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SM177 - Escher
We again held a speedmapping event! Was chosen the theme "Escher", which is offered by Shamblernaut. And today we have four completely different looking at it maps from the mappers Cocerello (requires Quoth), digs, Doomer (who will add the engine/mod requirements to his post next time :P) and Shamblernaut (requires Quakespasm).

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Played SM177_digs Upon Release... 
...and it was hilarious. Classic digs style, looking around had my head spinning, and top interpretation of the theme. Will try the rest soon. 
And The Rest. 
COCE - couldn't get through.

Doomer - quite cool, classic speedmap style.

Shamblernaut - what the what the fucking what what?! I had no idea what was triggering teleporting to a new incarnation of the structure and eventually I stumbled across what looked like an exit and then a Fiend killed me. Fits the theme well tho! 
>>> COCE - couldn't get through.

I was able to run a Coce's map in standard Quake. But in the Quoth I get crash.

>>> Doomer - quite cool, classic speedmap style.

Thanks :) 
Fun Stuff 
Played the pack...all on skill 1.

Shamblernaut - Very odd! The use of teleporters and the skybox had me pretty confused but I eventually ended up at the exit!

Doomer - Appropriate title to say the least, Enjoyed it but you can trigger the exit through the bars at the start

Digs - I would say I enjoyed this map the most. Instant "Escher" feel and used well throughout.

Coce - Unique idea and liked (I think?) the fact of random weapon spawns on load. Either way, the dogs at the very start is a bit daunting to push through however.

Nice job guys, I'll try to attend an event next time! 
Only Played Digs' Map So Far 
Classic digs, kinda reminded me of The Anomaly, particularly the "water-lift". Really enjoyable vertical level design and gameplay, nice to have a couple of powerups to play around with as well. Short and sweet.

skill 3 demo 
Both Doomer and Digs maps worked here, haven't tried the others yet. I've almost finished Digs' map and got halfway through Doomer's map, will play again soon.

Very short video: 
I was pretty much testing out a concept to see if it would be playable. Turns out it isn't.

A mod would be great for this, it would allow for walking seemlessly on walls, would allow you to place monsters on the walls and to be able to see them when you look down, etc. It would also allow for a slower transition, which I think would help reduce the disorientation that the map induces.

@Bloughsburgh the skybox was supposed to help you keep your bearings.

@Shambler the striped floor textures were supposed to be a cue of where you can jump / fall off. The problem is I made the triggers too narrow, so if you run off the platform you actually miss the trigger. 
Oops :( It is not good. But I not going to fix it now, because we have released pack. Later maybe publich the fixed version on my personal website.

In future I will be take more time for testing triggers. 
Digs map was most enjoyable for me. I was afraid of nasty manipulations of teleporter exit angles, but it was only for Escher looks.

Doomer. Enjoyable, though curved staircases was too thin imho.

Shamblernaut. Well it looked Escher alright. Downside is that I had no idea what am I doing.
For me it was hard to understand because there was no clear goal and thus no way of telling if I'm progressing towards it or in a limbo between 2 teleporters.
At one point I thought I figured it out and tried to use audible teles, thinking it is the right ones and all other is silent.
Finished the level by accident.

Didn't play Cocerello's map because of quoth 8( sorry.

3 hard demos here 
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