Vondur Always Knows Best!
#1 posted by
negke on 2017/12/23 09:47:55
Thanks for running/keeping this alive. A relic for the relics!

Happy Birthday Func & Metl!
#2 posted by
bal on 2017/12/23 10:23:54

Thanks For Running This Forum
#4 posted by
SavageX on 2017/12/23 10:55:01
I'm quite new here but my interactions on this forum have been nothing but enjoyable and helpful so far. Thanks for keeping this place running!

Awesome Metl!
#5 posted by
Shambler on 2017/12/23 11:31:12
I wanna put all the icons in my post!
Thanks for running a great resource and being part of keeping a fun gaming scene going :)

#6 posted by
Spud on 2017/12/23 11:54:54
You call a couple years quite new? Man, 'joined five months ago' is the embryonic stage, then. As someone who joined the party really, really late, those fifteen years of posts have proved absolutely invaluable for the learning process of mapping, to the point where the easiest way to find info on a topic seems to be just Googling "<topic> site:celephais.net" or "func_msgboard +<topic>".
Here's to you lot for being a fantastic resource of maps, mods and information, and continuing to be such for the foreseeable future.

#7 posted by
DaZ on 2017/12/23 12:49:48
Thanks metl for keeping the old girl runnin' all this time :)

Happy Birthday!
#9 posted by Adam on 2017/12/23 13:01:04
Ditto title
#10 posted by
- on 2017/12/23 13:15:00
I say we go back to Qmap or Qboard, and have Peej n Frib post some news.

#11 posted by
johnxmas on 2017/12/23 13:53:13
Thank you for this unfailing presence. A daily fix of Func (sometimes more, obviously) is required for the well being of my Q-cells.
#12 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/12/23 13:54:23
Pretty neat. Here's to another 15!

Happy Birthday Func
I'm really glad I met all you jerk func_ers. Let's hope we get another 15 out of the ol' gal.

Thanks metlslime and everyone else for running this community.

GG, Func!
#15 posted by
generic on 2017/12/23 16:12:30
Congrats, Metlslime!
Cheers, Everyone!

#16 posted by
RickyT33 on 2017/12/23 16:46:26
I have so many maps to finish, and too much NS2 these days lol...
But I might find the energy soon ;)
#17 posted by
Trinca on 2017/12/23 17:17:01
Happy birthday, Thx for keeping it alive all of you
#19 posted by
scar3crow on 2017/12/23 19:13:19
Thanks for making sure the site was set to trigger_multiple and not trigger_once, metl!

#21 posted by MFX on 2017/12/23 19:20:36
Happy Birthday!
Now GO MAP!!!

Thanks Metl
#23 posted by
ionous on 2017/12/23 20:10:32
For keeping func_msgboard running. And the cool Dead Space 2 sequences. You made a crate area terrifying.
#24 posted by
Joel B on 2017/12/23 20:17:03
Happy birthday Func and a big thanks to everyone who makes new stuff or posts interesting things or just hangs out and adds to the atmosphere. :-)

X2 What JohnnyLaw Posted ^^^
He summed it up perfectly, Thank you all.