Thoughts And Demos 1... More To Come.
Demos for those mentioned below:
Nice oldskool map design. Brushwork could be a bit more detailed, but considering the amount of time you had it's an awesome job.
Where the ogre bridge is, you could have closed the gate behind the player for extra challenge. The part after was frustrating, because it leads the player to waste all his ammo (like I did) on the hell-knights. It also nullifies their melee attacks. If you want to use them as snipers they're better close. A solution to this could be to make the lava pillars larger, so you don't encounter the hellknights until you're on top of them.
Of the maps that I played so far, this is the only map I didn't die in (at normal skill). I felt you could have teleported some more mobs in at various places in the map after collection of the blue key. Even without any changes it's a really really solid map. Great job.
Really really nice style. Hellish without tonnes of lava.
Really good difficulty balance on normal (didn't play other difficulties). I felt the underwater button should have been shootable, that's just me nitpicky. The zombies don't pose much of a challenge in that area either as they don't target you whilst you're underwater.
I don't know how I derped an missed the door after killing the vore. The ogre room was perfect, I wasn't expecting it and led to my subsequent death. I didn't play beyond this because I didn't really feel like anything else needed to be said, great map man.
Ericw & Tronyn:
What can I say other than this map is really really unforgiving. I really don't know whether I'm supposed to pick off the map room by room or just speed run it. This map isn't really to my taste, I think my old man skills aren't up to scratch either. I gave it a go. I included a demo of one of my many attempts.
What an amazing map. Really good diffoculty on normal. I felt sufficiently challenged. Ammo pickups were just enough, I would have hated to have had any less. Visually this map was quite stunning. Excellent lighting. Great architecture, nice touches in th floors and ceiling (although I kind of thought that the yellow armour pit somehow didn't fit the style, maybe it was a touch cramped). Really good execution. Suprise shambler was... Difficult, but I always felt like I could "win", up until I died :)
Great job.
Great styling, and really well lit. I love the columnar bassalt styled rocks. Difficulty was pretty spot on for this one. I'm really glad you added the shortcut buttons. Saved quite a bit of travel time. Nothing really to say other than, enjoy watching me fail :)
Excellent job, visually excellent. Such a shame you can't have falling lava. I felt that ammo was a touch scarce, which was the reason for my demise in one of my attempts as I couldn't shoot the rock shard required to progress :(
Mob placement was perfect, the scrags at the start, vores were perfectly frustrating, as were the zombies (I wore a grenade to the face thanks to these bastards). The shambler makes you panic if you jump to the RL before aggroing him. One criticism would be the falling rocks are frustrating to jump off / land in a stable manner. I felt that a flat top or some kind of clip texture (not sure if this is possible) would help with this. Unless this was planned to frustrate the player in which case, great job =P
I really want to play this map with a mod that allows sinking lava now.