#1 posted by
khreathor on 2018/08/20 01:18:57
Damn, that's a long deadline. It would be a shame to not make anything for this.

It Is
#2 posted by
ionous on 2018/08/20 01:24:11
But I know I needed every day on last year's entry. Ideally I'd like to get the pack out at the beginning of December, so I'd like to avoid any extensions if possible.
#3 posted by
Mugwump on 2018/08/20 02:06:59
Does everything need to be contained within 1024³ or are we talking playable space?

Both Are Acceptable
#4 posted by Ionous @ naptime on 2018/08/20 02:19:01
Whatever strikes your creativity. If it’s crying out for vertical, unreachable spaces, go for it.
#5 posted by
Mugwump on 2018/08/20 03:27:13
vertical, unreachable spaces
That's not what I had in mind (more like mechanisms hidden from view) but you just sparked inspiration for a cool design idea. Thanks!
#6 posted by
Shambler on 2018/08/20 11:21:34
I find that the size limitation helps to rein in the scope of a mapper's ambition, and increase the chance of something actually being completed.
But I know I needed every day on last year's entry.
#7 posted by
jcr on 2018/08/20 15:18:15
Oh boy, can't wait to stall until Nov 28 to start something good for this!

The Work Begins
#9 posted by
ionous on 2018/08/20 20:33:49
Starts in twenty-five minutes.

Results Of Today's Morning Stream
#10 posted by
ionous on 2018/08/20 23:17:43

The Torment Continues
#11 posted by
ionous on 2018/08/21 23:17:42
Starts in about fifteen minutes.

#12 posted by
Strideh on 2018/08/22 16:44:15
Howdy! This sounds like a fun way to get into Quake mapping, although there's a few things about AD I still need to work out. Where's the best place to ask minor questions around here?

OTP is right and you can also ask in the
AD thread or use the search function here. The AD documentation is pretty thorough as well.
The AD map sources help too although they get pretty crazy compared to id1 maps.

Warm Welcome
#16 posted by
Strideh on 2018/08/23 07:30:44
Thanks! Discord seems like the place to be. I'll check it out.

#17 posted by
negke on 2018/09/08 10:19:49
Very slow progress, on the weekends only... For some reason I find it to be very hard to create a tightly-packed layout/route as I go along. Trying to not let any space go to waste. Hoping for a somewhat intricate micro-layout this time, like a full map condensed to 1024.
#18 posted by
negke on 2018/09/08 10:20:50
Cheers for the ionousbler streams and still hoping for a Bal mapping stream btw.

Lol You Gonna Name The Map 1024gington?

#20 posted by
negke on 2018/09/09 14:52:36
I did want to make a underwater jam map and call it Submergington!

You Should Have, The Pun Works Well

One Month Left
#22 posted by
ionous on 2018/11/05 22:10:52
Just a reminder to those who are participating, or are considering doing so.
If you'e never tried making a 1024 map before, it's a good mapping exercise, keeping everything contained within a specific space.

Not Sure I'm Going To Make It In Time
#23 posted by
negke on 2018/11/10 10:38:10
So the usual.
Definitely going to finish the map, though.

Oh Well
#24 posted by Ionous @ work on 2018/11/10 18:47:32
Not entirely unexpected given the ultra-intricate nature of the map. Oh well. I do look forward to seeing the finished version at some point.

Work Continues On My Second 1024 Map
#25 posted by
ionous on 2018/11/17 22:13:35