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Map Jam 6 : Fire And Brimstone Released!
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Shout out in PC Gamer mag:

Note : I heavily recommend the Quakespasm engine for this particular release. A level in the pack uses the 2BSP map format and another level will crash Fitzquake . Quakespasm is the only engine that had zero issues during testing!
Download Quakespasm :

Map jam 6 : Fire and Brimstone is a single player Quake level pack featuring 13 new fiendish single player levels for your enjoyment!

Thank you very much to all the mappers who took part in this event :

Adib Murad
EricW & Tronyn

Good luck and have fun! Remember to record a demo of yourself playing each level for the first time to help the mappers learn what worked and where people got stuck in their maps! (Optional of course)

Important Notice: <Daz> you should start a new game if you still have all your weapons and ammo when going back to the start map <3 ,3 sorry
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I played a few, here are my skill2 demos.



I fell through the floor on the right hand side at the bottom of your first set of stairs. I can record a demo if you want to see where, although I think you should be able to find it. 
First Three 
Adib: Great looking map, but too much lava death. I don't like the jump'n'run style gameplay in Quake. In this map it feels too much and somewhat unfair. Otherwise solid. Didn't finish it though.

Breezeep: Cool knave map, bit blocky here and there, but that works well with the textures. Just a solid map that was fun to play. Challenge was exactly right on hard.

Daz: Great map. Looks cool, has nice gameplay. Wasted the first quad though... but yeah. That's a given. Invites exploration by not blocking off parts where you can trick jump, although there's little payoff (or I didn't find it).

Working On My Impressions. 
I will be posting a document for any and all who want to know my option about each map later to download. I write too much to post here.

4 maps in although EricW & Tronyn... guys, seriously? That map was ridiculously huge beyond belief. I think I broke the map because I ended up attacking a lot of enemies looking the wrong way and got totally lost.

@czg - Yeah, I had a larger idea for the map but took sections out and added a few filler sections to connect between the areas I actually completed. It makes more sense in the larger context of my idea.

@Necros - The void actually broke after weeks of testing on the last build I sent Daz. It was a cooler concept where the lights illuminate as you move through it creating a horror vibe.

@skacky - Yeah, didn't think everyone would be a fan of that, but the level was far too short and it was a good way to tie all the odd assortment of ideas together.

In other words, I couldn't do what I wanted so I did a little bit of everything. 
Got stuck on adib's will retry with QS later. I think some platform did nto raise or something. Was locked on a tiny ledge over the lava in the third "shoot down the stone" area.

Breezeep: Absolutely solid knave map, can't think of any criticism.

Is That URL Intentional 
Kreathor : Wow you had a rough time! Looks like you didn't notice picking up the Silver Key after the roof top fight either, that definitely needed picking out much better! Hope you enjoyed it though :)

Sleepwalkr : I'll fuck my shit dude! That ambush is perhaps a bit cheap ;) The double KO at the end had me LOL'ing :) I'm happy you found one of the ways to get at the quad. There is another way that let's you get it much earlier! :)

Scampie : typical scampie demo! lol. You were playing normal though, not hard (get rekt noob). The biosuit secret seems to be a mixed bag. Definitely a secret that most people won't know what to do with until their second time through the map, so it's probably a failure in that regard. On the flip side maybe it will make people want to play it again? :)

Thanks for all the demos! Always interesting to watch! 
Yeah heard about that bug :( Very, very irritating! Wasn't there until the final compile. sigh!

I might do a bugfix release... or I might not! 
My file sizes are too big on the demos so I will release them individually as I get them. It might be preferable for people to download their own instead of everyone's at once.

Adib (Second play through after being squashed in the first room almost immediately & funny/interesting ending):



EricW & Tronyn:
It is somehow 316mb and I do incredibly well for about 30 seconds after the invisibility wears off when I jump back into the giant lake of lava because I suck. If you don't mind I will not post yours unless requested.

@Daz - I think I either watch too many of your videos or I did so well because I ran into issues on your map that my map also suffered from and I exploited the crap out of them. Either way I beat it first try after getting stuck at the beginning as per Spirit's gif. Also part of my map broke on last compile too. 
Zip Them, Works Wonders 
Dang You Are Right... :-p 
All four of the above for 18mb as a rar file: 
"Kreathor : Wow you had a rough time! Looks like you didn't notice picking up the Silver Key after the roof top fight either, that definitely needed picking out much better! Hope you enjoyed it though :)"

Map is good, problem is I'm a noob, lol ;D Still... I have finished it on Hard! *flexing muscles*
Yeah I've totally missed I got a key. This teleportation after battle was kinda confusing, and when realized I have a key I couldn't find the door ;D 
First Impressions: 
Adib: Nice little map. I found all 2 secrets!

Breezeed: Solid knave map. I enjoyed both the visuals and the gameplay. Found only 1 secret=(

Daz: Great! There were minor visual glitches mentioned before, but all the rest was very solid and stylish. I managed to accidently get the quad right after I killed all the monsters in the final battle=)

Ericw/Tronyn: Very impressive! Such a grand scale. I felt like a was playing an ant in the realm of giants.

Exhalzar: Pretty nice for a first map. Keep on mapping!

Matecha: Small but nice. There were some places where it was hard to maneuver tho.

Necros: Looks amazing but feels too empty for its scale to me. I would have places a lot more different monsters there, especially in outdoor area.

Rick: I love castle maps! Very good! But one question: There are nails, but where is the nailgun?

Scampie: omg that was awesome! Looks great, plays great and it's rubilavacon! 2/6 secrets found. 
Tronyn & Ericw 
If this ledge is one I'm thinking of, it will be deleted in a next version. It's a design flaw, you're not supposed to go there. Scampie did that too, because it actually draws attention.

