension to hlwad or whatever
#38 posted by EARP on 2014/06/25 21:58:25
I did
1. tools
2. options
3. add wad
after converting it to the hlwad extension in texmex and it worked
thanks, had so many problems with all of that
Thank God that is over with...
There is an unwanted effect I get when I place a sky texture on the wall instead of the ceiling, it would be nice to have a sky texture all the way around the board without that parallax error I am getting. In shadow warrior a great first person shooter game that I have played and mapped for, it also produced that error when placing the sky texture on the wall but there was a way to fix it in that game where the effect disappeared. I am trying to see if there is a way to get rid of that effect.
#39 posted by mfx on 2014/06/25 22:16:39
use a skybox to get rid of that awesome effect.
#40 posted by EARP on 2014/06/25 22:35:58
@mfx yeah i read about that, I will have to see if I can find articles on it later...dang hall of mirrors :(
#41 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/06/26 00:38:01
I'm glad you got it sorted :)
Some people like the original Quake warped sky effect! I prefer skyboxes too, but sometimes the old skool sky can go really well, especially in an abstract type of map :)
Note: You can just put the sky textures in an id1/gfx/env folder, you don't need to do it within a pak file, as it says in the tut above.
 New Issue With Worldcarft Since Adding Wads
#42 posted by EARP on 2014/06/28 00:49:13
@RickyT23 I will take a look at the skybox stuff, thanks...
ISSUE since Adding WADS
I am having problem with worldcraft 3.3 since I have been adding wads.
After I add so many wads I always get an error where worldcraft will no longer run for me.
I get "Worldcraft has stopped working" Check online for solution and close the program or just close the program"
I reinstall the quake adapter then it works again until I add the wads. sigh
There were a few wads I had that supposedly needed to have some textures resized before saving and I thought maybe that was the problem but I am still getting the error.
It happens after I close worldcraft and try to reopen the program.
 How Many Wads?
#43 posted by Tronyn on 2014/06/28 01:54:11
I doubt I'll be of any help, but I've had like 20 wads loaded in WC at once.
will it not work even if you just have the normal quake textures (1 wad, all the right size)?
#44 posted by EARP on 2014/06/28 02:43:31
It works fine when I add a bunch, then when I keep adding the ones I have downloaded it blows up in my face. I do not know why it is occurring.
I think I will add one wad at at time and see if I can narrow it down that way.
Maybe it is stupid windows and not the program.
I have never had a problem with worldcraft running until I added the additional wads.
I have been using the textures that are already inside worldcraft when I ran it.
 The Jackhammer Editor
#45 posted by ijed on 2014/06/28 02:55:33
Is a modernized version of worldcraft with the same interface.
#46 posted by EARP on 2014/06/28 05:09:10
worldcraft ver 3.3 not the 1.6 version (i think the 1.6 version was the older one?)
 Too Many Wads
#47 posted by quaketree on 2014/07/03 10:56:18
Five is where you will hit a wall in 3.3. I've run into this problem before. Either merge the wads (3.3 can handle large wad files, I want to say 600 textures per wad) or don't load them into the editor.
 OK, I Had Problems Which I Wasn't Expecting
#48 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/07 22:36:19
Found solutions:
Disable F@*king User Account Control
(google 'disable uac', requires restart after following procedure)
Run TexMex as administrator (right click the shortcut or application icon and click 'Run as administrator')
Then you can save your WAD file from TexMex to HLWAD by saving then re-naming.
Dumbassed Windows lol
 ^^ Go 'File -> Save Copy -> Export To Wad3'
#49 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/07 22:37:55
 Maybe This Is What Has Been Fucking Me Up...
#50 posted by Drew on 2014/07/07 22:55:11
#51 posted by RickyT33 on 2014/07/08 00:58:11
I guess I exactly reproduced what you described in #6.
I also have windows set up to display file extensions in folders (worth noting)