Heard About This Map In The Quake Advent Callender.
#1 posted by Breezeep_ on 2013/12/17 22:57:01
Gotta say,very well done map!
Wonderfully strange and gory map. :)
 Needs More Enemies
#3 posted by Spiney on 2013/12/18 12:28:01
#4 posted by skacky on 2013/12/18 13:36:02
I feel like these maps have the most interesting design I've seen in Quake in a while. I really enjoyed them both, with a slight preference towards the second one. I really loved how messy it was with the Droles inside the pyramid.
#5 posted by Shambler on 2013/12/18 16:26:09
"first one in particular is unusual/experimental so some people will undoubtedly hate it"
No, people will hate it because it's badly balanced. The unusual/experimental aspect is great.
#6 posted by Tronyn on 2013/12/18 16:54:35
but ALL of my maps are badly balanced, lol.
Originally the player was only given the chainsaw, the wand (which can gib zombies when it's charged up) and a lot of health for about the first 2/3 of the map. I'm pretty sure someone would have hunted me down and killed me in real life if I released the map like that; I tried to throw players a bone by giving the GL, plasma, and lots of powerups. But still, I can see how it might be annoying to be attacked by hordes of low-gravity, long-range zombies which are normally a relatively weak enemy.
#7 posted by spy on 2013/12/18 17:03:48
mr. T. what the status of your merger projekt?
And could someone point me the latest stable engine to handle that pak
i'm assuming the quakeforge engine can run it and doesn't crush?
 Great Fun
#8 posted by Orbs on 2013/12/18 17:09:52
was the 2nd map already in the advent calender release? if so missed it,having good fun on that one. Just shaved of another second on the run, but hmm stil want to try some more. already did 3 (slightly)different routes
 Yes Great Fun Maps!
#9 posted by mfx on 2013/12/18 17:31:54
Very well done too!
Thanks Tronyn, the fun was sometimes so hard, it was annoying:)
Especially the first map...Man, i think i did like 300 tries(2.5 hours!)
But it was worth it. Visual candy at least for me, 2nd map is even moreawesome quakey architecture from another dimension.
This rocks!
#10 posted by Orbs on 2013/12/18 17:46:31
got it down by 3 more sec, still a bit to much airtime, but you can get that DQSWJ* much higher even
DQSWJ? I think thats a first! :)
#11 posted by Tronyn on 2013/12/18 18:32:53
nice demo! double quad jump ftw.
I was hoping the one imp at the very end might be quick and stealthy enough to kill a few people. I still remember the one rottweiler almost killing me at the end of one of Willem's maps and laughing at that.
As for the merger project, it will almost certainly be done in the first half of next year, hopefully by the end of March even. I don't have as much time these days but even so there's not a lot of work left.
 Can't Play It With QuakeSpasm
#12 posted by Barnak on 2013/12/18 19:32:49
&%$#* ! QuakeSpasm isn't supporting bsp2 ! WTF !
 I Actually Thought The Balance In The 1st Map Was Great
#13 posted by Drew on 2013/12/18 21:35:20
on skill 2. Died once at the start, before I 'got' what the map was about. Then adjusted accordingly.
Was all fucked up with the GL though, wasted so many rockets with it!
Also didn't realize the 2nd map was included so drained all my ammo at the end of the 1st map. Was a rough start!
And a rough finish. Think I died like 10 times before finally scraping through that final fight!
Awesome as usual though... Just gotta go in with the right attitude knowing its a Tronyn map.
Sorry no demoes because I assumed it would just be a little TM style tossed off thing. Shit, maybe for you it is... Anyways dumb assumption considering your output generally!
Nyarlothesque would be a good SM theme, also...
#14 posted by Orbs on 2013/12/19 00:12:40
was looking for secrets to maybe attempt full clearance...how sloppy i missed this shortcut. the boost took me a while quite a hard angle
 Need To Play The Second Map Proper.
but I struggle getting anything other than Fitz and DirectQ to work on my surface.
The first map is worlds better than it was in the Beta. Oh god, no teleporters and only the chainsaw and the fucking wand, Tronyn you are loco ese. I managed to complete it on my second attempt, I didn't even finish it in the beta without using noclip and god mode.
 Meh Always Thelast One
#16 posted by Orbs on 2013/12/19 00:42:35
6/7 secrets found, darkplaces doesnt noclip around as nice as other clients :P
in order of play
anyone found number 7 and could give a subtle hint?:)
 Ahh A Good Old Typo
#17 posted by Orbs on 2013/12/19 10:31:09
still no htttp protocol? Damn internet development is slow
#18 posted by Shambler on 2013/12/19 11:20:02
TRying to play this with the latest version of RemakeQuake, how do I get rid of all the blurring effects (including in monster movement) and the glow around monster attacks??
I can't find the command line: r_lookfuckingawful "0" ....
r_motionblur "0"
r_colored_dynamic_light "0"
r_colored_dynamic_light_mflash "0"
r_show_coronas "0"
Now how the fuck do I disable interpolation?
 Why Would You Disable Interpolation?
The one thing that quake needs is smooth enemy animation.
 Also, Thought I Should Elaborate
onetruepurple Registered, rated this a 2
I'm sorry, but I legitimately hated it.
The theme was not so much "wasted" as "completely misused", since getting constantly shot by z-aware zombies with projectiles rendered barely visible with the setting, while navigating the player *and* grenades is severely handicapped, with a radically limited number of medkits, is the epitome of bullshit.
Why Would You Disable Interpolation?
How the fuck is this even a question? Am I not allowed to have a preference?
 Take A Chill Pill Bill.
I was curious as to why anyone would disable a genuinely good feature. Ok, fine it's a preference. But still, isn't it distracting that it looks like a really poor stop motion animation?
 Meh To Much Hate
#24 posted by Orbs on 2013/12/19 17:18:12
that grenadelauncher almost becomes like a rl if you get used to the settings, you just have to aim slightly below the target Besides that, the crossbow is good to
 Otp Is An Angry Little Boy
#25 posted by negke on 2013/12/19 18:38:08
Did scampie interpolate his mom or something??