#51 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/12/05 20:17:02
I remember there was a bug in my map when smoke was directed horisontaly, try angles -90 0 0 or 90 0 0
#52 posted by muk on 2016/12/05 20:18:27
If you very seriously want the exact id1/progs/shambler.mdl skin:
youll have to edit the textures in ad/progs/shambler.mdl.
#53 posted by mjb on 2016/12/05 20:25:17
90 -90 0 got what I wanted...and then vice versa for the other way.
Sorry, I thought I tried that already but nope. Sometimes I just need someone to directly point at the obvious.
But thanks, this was rather integral for a gimmick in my map.
 Surely I Want~
#54 posted by Newhouse on 2016/12/05 20:26:19
 Smoking Gun
#55 posted by mjb on 2016/12/05 20:53:36
Do want to point out that misc_smoke abides by the angles rule but only when using the angle (No s) key. This is probably not the intention but that's what is working.
 Double Smoke
#56 posted by mjb on 2016/12/05 21:46:17
Been looking at stuff for too long.
Mr. Sock himself helped clear the room of thick air so thank you sir.
I got it, now I shouldn't run into this issue again.
angles 180 0 0 or 270 0 0 and so on.
you can also use info_target to be the pointer for the smoke. Never used info_target before but the name is rather appropriate.
 Twitch Stream Going On
 Ad_magna, Skill 2 Demos Aka Get Rekt
#58 posted by path0gen on 2016/12/06 00:14:28
The vores that spawn vorelings are my favorite enemies in the mod <3
Apologies for the size of the demos, but I need pretty particle effects in my life.
#59 posted by Qmaster on 2016/12/06 01:10:50
So excited! Can't wait to play when I have time.
 I Know That You Want Demos Of The New Maps Of Ad 1.5, But...
#60 posted by topher on 2016/12/06 02:44:00
 From The Header Post
#61 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/12/06 10:09:42
Stone Gargoyle --- 50% --- --- 120 240
Stone Gargoyles don't have ammo resistance.
 The Most Epic And Polished Quake Has Ever Been...
#62 posted by Kinn on 2016/12/06 14:01:21
3 maps played so far: azad, tfuma and magna, but yeah we should feel amazingly privileged that Quake is getting this much love poured into it (and I'm sure we do!)
 First Time Ever Posting Here! Here's My Play Of Terror Fuma.
#63 posted by offline on 2016/12/06 14:11:21
Amazing update for an already amazing mod! Can't wait to play through the other maps aswell!
The silent long play of Terror Fuma...
[49:28] https://youtu.be/KoM9S0I_ZCo
Thank you for the excelent mod!
AD_Magma is driving me crazy.
I have 358 / 384 mobs
15 / 25 secrets (one of which I rocket jumped to before discovering the "proper" path.
I have no idea where the green serpent runekey is supposed to be used. It's driving me crazy.
oh, in 141:23 including my massive (and unsuccessful) secret hunt at the end.
#66 posted by Kinn on 2016/12/06 16:33:08
That new Scrag Boss is the fucking coolest and Quakest looking addition since Quake itself. That pisses all over 95% of custom additions for sheer style, quality and aesthetics.
Just found that chap now. I think one of Lunaran's creations from that project he teased waaaayyy back?
 That Fucking Green Runekey. Tell Me About It.
#67 posted by Shambler on 2016/12/06 16:38:34
 It Opens A Green Runekey Door.
#68 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/12/06 17:16:34
#69 posted by anonymous user on 2016/12/06 17:22:18
Boss Scrag model and animations are from Lunaran (Zombie Knights were too), but it's code is completely different in AD than it was in Lun's project.
 Serpent Runekey Door
#70 posted by Ionous at work on 2016/12/06 18:52:53
Is accessed via the same underground area where the key is. That gives you two rooms and a hallway to search.
 That Fucking Green Runekey Door.
#71 posted by Shambler on 2016/12/06 18:53:13
Up to 21/25 in....errrr.....3:15 hours. Only 7/25 during actual gameplay. The only thing I'm aware of I haven't got in is the "Opens from the other side" door in the lower swamp. One of the alcoves has an unlit torch but I can't get it to do anything.
As for the map, spectacular design, unbalanced gameplay. Early traps and later spawners needed more testing. I went from running around with 6 HP to having 2 YAs in a row, from passing 6 health pots to axing a Shambler with 20hp. The boss arena I couldn't make myself finish in one session and had to come back to it. The exploration on the upper areas was cool and the exploding room was brilliant especially as I'd just tossed a couple of Gs in there to get rid of wizards and did not expect THAT much destruction.
Now that fucking door....
 Ionous, Pulsar
in ad_magna I found a thing where grenades fall through the geometry, it's where the floor thing collapses.
a demo of said bug
#73 posted by Ionous at work on 2016/12/06 19:31:31
Is in that small room with the locked door. And requires no special triggers to find...
 My Ad-magna Run + Swampy Question
#74 posted by johnxmas on 2016/12/06 19:50:18
218:46 22/25 250/251.
Pheew! Let's Quake on sunday (aand monday!). What an epic adventure. This is no map. It's a maze! a full adventure GAME! Found the 'Serpent' Key quickly, but took me 2 more hours to finally access it! Thank you for this amazing puzzle experience. Final battle was to hard for me even on easy, until I found my way to the rafters... Gosh. Many deaths and quickloads but no demo, sorry. Believe me: I bow down to this magnum gift. Emotion and tears rush to my eyes facing how vivid and fresh the 'old' Q1 is still today thanks to the incredible creativity and patience of master mappers like you guys. PuLSaR and Ionous (love your dane), I give you my hottest burning Quake hug!
Last time I was sweaty like this after a Quake run was in Swampy!
And about Swampy I wonder if the last door to exit (4 runes found) is fixed in AD 1.5 on easy. In AD, I had to noclip my way through it to access the final slipgate.
#75 posted by Shambler on 2016/12/06 20:07:02
Cheers Ionous At Work. A rare secret that isn't a ledge jump or a button (I thought that was the theme of the secrets).
205:00 24/25 488/488 and that's enough for now. Will go back and do a skill 1 run at some point.