#1 posted by
Shambler on 2013/05/12 23:20:55
Very old skool in design quality (crude and chaotic), but pretty good fun. Perhaps a little bit too much health and ammo?? Maybe only twice as much as needed, maybe 3 times as much.
Not sure what went wrong at the SNG area but I had to grenade jump to progress. The ending was fun trying to maximise LG water kills.
My favourite bit was the random blue room, funnily enough.

I played this as soon as I saw it, I quite enjoyed it. Very classic Doom-like gameplay, took around 30 minutes to blast through (so it IS large).
I thought the brushwork was mostly good for the size of the map, I'd definitely have liked slightly more detail on the big outer walls and stuff but I don't know how this would affect performance because of the maps scale.

#3 posted by
Drew on 2013/05/13 00:03:07
shot looks very cool, old school... soulful? hahaha whatever, will dl/play soon! thanks Qmaster!

Thanks Guys!
#4 posted by Qmaster on 2013/05/13 00:12:09
Glad you liked. This is like my coming out party or something :) . More maps to come for sure!
Ya, I'm horribly generous with ammo when I make coop-ready maps...mostly because people always steel my ammo! I should have done something like item_shells_coop, etc. like I was planning with monster_<name>_coop.
The "random" blue room is a bit taken from my Keep mappack - Unreleased! will be remedied soon!
The perforator altar needs to be hurt...sorry I meant to add a message like "Desecrate the altar!" or something though oldschooler fans of the Elder world will know that altars need to be axed.

I wasted the quad completely on the altar section. But it's ok, still got some nice radius damage from grenades and stuff.

Boy !
#6 posted by
Barnak on 2013/05/13 01:50:03
Tabarnak !
What a huge map ! Yes, it's crude, but fun anyway. Thanks dude for this !
Can't believe Quake1 is still living today, in 2013, after all these years. What a game !