Or maybe I change a few things to make it playable, part of the fiend fight nearby. Mmmm...

The only thing I did last night was playing Breezeep's and watching Scampie's demo. Need more time to watch everything, give feedback and torture you all with demos of me playing worse than a 10 year old.

@Scampie, thanks for the demo and feedback. It was a blast to see you try to figure what to do. You had the right amount of "dunno what to do" I was expecting for this level. The whole point here is to puzzle the player.

@Breezeep: Yours is a great solid Quake level. If it was in the original iD pak, would be praised as a classic. The original tr00 Quake done right. 
Also, I see you thought a floor button near a vore was a seal and tried to break it. It's my design fault, this level should never have a floor button (to be confused with something else), specially one that you accidentally push after teleport. 
Some of the secrets in my map require you to look closely at the walls or one of the bookshelves for anything that sticks out. 
The classic loose brick, sticky out book secrets, eh? How oldschool :D 
Multiday Affair 
Thanks to Daz for organizing this jam and all mappers who took part. I considered taking part too, but since I have some computer issues, I had to pass. (My laptop is in for repairs at the moment. Another computer I am using doesn't have enough GL support for the editors I might have wanted to use.)

So far I've played Adib's, Breezeep's, Daz's and Eric & Tronyn's maps, in alphabetical order. The last one took only about 37 minutes to cpmlete on my third demo, so I think this is enough for today. I have demos for all my playthroughs or attempts, but I will upload them in one batch later.

So, I shall continue tomorrow with Exhelzar's map. I'm avoiding spoilers until then. I've only watched Daz's earlier mapping streams and a tiny bit of Ionous's so I essentially am playing them mostly blindly too.

Fortunately this computer is at least good enough to run Quakespasm and E&T's huge map at decent speed. I might look at those editor issues too, if I have the time. Or I might get my laptop back and not have to worry about this anymore.

Amazing work everyone! I've enjoyed every map so far. 
Thoughts And Demos 1... More To Come. 
Demos for those mentioned below:


Nice oldskool map design. Brushwork could be a bit more detailed, but considering the amount of time you had it's an awesome job.

Where the ogre bridge is, you could have closed the gate behind the player for extra challenge. The part after was frustrating, because it leads the player to waste all his ammo (like I did) on the hell-knights. It also nullifies their melee attacks. If you want to use them as snipers they're better close. A solution to this could be to make the lava pillars larger, so you don't encounter the hellknights until you're on top of them.

Of the maps that I played so far, this is the only map I didn't die in (at normal skill). I felt you could have teleported some more mobs in at various places in the map after collection of the blue key. Even without any changes it's a really really solid map. Great job.


Really really nice style. Hellish without tonnes of lava.

Really good difficulty balance on normal (didn't play other difficulties). I felt the underwater button should have been shootable, that's just me nitpicky. The zombies don't pose much of a challenge in that area either as they don't target you whilst you're underwater.

I don't know how I derped an missed the door after killing the vore. The ogre room was perfect, I wasn't expecting it and led to my subsequent death. I didn't play beyond this because I didn't really feel like anything else needed to be said, great map man.

Ericw & Tronyn:

What can I say other than this map is really really unforgiving. I really don't know whether I'm supposed to pick off the map room by room or just speed run it. This map isn't really to my taste, I think my old man skills aren't up to scratch either. I gave it a go. I included a demo of one of my many attempts.


What an amazing map. Really good diffoculty on normal. I felt sufficiently challenged. Ammo pickups were just enough, I would have hated to have had any less. Visually this map was quite stunning. Excellent lighting. Great architecture, nice touches in th floors and ceiling (although I kind of thought that the yellow armour pit somehow didn't fit the style, maybe it was a touch cramped). Really good execution. Suprise shambler was... Difficult, but I always felt like I could "win", up until I died :)

Great job.


Great styling, and really well lit. I love the columnar bassalt styled rocks. Difficulty was pretty spot on for this one. I'm really glad you added the shortcut buttons. Saved quite a bit of travel time. Nothing really to say other than, enjoy watching me fail :)


Excellent job, visually excellent. Such a shame you can't have falling lava. I felt that ammo was a touch scarce, which was the reason for my demise in one of my attempts as I couldn't shoot the rock shard required to progress :(

Mob placement was perfect, the scrags at the start, vores were perfectly frustrating, as were the zombies (I wore a grenade to the face thanks to these bastards). The shambler makes you panic if you jump to the RL before aggroing him. One criticism would be the falling rocks are frustrating to jump off / land in a stable manner. I felt that a flat top or some kind of clip texture (not sure if this is possible) would help with this. Unless this was planned to frustrate the player in which case, great job =P

I really want to play this map with a mod that allows sinking lava now. 
In your first level you already got visual consistency. Feels like you're comfortable with the theme. Still looks very boxy, but promising: pretty path thru lava in the first room, good texture choices overall, and the masterpiece: that graveyard's fence and gate. I see you didn't force the player to visit the graveyard, you can finish the level without even see it, which is a shame. A design decision up for debate. By all means, keep it up. 
Thanks, man :)

You're right about the rocks. If you noticed, the one at scrags' room has a little step to make it easy to climb. I should work on the other ones too. There's no gameplay reason to keep them unstable.

I didn't give up on raising lava filling one last room yet. But you said "sinking lava" and that's a good idea as well. A room that raises, simulating the lava sinking, revealing enemies and passages. 
I thought you wanted the main room to have sinking lava as you progressed over the jumps and shot the rocks. 
"I thought you wanted the main room to have sinking lava as you progressed over the jumps and shot the rocks. "

Ohhh that would be cool! 
Haven't Played Yet 
But is it safe to say this jam is the best jam since Mrs Beeton's strawberry jam? 
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